- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Yeah, I would, too.

Still… I’m always amused when syzygy’s pics get stolen haha, even though it’s a shitty thing to do. It kind of makes me wonder,”But why hasn’t anybody stolen my pics yet…? :disappointed_relieved:” haha. “One day… One day somebody will steal my pics of Mountain Temple and use them to sell Cherry Lotus seeds…”

Fingers crossed! Haha…


Y’alright there Syzygy. Miss my Lav Jack mom. Managed to get some amazing crosses out of her. Paired well with Headbanger and Chimera’s Dolce Sativa. Looking forward to running some of these again.

I always found Bodhi’s Black Triangle had a Cadbury’s Turkish Delight taste amnd the Lavender Jack had what I can only describe as an improved Marzipan taste. the high on the Lavender Jack could be narcotic or electric depending on what time of day you sampled it. Enjoy your grow. Big up.


First batch of soil I had about 30~ gallons mixed in a tub and then thoroughly mixed in my pre-blended amendments - or so i thought. I later found the amendments and so I’m not sure what I mixed in to the soil. My best guess is either ~3 lbs of kelp or lime. I wear a mask & eye protection when I’m mixing soil in my garage and the eye protection is slightly tinted. Also I pour worm castings on top of the amendments to try to cut down on the dust in the air a bit, so I don’t really see the amendments after pouring them in.

2nd batch I decided to make 20 Gallons at a time and I forgot how many scoops I put into the amendment container. I think it was really light (less than half normal rates).

Here’s some Mexican Death Sativa :

Sure go ahead

I’m buying mass produced EWC and it’s costing around 3$ a gallon. Not horrific but it is an annoying expense. Worms aren’t cheap either and I’d have to bring them inside in the winter here (or make a heater for them). Too much effort for me.

Very interesting. I really would like to grow more LJ from seed at some point but for now I’ve grown enough of it recently (3 last year , 1 this year from cut). I don’t remember what my Black Triangle tasted or smelled like - I though it was adhesive & piney from memory but I could be wrong. My TK buds smell more like some of my OG x 88g13hp phenos than any of my BT phenos that I found.



Man that looks like an OG! :drooling_face:


lol, but it says imperial majesty in photo text :grin: :smirk: :grimacing:

You’re gonna have to put a watermark on your photos or something …


I always found that annoying and tacky - I don’t actually care that much but it is mildly annoying. I’m not going to watermark anything. I think it actually reflects poorly on the seed-banks more than anything. Imagine if Johnnyseeds was not only pulling their variety pictures from google, but getting the pictures completely wrong as well. Nothing inspires confidence more in what someone is selling than that level of laziness.

Here’s some Big Beef tomato seeds up for auction.



Dude, I was like,”That does not look like what I’d imagine Mexican Death Sativa looks like… And when did syzygy start growing that?”

Pretty sure that’s a picture of one of the Imperial Majesty plants I grew a while back haha. Yay! Someone finally stole and mislabeled one of my pics! Thanks, syzygy! Haha.

1:1:1: CSPM (Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss) : Pumice/Lava rock : Compost - Malibus B/U is an excellent choice if it is available in your area.

Amended per cuF with:

1/2 - 1 cup Neem or Karanja
1/2 - 1 cup Kelp
1/2 - 1 cup Crab/Crustacean meal
1 cup MBP (Malted Barley Powder)

1/2 cup Gypsum (nice sulphur source)
4-6 cups Basalt
6-8 cups Biochar

It’s just that soil mix from the no till thread on grasscity. Even though I don’t grow no till haha. I’ve added a little biochar before, added too much once, but usually I skip that part. I also haven’t made any new soil in a couple years, probably ought to mix up 30 gallons or so to “refresh” my bins.

Yeah, that’s not bad. No place that I’ve found around here sells anything less than a cubic foot and it’s mass produced, too. There are some, like, “community garden” places that make their own EWC and sell it, but I’ve spent weeks calling them, just to make sure I can get some before I do an hour-and-a-half round-trip drive, but nobody ever answers. Like, ever. At any of them. It’s weird.

Maybe I will just swing by one of them soon, though. I’d much rather get fresh castings/compost than bagged stuff.

Yeah, totally. That’s what’s so mystifying about SHOE using that picture. I don’t get why he even had to post a pic at all. Just say,”These seeds are for sale,” and leave it at that.


they cleared it up at least


Mm. Still… It’s not a good look. Although syzygy should feel very, very proud that his Black Triangle nug pic is the third thing that comes up if you google “Bodhi Old Soul” haha!


I haven’t tried Malibu compost before but I know that when I’ve tried that mix in the past I was less than thrilled with it (1:1:1). I don’t have any issues with the amendment mix, other than I think the basalt and biochar are both unnecessary when you don’t recycle your soil. I think it entirely depends on your compost source though - mass produced store bought worm castings are going to have different physical (and biological) properties than home made vermicompost. Maybe I’ll play around a bit with that again, I still do have some need seed cake on hand so all I’d have to order would be crab meal.

Or the other seedbank. I’m sure if GLG or SHOE reached out to the community for pictures to use on their website people would provide them with pictures. It’s the inaccuracy that annoys me as someone who already mistrusts people making money in the Cannabis community. Now anytime I see a picture on a seedbanks site I question “is this even actually a picture from that cross?”.

It’s almost as big of a dopamine hit as I imagine winning the toxicity award would be.


You don’t recycle your soil? Really? They’re definitely unnecessary if you don’t. I don’t think the biochar’s necessary even if you do.

I usually use a combination of EWC and Bu’s for the “compost portion.”

I mean… I don’t even really worry about the pictures. Or rather, I’m not gonna buy some seeds because of the pics. But yeah, it is fucked up.

Haha, oh, yeah, right, I forgot I won that award a while back…


I agree with the sentiment but I think a lot of people really are heavily influenced by pictures. I know that if I didn’t already have Imperial Majesty seeds then I’d be interested in buying some after seeing your pictures. I really like the flower morphology of those buds and knowing there’s a potential to find something like that in the seeds is useful to know if stuff like that is important to you.

Not when I grow in small pots. I would If I had the space to store the rootballs for 6+ months, but as is no it’s easier and less headache to just start over. I also would recycle if I was growing in pots larger than 1 GAL. This is another reason I’m dealing with gnats often.

Here’s some Week 9 Triple Sunshine F pictures that I’m going to repost to the B thread.

When digging through my post history in this thread to find out when I started flowering this TS-F plant I discovered that I actually culled the SSDD looking male (H) and not the TK/TS-A looking one (E). Found that kind of interesting. Going to revisit those posts later tonight again to make sure that’s the case, but it should be apparent next time I flower it out.


That TS-F looks rather TK’ish :face_with_monocle:

And I agree on the pics. If I can’t rely on those, and there’s no grow journals to look at, i’m probably not buying the beans unless I somehow KNOW what they are otherwise.


I still think SSDD when I see it in person but ya I have no idea. It does remind me a bit of the flower shape of my SSDD mom for some reason. The buds don’t seem dense at all but they are nice and frosty. I like the look of them and they smell pretty decent. I’ll probably keep this one around until day 70~ and then swap the tent to a veg cycle so I can bring stuff in.

Here’s some old E pictures - I may try dusting the TK & TS again with just E. Not sure yet, but I do have one E plant ready to go in a 1 GAL pot.


Oh I definitely still see the SSDD in there too, but something about the flowers also says… TK :sweat_smile:

How many blades did the E leaves have? 3-5? or more? Hard to tell from the pics :face_with_monocle:
Looks like he’s got the right shape from here at least.


I think most were 5, probably some 3 bladed leaves. The plants were also very rootbound and stressed out. Here are some more old shots of E

H on the LEFT, E on the RIGHT

Also I’d add when discussing F traits that it’s currently in a 1 GAL pot on the ground in my 3x3 - where the light is already dialed way low because of the Chem 91 issue. It’s possible the buds actually would be dense with a stronger light on them. Interested to see how they turn out for IAY and what his take is. Seems like the flowers look decent but on the small side here. Tight internode spacing, nice calyx to leaf ratio and good frost levels…


Oh, yeah, but that’s a grow log. I thought you were talking about, like, when a seed bank attaches just one closeup picture of a flower with whatever pack it is they’re listing. That kind of stuff isn’t gonna influence my decision one way or the other.

I just throw big chunks of rootball right into the flowering containers when I’m filling them up haha, don’t wait for them to decompose at all. I’d say at least ten of the pots that I transplanted into the past couple days have significant portions of roots from the last grow in them haha.

Is that bad? Should I be waiting for them to totally break down?

But just the genetics listed… I mean… Right? Like if I see something and it sounds like an interesting hybrid, I’m gonna get it (or I would get it, anyway; no more seed buying for me). I’d say that probably 80% of the stuff I have in my fridge, I’ve never seen a grow log for it. They sounded interesting, so I bought the seeds.

Were you hoping that they would be dense? They do look very frosty.


I do the same all good man. Usually I just wait a bit for the reamendment nutrients to settle in before using it again. Always lots of roots - probably helps keep the ecosystem goin.


I leave the roots and base of the stocks right in my pots in my 20s that has been going low till for the last 9ish cycles good for aeration gives nutrients as it breaks down worms love it in most cases is completely broken down by the end of the next cycle even thick stocks from the previous cycle just fall apart to the touch after a short while


Yup I do that for my raised bed. Only disturb enough to transplant in. The 5s and 7s get reamended each time unless Im growing something that likes light nutes.