- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I was actually thinking about that prior to responding to minitiger. A lot of us here are “seed rich” and there are people who aren’t on the forums who actually would be interested in popping seeds - any seeds they can get their hands on really. Most of us here seem to be overloaded with options, but that’s not the reality for everyone. Good point.

Well of course haha. Still - it’s a high quality cross that was extremely limited. But ya, I knew if I started a wiki or posted in the free seed thread people would have bit.


Also here’s a low quality shot of F single stemmed - looking much better than the hacked back rootbound mom. A few weeks behind but seems promising to me.

And chem 91 looking close to done. I think tomorrow will be day 81 or 82. Could probably go longer but leaves and calyxes seem like they’re about to start degrading a bit.


I’ve watched this thread for a long time because a SSDD and TK cross sounds like a perfect blend. The plants are beautiful and I’d love to have some seeds, but didn’t ask, because I realistically wouldn’t grow them for years. Rather someone else get some or you just not have to package and spend money sending me seeds that won’t see soil.


I cloned the six Triple Sunshine x SSDD. Everyone looks good and healthy. I’ll flip to 12/12 as soon as the clones root.


Oh nice. Since we’re here with those … they are looking similar. That middle one in the back row sort of looks most similar to mine right now. Mines perhaps a little branchier but pretty similar. I did bend a top too far and it’s a little broken. So if you see that, don’t mind it. It’ll be okay.

Really admire your work around these lines, my friend. I don’t want to fan too hard, but I really appreciate you doing the work.


Your plant looks super healthy.

When are you planning on flowering it out?


Thanks. Yours look really great too. Sorry I didn’t say that before. I’m thinking another 3-4 weeks on her. Will take clones and it’ll be moved to either a 7 or 15 gallon pot in 2 weeks


Appreciate you being considerate. Doesn’t really bother me if people who have been following this thread sit on seeds because you never know in life. If you ever get the itch to pop any though you can always reach out though.

Awesome, everything is looking good! Some of those leaves are wider than I would have expected, assuming that’s coming from the ssdd dad.

Your plants look great too! There is no work taking place just pollen chucking and documenting - you guys are doing more work by actually germinating them haha. Doesn’t feel right that I’m not participating as well, but the incoming clones took priority. Slowly trying to work towards seeds again. I took the first step at least by popping a few TS F2s!

I’ve been meaning to ask if you have any experience growing outdoors here? Wondering specifically when you can expect the plants to start flowering naturally. Late August / September?

I’ve never actually flowered a cannabis plant outdoors before so I’m pretty excited - even if it results in crop failure due to pm / botrytis / caterpillars or whatever else.


I’m really excited to see you grow these. Thanks for the kind words.

As far as outdoor experience, I’ve only got a little. I’ve done a few plants outside two seasons and both times I saw them start to flower mid july. I want to say I noted one 7/18-7/25 as the start if my memory serves correctly. I don’t think I marked when they shifted the first year. I can ask my buddy who does outdoor every year though. I don’t know if I’ll end up with any outside this year because of location but I do really want to.


Yeah, I was expecting to see a lot more as well. Oh well, those who know, know :wink: Thinking about popping a few more, running low on my BB muffin


That is definitely not something to sleep on. SSDD is one strain not to be overlooked. I have never grown any of Holy’s ssdd but I have read enough on here to know he is very knowledgeable about ssdd.

I still have a few f1 plants from my original pack. I made f2s years ago and would love to get some pollen to make more. If anyone has access to some pollen in the future, please keep me in mind.


Yeah I had 3 packs of @HolyAngel bx1. Gave away the pack I got for free and I think I still have 2 that I bought from a fundraiser with those Mothers Milk crosses from @monkeyman

They have been top of my list for a minute, but then I’ll get a couple clones of something I wanna try and it gets moved back a grow. I think they will actually get grown this year because I want some nerve pain relief for my back.


Yeah I think I’ve given out around 200 packs of the SSDD F2 BX1. I still have a few hundred beans left easy. Think maybe ~10 people have grown some out :sweat_smile:

To be fair though, my very first giveaway, someone pm’d me and told me not to expect anyone to grow anything I might give out. Be lucky if a few do. Not against me specifically but just in general. That’s just how it goes. Especially here where most of us are swimming in seeds. So I always kept that in mind. Like was said before here, those that know, know, those that don’t… maybe they find out later idk :man_shrugging: :joy:
So my bean sharing goal has never been to see them grown out or anything. It’s just to get the genetics spread out there so the work done and the cuts found aren’t lost forever.


Well on the topic of community seeds - if anyone who was supposed to get seeds dosen’t get their card by the end of the week let me know and I’ll resend. Hard for me to individually keep track of who got theirs and who didn’t… All bird seed cards were sent out last week though.

I think that’s a good way to approach it as well.

I think @TeddyNuggets may have a lone SSDD F1 male. May be worth keeping an eye on his thread, even though he will probably post about it in here too (fine by me).


Nice, that gives me hope at least. I may even just do males outside this year and then harvest branches to collect the pollen inside… I do intend to exercise my freedom this year though, even if it’s only vegetative matter haha.


Well on the topic of community seeds - if anyone who was supposed to get seeds dosen’t get their card by the end of the week let me know and I’ll resend. Hard for me to individually keep track of who got theirs and who didn’t… All bird seed cards were sent out last week though.

I think that’s a good way to approach it as well.

I’m confident that mine will arrive this week, and you can be assured that I will be putting some in the dirt upon arrival. Thanks to both of you for spreading such great genetics within the community.


Anyone who’s run C91 before think she looks about ready? Pretty sure we’re either on day 81 or 82 right now - wondering if she’s good to pull tomorrow morning.

some Triple Sunshine F shots too. Looking nice in person and smelling pretty good. Not ultra intense or anything but does have a clear odor to it. Nice levels of frost as well.


Chem 91 - Day 83

TS - F

VN F3?


Don’t think I’ve seen trichomes in a nanner like that before. Excellent shots. Looking perfectly ready to me


Thanks! I think they are grains of pollen but I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong to anyone reading this.


That would make sense. They looked super uniform in color and shape but I guess I just didn’t think about it hard enough hah you’re probably right