Tacoing leaves not from heat/light

I’m thinking roots crowded in substrate , any chance there’s salt build up? Maybe even low soil temperature has a factor? :thinking:

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This was it before it went into the earthbox. WAY too big. I’ve been struggling a bit with my health recently and don’t even recall if she was badly root bound. She had to have been. I guess for now reducing the light is my option. I can always pop her out and just flower the healthier one and give her the whole 4x4.


Can also prune them heavily, then flip to 12/12.

Then you don’t need to lift anything and who knows,
maybe you can get some clones going with the pruned branches.

Or just topdress with them.
Or make tea with the leaves.
Or cook them with some spinach.

Or a bit of everything.


I like the cut of your jib, @Rogue !

I do only have so much steam in these eartboxes so I might not be able to get them ideal looking before flower. Might just do that. Salad sounds nice. :blush:


I’m assuming it’s an LED light since you used the P word & measure stuff & the ugly piss colored HPS isn’t showing & your tent isn’t burning :fire::sweat_smile:

It seems to me that the reflective tent + IR can cook plants even when the “is it warm on your skin” test says it’s not.

So leaf surface temps, intra cellular heat & salty water making tacos mmm



Also have had this before, only plant under the exhaust fan , back left corner, for some reason it was in it’s own micro climate like a isolated area that for some reason would not have same vpd reading. But two times always the one under the exhaust fan.

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Nutrient deficiency causes tacos. Not heat. I live in Az. Tacos indoors, not outdoors. Same nutes. (Because leds suck at pulling up nutes.)

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Thanks! In the process of adding supplemental CMH and getting my leaf temps up.

My surface temps under led are low 70’s. Much too low. Working on bringing them up.

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They were taco’d before a foliar hit them. I appreciate you trying help but that’s not the cause. Have a good one bud. :handshake:

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Hey @rouge

I took your advice 6 weeks ago and hacked the sour way back. After a couple days of looking at her in her sad state I took her out of the flowering tent and she sat out there for a couple days. I couldn’t bring myself to cull her so I tossed her back in there and decided to finish her out just to see what would happen.

She will not win any awards for most beautiful plant, but I think I’ll be able to finish her out!

Appreciate your tip!


Wow, are those before and after pics?

Same tent?!???


Same tent before and after! I don’t know what I was thinking saying 6 weeks, just checked the dates on the photos and the hacking occurred on Jan 17th and they were flipped that night. Just started week 5.


I have had tacoing that I think was excacerbated by blowing a fan directly on the leaves. I see a fan in the vicinity in your pictures, it’s worth trying aiming your fans above, below, at the wall to diffuse etc. instead of directly at any plant if they are.


Day 55 @Rogue!


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