- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Well that concludes this flowering cycle - Took down the other Triple Sunshine F. I’m assuming it was somewhere around 50-55 days but I don’t actually know. Didn’t want the light on for this small plant. Lots of redundant pictures because I was just messing around with backgrounds and all that.

Lav Jack still happy

Triple Sunshine F


Early dry sample

Smells good


They look cool, almost look “fake” or like you put the plants in front of a green screen or superimposed the plant pics onto a different background or something haha.


I think that’s from the wide-open aperture resulting in a blurred background (bokeh) coupled with a lack of shadows. Helps separate the subject from the background and make it pop more. A lot more lighting (and wind) variables outdoors… It’s nice being able to move around a bit as opposed to the tiny grow space I usually take pictures in. Taking full plant shots is actually possible outdoors!

Taking some of the shots in partial shade with a sun-lit background may also play a role.

Here’s a tight aperture shot of my dog protecting my outdoor plants from birds (doesn’t give that out of focus blur) - probably looks more ‘normal’.

and a wide (F 3.2) aperture - probably not the best example but you can see the background gradually blur behind her. The clearly defined sharp ears pop more on the blurred background.

more rejects showing blurred background from the TS-F session




Good dawg… Goooood, good dawg…

Maybe haha. I don’t know enough about camera stuff to chime in one way or the other. I mean, I know what you’re talking about, but I haven’t fucked with my camera enough to say if that’s the case or not. The pictures look good, though, for sure, makes me wanna start messing with my old-ass Rebel’s settings.


Early non cure test of Triple sun A (2) has been delicious. Very robust kush taste.
Forehead sweats off the first rip. Very enjoyable already without a cure.
The buds are literally rocks on branches. Running all three again and again.
Thanks again for the opportunity brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Nice! Glad to hear it’s at least decent. The Triple Sunshine A mom of that chuck definitely produces very hard and dense clusters for me. I really appreciate you trying all that stuff out. Interested to hear how the sunra is too - I really loved the cedar smelling pheno that I found.

Just from the pictures your TSA x SSDD #1 looks the most like the mom out of the 3

pictures I’m referencing here : InTheWoods Journal - #3221 by InTheWoods

I can say with confidence out of the 4 Triple Sunshine females A is still by far my favorite plant.

C was the most potent or disorienting that I’ve sampled (haven’t consumed enough F yet to be sure)

C or G lasted the longest (4+ hours)

F or G may have the tightest internode spacing

A has the most dense flowers and was the most vigorous. It also has the best calyx to leaf ratio and effects that resonate the best with me. Feels like a more calming “indica” TK to me. Only female that I got a good amount of focus boost on - which I also get from TK.

I’ll probably only keep the A mom but I’m going to hold off until I’m a bit more familiar with the effects of F obviously.

edit typos


Some shots from today - trying to decide what I want to do next for flowering.

Definitely want to do some TS-A and TK, which I’ll have ready in a week or 2.

C91 is too rootbound to flower out in the 1 GAL pot that it’s in.

Realistically this TS-A probably is too based on how much it stretches from cutting. Will probably become the new mom

Irene is single stemmed and may be viable in the same pot that it’s in…

Baba Kush F2s and TS F2s are still way too small to consider.

I’m halfway considering doing one more dusting of the A / TK and maybe F and G while I’m at it. Then retiring all the TS related stuff other than A. This would put less pressure on me to have a “perfect” flowering run and could hopefully transition some 1 GAL TK F2 / BK F2 cuttings in the summer. This would allow me to immediately cut down on the mom count and free up space which is a huge win in my book. If I’m not running C91 I don’t have to worry about intersex contamination either.

I should be set for a while on dried flower so there’s no pressure to put out another consumable harvest. I don’t really need more TS-F2s, but I really would like to have more than 4 TK x TS seeds. Interested in any thoughts.


Are those the Vanilluna f2’s in the first and third pic? I know that the fourth pic is one of them haha.


Ya Vanilluna - f2 f3 IX - whatever they are. Not sure what’s going to happen to them but 5 in a 45GAL pot is too tight. If any look interesting later on I may take cuttings (outside) or just cull the others to make room for the season.


Sweet pics. Love the dog among the dandelions.

As I mentioned in our pm (thanks again for the seeds), I plan on putting some TS f2 pollen on a TK S1 this summer, outside. I’ll gladly send you some seed in the fall, if it all works out…but that is awhile from now, and not necessarily what you are asking for.

I’ve never grown inside, so can’t speak to the chore of keeping moms going, veg and flower tent, freeing up space, I imagine it can feel like a juggling act. FWIW, It seems to me that you typically have intention and plans for your runs within the ‘long game’ of your projects—it’s been interesting and educating to watch (from the corner). :beers:


Ya it is a juggling act with limited space for sure. I’d rather not have more than a few mother plants that have to constantly be pruned and repotted. I’ll try messing with coco & salts to see if it’s any easier for me in the coming months, but for now I’m sticking with what I know works for me. The two plants that I have that I know I want to keep long term are the TK & TS-A.

TK S1 x TS F2 could be really cool! Interested to hear how all that turns out for you. I’ve been tempted multiple times to buy some of those TK S1s. Still a bit tempted to try his 5150 x TK offering.

I still really want to make some TK x TS (f1) as a kind of direct “back-cross” just to see what’s in there. Seems like If I do it now then I don’t have to hold onto this male anymore. G or F either really.

These F2s would be different I guess too as it’s just a single pollen source - Triple Sun E.


Haha definitely looks like some mutant DJ work there. I grew one newberry from him that was a pure crinkle mutant like that. It actually was the better pheno of the 2 newberry females - very chocolatey, though mild in flavor and effect.


Most of DJ’s offerings for me have been pretty mild in flavor and effect. I wish I had my old HD still, I had some pictures of the male used for the VN F2s. Was an extreme mutant with very high vigor (this current mutant has low to non existent vigor).

I found a really nice Blueberry F2 as well (no mutants found in the original BB line) that smelled extremely good, but didn’t take cuttings. I always wanted to try Blue Moonshine and to a lesser extent True Blueberry but buying seeds was a little more annoying back then using overseas banks.

I had a side question for anyone experienced with hydro and or coco :

I want to play around with moms in coco and haven’t dabbled in hydro since like 2002-3. I have high PH tap water (8.5+) and no realistic good way to get an RO filter installed.

Was thinking of starting with

Pre-buffered canna coco - Don’t have the space or water source to do this at home (I don’t think)

maybe perlite - can get that locally cheap.

cheap PH pen or drops and PH down - I assume the nutrients alone won’t be enough to lower my PH to an acceptable range.

Jacks or GH series. - I think IAY said in this thread he’s using jacks on his moms so was looking at this a few weeks / months ago.

Going to keep moms in soil while I do this, but would like to up my skills in the hydro realm so that I can ease the maintenance when it comes to keeping mothers.


So far I’m thinking I’m seeing 1 field trip throwing both male and female pre flowers hope I find a female in the other 2 :crossed_fingers: I also been thinking about learning a bit of hydro to keep some mothers way easier to keep them happy in small pots


I think when I did hydro 20 something years ago I’ve used GH bottles, GH powder, and Peters all with good results. I’ve messed around with hydroton, rockwool, perlite, & dwc mostly when doing hydro. I think for mothers I was using rockwool (not rw cubes, was a bag of loose rockwool pieces) in a phototron w/ GH salts. Didn’t PH or anything and plants were always healthy and robust.


Your mom’s and stuff will grow ~twice as fast as they would in soil, give or take a bit.

I do bags of Mothers Earth. Either the pure coco to save money, or the 70/30 coco/perlite bag. I pour the bag out into a tote, I then add FINE perlite to it to reach a roughly 50/50 mix. You can do medium perlite but I wouldn’t recommend it, and definitely no coarser than that. Fine is best.

I do the Mother Earth because unlike canna bricks, you don’t need to soak nor buffer it. It’s good right out of the bag.

You don’t need RO.

You DO need a ph pen. I like Apera products best and I’ve used ALL the meters. Only things better are Milwaukee or blue lab but you’re talking triple+ the money.

PH UP and PH Down. I usually just get the gallon jugs of GH stuff but it’s whatever. Advanced Nutrients makes some really really potent up/down but you’d need a graduated 1ml syringe to use it, plus gloves and stuff.

Jacks or gypsum+maxibloom. Or Lucas with the 3-part or flora series would be my bet’s for cost vs quality. I don’t like jacks alone for veg but ymmv.


I grow in coco using Jack’s.

I used to rinse and buffer my own before realizing how much work it is to save a few bucks. Now I just but quality, buffered coco with perlite. It saves so much time and hassle.

I have tried a ton of pH pens and have found this one to be phenomenal for the price. I’ve been using mine for over a year and it’s still going strong and easy to use…

YINMIK pH Meter, Digital pH Tester for Hydroponics, pH Temp Meter with Horizontal Display for Pool, Spa, Hot Tub, Indoor Plants, Koi Ponds, Drinking Water, Wine Beer Making, Aquarium, Aquaculture https://a.co/d/fYxvM1X

There are a ton of vendors on ebay who sell reverse osmosis systems for under $100 that don’t need installed anywhere. You just screw them into a spigot. I have crappy water and I couldn’t live without one.

Forgive the messy laundry room…


Thanks for the input both of you. I was thinking the pre-buffered canna coco bags and not the bricks. I think they’re about 40$ delivered.

I’ve used a Stingray RO filter ~15 years ago or so that was sort of like that but the GPD was horrendous on that thing. Took about an hour to fill up a gallon jug I think. Are those units OK to leave disconnected and not in use? No mold, algae or bacteria concerns on the filter?

Just making sure we have the same definition of fine. What Greenhouse & Nursery suppliers sell as fine perlite looks like powder or dust and is usually used for propagation liners and plug trays. It would not be used in container gardening typically. It’s a tiny fraction of the size of medium grade perlite.

I’m OK with that as long as they will stay happy in a small pot for a few months at least.


I don’t remember the GPM that mine is rated for but I get approximately 1 gallon per 10 minutes. I use it once a week or so, so it rarely sits idle for very long but, no, I’ve never had any issues.

I don’t know if this is common knowledge or not, as I only learned this and put it into practice recently… giving mature plants (ie mothers) low light levels will drastically slow growth rate, but does not cause excessive stretching. I don’t remember who I picked this up from but it was here on OG. When I tried it, I was blown away.


Do you water your organic soil with the 8.5 tap water ?