- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Yeah, I was gonna say,”Even the nanners are crystal-coated!” haha, but you’re probably right, syzygy. I blew that pick up and whatever those are definitely don’t look like trichs.

She still looks good, though. Easy trim, if nothing else haha…


It could possibly be because of the way the light is refracting off of the pale green nanner, as opposed to the way it refracts off of darker-green leaves, but I don’t see any stalks, so… Yeah, probably pollen haha.

So annoying…


I’m pretty confident I am but I’m always open to learning that I’m wrong.

Here’s my old goji male from 2020-2021~ with the same look.

The grains do have a size difference in blue vs red here so I wouldn’t rule out the possibility. Maybe someone here knows and can help us all learn.


I’m pretty sure they’re bulbous trichomes. The pollen grains are super tiny.


That’s the only thing I was thinking; even though I’ve never done any breeding, I’ve read a lot about it. Whatever those things are on that nanner haha, they look a lot bigger (and different) than pollen.


Man…your C91 looks great! Like how a well grown example should look like (except the nanner, eff that nanner!)



If I could express my joy and gratitude upon opening this🥰 I am deeply thankful for the generosity, and they have already begun the exploration process 🫶🏼


Awesome, thanks for letting me know it arrived safely. I didn’t do a germ test on anything (other than TS F2s) so hopefully they pop OK. Figured it would be better to just send them with such a limited quantity. Can’t wait to see what comes of the TK x TS E/H - I plan on popping my 4 when I have a bit more space opened up.

So I think with you reporting in I believe that’s everyone (other than someone from RIU) that has confirmed arrival from the first round. Allows me to go to the next & probably final batch. If I am forgetting anyone and you didn’t receive a card by the end of the week let me know and I’ll resend.

I want to get my seed stuff put away and the seeds into the fridge so I made flips until I had the amount of seeds I’m going to be comfortable with in storage for myself. That leaves me with :

Edit : 5 coin flips of SSDD x TS E & H
5 coin flips of TS x TS E & H

If you’ve been following this thread and want a coin flip to sit on or do whatever with let me know which one you want ( TS F2 or SSDD x TS). In a few days I will probably offer them out in the B thread to those who are willing to grow some. Rather get them out to people who participate here first though. SSDD x TS E cannot be remade as the mother is retired. TS A x TS E & H cannot be remade as the H male is dead. I may possibly make more TS A x TS E at some point this summer - maybe not though.

Conditions for this thread are that you have either commented or liked anyone’s post in this thread prior to this offer.

Amen… I share the same feelings towards that nanner haha… Also I did chop down the chem @ day 83 shortly after posting the pictures.


SSDD x TS sounds very interesting. Can I participate? By winter, I would be able to pop them.

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Of course, msg me info whenever and a card will get made up.


Your chem91 looks better than mine turned out hah. Its interesting yours had a lot of nanners and mine didnt - all the fans on mine were crispy brown and it was obviously starved for the last 3 weeks. Makes me wonder if the extra nutrients were the culprit, or higher intensity light… I maxed at 750 this grow. I took mine at day 75, still a few white hairs but it was the last day I could before a trip.


Yeah, there were quite a few stresses so I’m not sure what the culprit is. Could be high levels of fertility. Could also be the high light levels, the cold night temperatures or a combination of the 3. I haven’t seen any intersex issues on anything else from that run(other than the lone late lav jack nanner). TS A , G & F were all stable. Zero nanners on the bubba kush, tk, or pinesoul that I could see. Irene appears clean as well.


She’s done, Jim.


If there’s any chance these are still available, I would love to grow the SSDD x TS!

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Pinesoul thoughts :

Initial clear headed buzz

30 minutes later heavier narcotic effects set in

primary effects : tired, spacey head space, relaxing

A little over 1 hour later the effects start to gradually fade out.

Total duration is around 1.5 hours.

I think the spacey head high component is stronger than my Goji OG mom that I made F2s with, but not as strong as my Goji #4 pheno. I didn’t find the same uplifting effects (for me) that was present in my Goji OG mom. The effects were actually more narcotic than I was expecting, as opposed to my favorite Goji OG phenos that I found. The smell intensity was pretty similar in the dried flowers but the Pinesoul has a stronger flavor and smell when vaporized.

Now that I think about it while writing this review he did say in his release notes "super narco high of the snowlotus. " so I guess it’s not surprising. I just always assumed it brought a more “sativa” element to the crosses - not sure where I got that idea from.

To me it reinforces the perspective that we all have different preferences, as well as the desire to find plants that line up with those individual preferences. It also reflects well on Bodhi, with a little bit of searching quality plants can be found that are on the same level as what are passed off as elites. To me I think it would probably be more fun going through F2s or one of Bodhi’s goji crosses if I were to explore Goji again. Honestly though, I don’t know if I’m going to want to go through any Snow Lotus crosses again (including my own Goji F2s). I feel like I’ve given it enough chances and I prefer his other males more (ssdd, w15). It’s not bad herb, just isn’t for me.


That’s a good way to look at it. Because I was gonna say,”Sounds like that Pinesoul fucking sucks…” haha.

I forgot about that, too, so thank you for refreshing my memory. I’m trying to think of any of the Snow Lotus crosses that I’ve grown that had a full-on “heavy” effect, but I can’t think of one right now.

Live and learn. Or grow and learn. Whatever.

It’s all a journey… haha.


Haha no, It really doesn’t suck, but it’s also not what I’m looking for. My Goji #4 was ultra potent and not what I was looking for either. Similarly with my Triple Sunshine C as well. The high to me felt more complex than the Lav Jack and I’d say it had a stronger head high as well.


Mhm, yeah, isn’t that interesting? It’s like this constant search for shit that satisfies us.

In any event, I will not be growing that Pinesoul clone haha!

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I like “simple” highs when it comes to weed, where I’m just like,”Fuck yes… Let’s crank some tunes and cook something delicious…” haha.


For sure. I kind of already found the effects I was looking for in both TK & TSA (maybe chem or irene too? remains to be seen). Will still explore just for fun to keep things interesting. I try to be cautious when I write that I don’t like something because I don’t want it to read like a negative review. I imagine it coming across like someone leaving a 1 star google rating on a coffee shop because they don’t like coffee. Not very helpful…

I’d say all 4 of the clones I’ve sampled are nice plants that are capable of producing quality smoke. Out of the 4 that I’ve tried so far I gravitate towards the TK as my preference, but that doesn’t mean the other 3 are low quality or anything like that. Pretty interested in trying LJ harvested a bit earlier. That was my biggest disappointment with failing the reveg on the Sativa lav jack : I wanted to see if effects would turn out more appealing if I pulled it without so much amber.

Depends what you’re looking for!


I fucking hate it when you say shit like that, dude haha. And that is not the first time you’ve said something along those lines. Only an asshole would be like,”Oh, syzygy didn’t like it??? Well, fuck him then!!” Just write what you wanna write, who cares how other people take it?

Then hang onto them. I’m kicking myself right now for not taking a cut of that #3 Cheese Haze from Holy, still trying to decide if it maybe might be my favorite weed ever haha, but if it isn’t, it’s gawddamn close. It’s one of the few things I’ve ever grown where I’m like,”Ohhh, okay… I get it. I understand what ‘keeper’ means now…” haha.

If the TK and the TSA works for you, keep them around.

Anyway… I’m hammered. Sorry if I’m rambling.