Take seeds, leave seeds- Landrace Edition

If I sounded too harsh, that is the beer last night lol. However the points remain. Carry on.

Still up, Highland Thai from RSC


Mad Dog 2020 is the result of our forever quest to bring new CBG genetics to the masses. We’re always on the hunt for something new and unique and we found it in some seeds from a good friend in the Czech Republic that came to us as Swiss CBG bag seed.

Maddog 2020

Still up:


Sorry all

i figuerd since the syrian v2 was a landrace crossed to a mix, it would be concidered a landrace cross.

i will ask before i post here to confirm im following the rules.



My good buddy who gave me the nam jam x beldia has them started outside. He has 2 on a tray with 3 purple urkle clones. The purple urkle is webbed over while the mites have not touched the Nam jam x beldia.


Hey my friend, no worries this thread can be confusing at times. To explain, landraces are what we want here, but what is also tolerated is landrace crosses. What that means is crossing a landrace only with another landrace(s). That can only go up to a four way all landrace cross. Example would be: (Highland Thai x Squirrel Tail Thai) × (Lagkitan x Uganda Kerosine.) All four of those are known and excepted landrace cannabis varieties.
What is not excepted is a landrace crossed to a heirloom or modern strain. Example of this would be: Corinto x Deathstar. Or Congo Black x white widow. The first is an example of a landrace crossed to a modern strain. The second is a cross between a landrace and an heirloom. Both might make beautiful potent and enjoyable smoke. No doubt. However, that is not what we are solely after with this thread. One more example that won’t cut it is this: Double Scorpion( Punta rojo × Lagkitan) X Iranian Shiraz x Tirah Kush(Tirah Valley × Hindu Kush). That one might be pure fire, but it’s a cross that exceeds the four way maximum. The reason for this is to trade landraces. That includes both sativas and indicas. The addition of crosses is allowed, but the line has to be drawn somewhere, in order to preserve the spirit of the thread. I hope this can answer some questions people may have.


I have a pack of Pine Tar Kush IBL from CSI would these be allowed or tolerated as Cannabis put it?


The real Pine Tar Kush? Fuck yeah
After all, its supposed to me an authentic landrace. I smoked this in 1991 if my memory serves me correctly. Wow
Edit, perhaps Pine Tar might have been changed, only Tim Hill knows if it has been reproduced without any out side genetics. As far as I can tell its still an authentic landrace reproduced. I am open though to being wrong

Actually one of the ones I have been looking for.


Oh, I see. That sounds very interesting. :rainbow:


Sigue arriba
****Highland Thai “”“”"


Still up Highland Thai by @Cannabi5


Have any pictures or info for the reproduction run? @Cannabi5

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I didn’t do the reproduction. I got them through a trade with @Abukeif and he was kind enough to get me a bunch so I have a little to share and still enough for my project looking through them. I have a Vietnamese black 164 s1 that I’ve been working with and having fun seeing how other energetic lines blend.

These are the notes I got on it “plastic banana/fruity pebbles/childrens’ chewable vitamins. An “up” high, but not quite “electric”–clear, focused, and luminous”


I can’t believe I just see this thread now; what a great idea! I’m tuned in…

Still up Highland Thai by @Cannabi5


Do you have another option, I see Highland Thai is not getting any takers…
Still up Highland Thai

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I’d love to take the Highland thai and leave 10 Ciskei South Africans


I will take Ciskei S. African and leave Malawi Gold


Who’s Malawi gold?

Vvv Malawi gold vvV

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Real Seed Company. I will also add a few extra from another member here given of a different source of MG.


I’ll take the Malawi gold and leave snowhighs (Durban poison x S. African bush sativa) x Panama red.

Here is is description: **Durban Poison x Eastern Cape South African bush sativa x Panama Red, Durban Poison and Transkei from the same region with red and purple traits and soaring and trippy rollercoaster highs, can be too intense, like tripping on shrooms


I’ll take that! Again I leave tlt Corinto