- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Lots of people say SL is sativa. My experience is the opposite. :man_shrugging:

You might give the LJ another shot with more nutrition in the soil to start, or control the gnats and water it fully so the soil biology flourishes. LJ turns out way different when it has more food. They all do.

I mention that because your run at day 19 was already showing interveinal chlorosis:

And 4 days later looking fairly light:

I’m not trying to impugn your character or growing ability, but I mention this to highlight from my own experience that it might not be the best idea to judge plants on a run that had issues from the get go. My own problems have taught me to reserve judgment until plants have had a better run. I find flower can be night and day different from a mediocre run and an excellent one. Sometimes they seem like completely different plants.

Just a suggestion.

:peace_symbol: :sun_with_face:


I mean, I’ve sampled a good portion of these and I pretty much agree with his whole assessment so far, despite the possible issues :man_shrugging:
The lav jack is good, there’s just no Jack Herer high in there to speak of. It’s all Wookie IMO. I also didn’t find it to be super potent or anything. Definitely not mids, but, nothing better than anything else I’ve seen from Bodhi’s beans.

I’m not surprised the Pinesoul might have stronger effects. Also not surprised to hear how those effects are. Almost made me think NN selected that cut too :rofl: but then realized no, I’m pretty positive Bodhi picked that one out :joy: But those effects are why I also have traded out all of my Snow Lotus crosses save for the Love Triangle(TK x SL) and Blue Tara work. I actually might have a GG4 x SL and a Grape pie x SL left in the fridge somewhere according to my spreadsheet :thinking: but yeah :joy:

That being said, nutrition can definitely make or break a plant. Like that 9lb hammer guy always said, don’t grow it right, it might come out as only a 2lb hammer :joy: TK can be like that. If she comes out predominantly rubber, you have fucked up now, and she won’t be near as good as if she’s done right.


Makes you wonder how many good cuts were tossed cause they weren’t dialed in on the first run lol


I’m guilty of this already. Shame Shame lol


You’re misinterpreting me though. I don’t like it but I don’t think it’s low quality or bad. I didn’t like Chem 91 x SSDD and I thought that would generally be considered low quality. I know people locally who will really enjoy smoking pinesoul. I often give away stuff that I grow from seed that I just don’t like but would be considered high quality.

That’s not what I’m getting at, my best on the spot analogy was the coffee thing. I imagine if I had access to some circulated haze cuttings that I wouldn’t like those either but that doesn’t mean they aren’t high quality. How I react to these things personally doesn’t carry any kind of authoritative weight.

I already committed to giving it another shot but ironically it’s possible that I screwed up and underfed the batch of soil that the cuttings are in. I’ve been a bit distracted with some personal family stuff and so I’m getting pretty forgetful lately. I recently made a few more batches of soil since then. 2 more LJ cuttings recently rooted and so I’ll put these in a custom “high fertility” soil to see. If they start burning I’ll cull them.

Freshly rooted LJ cuts - I’ll try putting one in soil with double the inputs.

I’m open to criticism and all that - I am posting a ton of pictures frequently and thoughts publicly after all.

I agree that plants can turn out different based on how they are grown. I’ve experienced that plenty of times as well. I’ve also seen plants turn out significantly better when they are slightly underfed.

I would be more inclined to believe that whatever perceived deficiency in those plants was related to intense light and cold temperatures leading to photoinhibition. I looked back at that picture and I posted another one outside of the tent a day later that looked acceptable to me. The margins are mildly light green and that appears to clear itself up within a week.

and then day 35

I’m not saying they are in perfect health and I can point to problems as you obviously can, but I feel like the standard being set is not something I’m going to pull off in my tent and grow style. If LJ needs to be grown that perfectly then that in and of itself is a giant downside of the cutting for my uses. I was thinking I just pulled it a bit too late but hearing that actually gives me less hope and enthusiasm for a second run.

Gnats are pretty much a given in my area sadly. I do have Gnatrol, Mosquito Dunks and shortly I’ll have access to freshly reared nematodes. I’ll use them accordingly but they will still show up at some point. My environment is nowhere near perfect and I do not have the environmental controls that some of you guys here do. In the summer the grow area is going to be very hot, bordering on too hot. There will always be imperfections in my grows always.

I don’t know how I’d describe the TK smell but it definitely could have been grown better. Despite the imperfect growing conditions and late stage necrosis I still really like the flower. Wonder what it is about Lavender Jack that requires that it’s be grown to magazine quality standards.


That wasn’t my point. I wasn’t even talking about what you thought about the weed haha. It’s when you say stuff like

Who cares if it reads like a “negative review”? You’re allowed to say,”I don’t like this weed,” haha!

Like I said, only an asshole would get butt-hurt because you don’t like something that they do. It’s not “negative” to say,”This weed didn’t do it for me.”

Good point. Makes me wonder,”Gawddamn, the person who sent me that sample of Lavender Jack must be a WAY better grower than me…” haha.

I think that’s… I was gonna say that that’s a good thing, but obviously a perfectly dialed-in, consistent environment would be ideal. Still, how many home growers have a perfectly dialed-in, consistent environment? It’s why I love Horse’s grow, in the crawl space with the dirt floor and shit haha. I also just love Horse as a human being, but yeah, those kinds of “troublesome” grows, like yours (and mine)(and probably 90% of growers) are the norm, I think.

I don’t know what I’m getting at here haha. But for sure, if a plant/cut needs to be grown “perfectly” to be “good,” maybe it isn’t worth growing at all…


If it’s not straight rubber and/or hairy af, you probably did a good job. At no point have I kept her green and happy the whole way through, she still comes out top top shelf.


I hear what you’re saying with personal life, and I’m sorry I made you feel defensive. This isn’t my intention. I’m just saying, if mistakes were made, who cares. It happens to all of us. Accept them and move on, endeavor to do better, and smoke a J. We all have lots of room for improvement.

The reason I mention this about the LJ is that I’ve had it from two of the Higginses, my own harvest, and one other grower. So 4 different samples, all grown “organically.” One of the two Higginses’ grows didn’t fade or have uptake issues and was significantly (light years) better than the other growers’ and the other Higginses’, which did fade early. My harvest was somewhere in between.

If you want to think about it purely rationally, the difference between a mediocre grow and an exceptional one might be a 1% terps test vs. a 3% terps test if going to a legit, standardized testing lab. Or, put another way, it might be the difference between that “meh” smell in the jar and that head turner jar. In my experience, the perceived effects and potency follow the same trend. Regardless how much I liked the mediocre or good enough grow results, the exceptional grow is always head and shoulders better…and sometimes even unrecognizable when compared side-by-side.

Back when I was new to organics, several shitty supersoil grows in a row made me question my method. Then came a lot of questions and comments from others. An old grower reached out, took me under his wing, and advised a new approach - a much simpler soil recipe tailored to my water profile.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no master grower by any means. I still fuck up almost every grow with neglect, but modifying my methods based on other people’s advice really raised the ceiling for my grows…and simultaneously opened my eyes to the difference between a “good enough” grow and a flawless run. It’s not about the cut’s requirements, it’s about the potential.

Again, I’m not suggesting you did anything wrong. I’m just giving unsolicited advice. Prolly worth ignoring or, at most, taking it with a grain of salt cuz I’m just another nube.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


But that’s what I was saying. I don’t like the effects of it but it does seem to be high quality. Again coffee shop analogy here. It’s not for the benefit of those who do like the cut, it’s to not create a false perception that it’s not a quality cut.

It was more trying to avoid the above quotes being the takeaway. Just because I didn’t like how it hit me doesn’t mean it sucks. Too many people who read forums put way too much stock in other people’s preferences and I was just trying to highlight that it’s a preference thing, not a quality issue. It’s a similar position to my old SSDD mom - it was a high quality plant that a lot of people locally really liked but I almost never wanted to smoke it. Seems pretty clear to me but maybe I’m just struggling to communicate… Oh well, moving on.

Ya there are some skilled growers around for sure!

Yeah, I’m happy with how it turned out but I know that it’s possible to do a better job on my end. Maybe not next round but I imagine over time I’ll figure it out a bit better. As always if anyone has advice they feel like throwing out there I enjoy reading that kind of stuff, even if I don’t end up following up on it.

Thanks and no that’s not what I was getting at haha. Wasn’t intended to be a sympathy post, I’ve just been really forgetful the past couple weeks. I feel like last fall the lav jack soil was “normal”, which is the lav jack we are discussing.

A few weeks back I made up some new soil for the next round and I screwed up twice due to being forgetful when it came to amendments. Yesterday I made the 3rd batch and was sure to get it right. I thought it was ironic because the Lav Jack prepped for next round actually is probably in low fertility soil and looks a bit on the chlorotic side. I have 2 fresh cuttings though that I could put into some “hotter” soil.

I don’t know who sent what and it’s my first time running it. I do remember that IAY chimed in that he noticed my plants began to fade right on schedule with what he’s come to expect.

One thing I won’t criticize the LJ on is the smell. It is extremely strong & attractive in its aroma. I actually like the plant in general too. It’s easy enough to work with for my purposes. For me it’s the effects I’m not a big fan of. Not how much I have to smoke, how it tastes, or anything else. I assumed maybe if I pulled it a week earlier it wouldn’t feel sedating. As for cannabinoid content and ratios I have no idea.

If you have suggestions (or anyone else) I’m receptive. Not saying I will definitely go with what people throw out there but I’m always open to advice and wouldn’t be offended.

I actually enjoy your critical perspective here and hope you don’t feel the need to walk on eggshells with me. I know your intentions are good and well meaning. I really don’t like the feeling of being in an echo chamber and I’m not posting to hear how amazing the plants look. I’d rather hear (reasonable) suggestions honestly.

When I respond to things you say I’m not being defensive either, just trying to have a conversation and add my perspective. If we were really to get deep into it I feel like something that would stick out like a sore thumb is my compost source. I’m not willing to put the effort and space into a worm bin and don’t have space for a thermophilic pile here either. To me that feels like one of my more serious limiting factors when it comes to quality.

Off to take the dogs now, I do appreciate both you and minitigers willingness to be critical and direct. Shame on everyone else for not being more like @minitiger . joking but not fully


Hay now, there’s 12 mils of reinforced plastic over that dirt, but yeah, you’re right about the shit… can’t get him to leave :grin:


End of week 5 for the SSDD f2’s. They are fading earlier than they should. That’s something I’ll correct if I run them again. Too late to do much of anything now… lol.

#1, 2 and 3 in that order. I’ll get better close up pics at some point.

#3 was the runt but I’m liking the way she’s flowering.


Looking very nice! I’d say a majority of the SSDD I’ve seen have been heavy feeders ^^


Any smells starting to come through? Those are some large plants haha. Bigger main buds than how I grow at least haha.

Here’s some quick handheld / no flash shots from tonight





Yeah they have kind of a fruity, berry smell mostly.

And yes, much bigger top colas than I normally grow too. I definitely didn’t let them get that big on purpose. :joy:
I also didn’t do any training at all. Just let them grow how they wanted.

If I run them again I’ll bush them out more with LST and try to keep them from growing one main cola. Oh, and flower them when they’re much smaller obviously. lol

I don’t really like growing big top colas like that if I can avoid it. It just raises the risk of mold for me for no good reason. Nobody ever wants those big ass buds anyway, and when you chop them down into regular nugget size, they don’t look as nice (like the areas on the inner side of the bud that weren’t getting the light that the outer parts were, if that makes sense).


Thanks! Definitely not my best run by any means, but they’re doing ok for how big they got in the size pot they are in. lol


The discourse here is so refreshing. Y’all are awesome.


Now unlike criticism it actually does annoy me when people do stuff like this. This is the 2nd time I’m seeing my crappy Black Triangle pictures used to make money. Sad thing is they’re claiming it’s Old Soul despite my plant tag with BT #6 in the picture. Makes me think twice about participating in the forums and posting my pictures publicly.

Here are a few pictures of tk - maybe google spider will mark these pictures as Black Triangle.

Don’t think it’s that hairy. A bit leafy but smells very strong and potent to me. Hard to describe. There is some rubber in there for sure.


Hey I like that nug. But! there aren’t enough slurs in the world for folks like that…

Tk looks quite nice :purple_heart:


ooh that’s fucked up. I would think SHOE would know better too :thinking: Wonder if he just googled and found it from someone else that pawned it off as Old Soul :thinking:

TK looks pretty damn good from here. Maybe not the best run of her, rubber is definitely a component just shouldn’t be the main thing you smell in there, but I’d smoke it regardless :yum:


Oh… dude… I was just kidding around. I know a lot of people like that Pinesoul. It really was just a joke.

What’d you forget? Just curious.

I mean, I like my soil mix, pretty simple, seems to work well. I’m sure you’re familiar with it, it’s all over the internet, but I can post the recipe if you want.

Yeah, I don’t have the space for either of those things, too. I would put the effort into it if I did, though. I think haha. I’d really like to, anyway. I’m pretty sick of having to buy, like, a huge bag of compost or EWC just so I can use a cup-and-a-half of it a couple times a grow for my composts teas.

Haha… I love you, syzygy. I really do. I can’t emphasize enough that you’re one of my favorite people on this site. And anywhere else, too.

Oh, is there? My bad! Haha. Every time I see your pics, it looks like straight dirt to me haha!

Knowing that changes everything… haha.