- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Yeah, I thought it’d be okay. I mean, that’s what soil is, right? Just rotting organic matter? If nothing else and like DesertHeart said, I figured the big chunks of stems and roots would act as aeration and nutrients while they break down in the pots.

And then we start the cycle all over again next grow haha.


You’re not growing in .4 to 1 GAL pots though so it’s a completely different scenario. I’d say a 3 Gal pot is the bare minimum I’d feel comfortable with.

Sure, but if something sounded pretty interesting and there were pictures of plant growth traits that looked to be in the direction that you’re after then the picture can be enticing. I’m not talking about fake frost or photoshop tricks, I’m just talking about things like bud structure, general plant structure, or whatever. Say you want a yellow cherry tomato and a seedbank is using sungold pictures to sell a red determinate beefsteak tomato… I’d say that’s pretty comparable to what we’re seeing.

Similarly if I saw a picture of Beautiful Day posted that looked like the one I grew I may have only bought 1 pack rather than 2, even though it’s possible there are less leafy phenos in the line.

No, just writing my observations. I suspect they may be a bit more dense grown under more intense lighting.


Right. That was the one thing that I thought,”Well… syzygy is growing in those tiny pots…” Makes sense.

I understand. But when was the last time you even saw these “breeders” or seed banks attach any pictures to the listing at all? I feel like every time I’ve looked at listings on GLG or wherever, it’s just,”Here are the genetics of this hybrid,” and that’s it.

Pretty irritating, actually…

Maybe that’s why Bodhi didn’t post any pics of it haha!


Checks spreadsheet looks like I only got 1 pack of those :sweat_smile:

At least with bodhi, you can usually find a pic of the mom somewhere, and a description of the male. Maybe even a description of the cross itself too. But the Spanish banks, you can pretty much guarantee not only is the picture wrong, it’s not even the cross they say it is. They’ll be like, Green Crack fems for sale, but do they have the cut? No, they just said what’s green crack supposed to be? Afghani x skunk? Let’s do that and call it green crack. It’s the same thing, right?


Yeah I know what you’re saying. I’d rather have no picture than an inaccurate picture though.

Let’s compare it to something like this

Still marketing involved but they at least know what they’re selling. I look forward to the day when most of these “breeders” and seedbanks go out of business. A company like Johnnys at least does trial gardens and real breeding programs.

Anyways - I moved the Vanilluna plants outside except for the mutant 4 out of 5 are showing pistils from being in the flower area. I suspect the mutant is male and if confirmed I’ll end up culling it. It’s supposed to dip down to 34-35F tonight so that will probably do them in but I don’t have the space and don’t really care that much about them. Also I transplanted the best looking seedlings into 4.5" round pots. 2 out of 5 Baba Kush made the cut and 4 out of 5 TS F2. The TS F2s were extremely stretchy. I will pop more in the near future probably, but waiting on more space to open up.

VN plants in a 45 GAL smart pot that has been “no till” for over 15 years.


Just wanted to let you know that it looks to be 9/9 germination (3 of each). All 3 of the TK’s needed “helmetectomys” but survived with no injuries.


I like Johnny’s. I bought pepper seeds from them and I’ve never seen a chinense germinate so fast and consistently before!


Nice! Thanks for letting me know. I had worse germination on my end but I didn’t pick out the most mature looking seeds like I did for all the coin flips that went out. You’re the 2nd person to tell me they had 100% germination on this batch so that’s a relief.


Here’s some low quality stacks from today

Triple Sunshine F looking almost ready. Quite a bit of amber. We’re around week 9 on this so I may actually pull it before day 70 - we’ll see.

Here’s an F lower bud that’s a few weeks behind


Outdoor stuff survived the cold temps. I know 5 plants in a 45 GAL pot is too tight but I expect they will get cut down and replaced once it warms up.


New lav jack transplant didn’t look very good (twisting leaves) - was fully rooted but I don’t trust that batch of soil it was in so I put it outside. I’m sure it’s way too early but I figure it’s better than just culling it.

Lav Jack

Triple Sunshine E (male) “mother” was looking sickly so it got the same treatment

As did the Triple Sunshine G mom (tiny pot)


May come back with some flash or stacked shots before I chop if I have time - not sure. Took a ton because I didn’t know how they were going to turn out having never taken Cannabis pictures outdoors before. I like the plant and flower traits more than G so far. Smells good but not unusual. Interested to see what IAY thinks as he’s the only other person with a cutting of this one (didn’t pass cuttings of this around locally, just G, A and maybe C).

Got more local praise for both the TK & LJ flowers. One person at least told me they are going to attempt to keep mothers of both so that’s kind of cool.

Pre-chop outdoor handheld no flash pictures of Triple Sunshine F.

Lav Jack - held up in the thunderstorms last night. Some composted poultry manure applied as well…

VN purpling up with pistils showing


Wow, the pics look great!


Thanks, appreciate the compliment!

I took down the IRENE and F and they are hanging.

I also took outside one of the IRENE plants that was going to be for next round - it was twisting as well (same soil). Roots looked fine but I don’t want to start from behind. Still not sure what I’m doing next round, but this weekend the tent should open up and I can put it back on veg. I’m going to take down or out the flowering F plant that remains (a few weeks behind).

IRENE roots

Twisting and chlorosis

VN mutant has pistils as well.

Got Chem 91 quick trimmed and will try to sample it occasionally, but I’m really only wanting to smoke TS / TK lately. C91 cutting looks OK in the same soil as others but it may be rootbound by the time everything else catches up with this recent set back. May require I abandon that and just take more cuttings for later.

Lots of decisions to make…


did i miss the irene kush picture dump/smell report? lol curious on how she turned out for you.


The smell description is hard for me. I almost want to say leathery orange rubber hashy. Almost has some candy / sweet notes at times as well. I was thinking it had a gum aroma for a while but I’m not sure if I’m being influenced by nube’s grandma purse description (leather and gum). There’s a remaining smell after you rub a bud that smells like a vegetative plant smell / hash combo - not sure how to describe it. Maybe adhesive? I was thinking berries at one point but now that it’s hanging I’m getting more of an orange / citrus smell.

I like the smell but I don’t find it incredibly unusual. Maybe if the plant was healthier and in a larger pot it would turn out differently. I do find the aroma pretty attractive though. To me, and maybe it’s just because I don’t sample terpinolene dominant strains a lot, I found LJ to be more unique in odor than the Irene. I like both smells though.

The plant was a hacked back mom that was rootbound and showing signs of severe stress when I moved it into flower. I just put it in there to get a preview of the terpenes and maybe bud structure. Didn’t do a mass photo session because the plant is so small and doesn’t seem warranted. I’m going to attempt to run her without major issues before I form any opinions.

F seemed more worthwhile for documenting because with F2s circulating (and popping) I think it’s good to have as many pictures of the female F1 plants as possible.


Man, your dog really is good, didn’t try to eat the leaves or anything! Haha.

I remember zephyr (at least, I think it was zephyr) saying that he thought Irene smelled Fruit Loops-ish, if that helps you pinpoint what it is you’re smelling.


Ya neither of them are interested in eating the plants thankfully. I guess it’s possible if they get sick and need to eat something to induce vomiting. I’d rather they eat cannabis leaves than something toxic in that type of situation anyways. She’ll be happy to keep any other animals away from the plants also as an added benefit! My GSD doesn’t really care about anything but her toy haha…


Surprised everything outside is looking good with all the rain we’ve been having. Supposed to rain for about a week last time I checked so that will be interesting to see how they hold up.

Though dogs fighting right next to it : I could see this being an issue in the future when one of them gets body slammed by the other into the plant.


Man, I thoroughly enjoy your pics.


Eh, don’t be put off by the sativa label… you never know what effects could come from those plants. I’m particularly interested in those Malawi… I have the Ace Seeds version, and I’ve read that they introduced outside genetics to the line. It would be cool to do a side by side run with them… let me know when you’re planning on popping them, that is, if you’re planning on popping them.

Growing outside seems so easy to me, the plants love the natural light… but, once the bugs or weather hits… it’s a different story. I’m betting it’s feeling nice to put some weed plants outdoors though… :slight_smile: Looking good!


That’d be cool! I’ll probably want to pop them sometime this year but don’t have any concrete ideas yet. Too little space right now otherwise I’d have already popped a few.

Yeah for sure, and putting them outside right now will make them more susceptible to pests later on I imagine, just like with tomatoes. It’s currently raining, in the low 40s (42) and very windy here. That’s got to stress them out a bit.