Take seeds, leave seeds- Landrace Edition

I miss Squirrel Tail Thai! And it was not up that much actually, most of it was on the other thread before this one came to life. :laughing:

^^ that was the last time, lucky you got them!


I love those kind of plants! But you really have to enjoy just growing them.


I wish I could finish them here. My Beldia (Khalifa) are nice but they are dayneutral. And after almost 16 weeks they will have 4–6 more I guess. The Oaxacan I will try to pre-flower indoors and put out at 13h daylight hoping it’s done before it’s too cold. How long does corinto flower?


The single cola pheno went 14 weeks, the bigger plants 16 weeks. That’s after a 3 month veg.

Bear in mind I was doing a repro. I let them go longer than that to ensure good finished seed. Those times are when they would have been ready to chop for smoke.


Oh I definitely plan on growing ypur Corinto, I don’t collect seeds only for the collection alone so to say. Your offer was rather a lucky coincidence for me, I just made a post on here yesterday that I am in search of Colombian landraces and then I saw your post in here. :blush: :green_heart:
I can understand that it’s not nice to know that your own seeds get dusted in some case rather than being planted and grown, but I only trade seeds that I also want to smoke and/or breed.

I want to use your Corinto in a cross that I’ve planned, if you like I can keep you updated about the process when I start growing them. :slight_smile:

And regarding the Mountain Ganja: I didn’t know that their germination rate is that low. I’ll add a few extra beans to make up for the ones that eventually wom’t sprout or, If you’d prefer that, I can send you some Ciskei south Africans instead (or some of each) :slight_smile:


Now Ciskei is something I’m interested in. I have several Nepali things lined up. Dm me.


Your right! @allotment It’s supposed to be real good smoke. Being it’s so massive though, it’s very hard for indoor growers to manage, so I guess it’s not popular… when I give it a try, I want it in all it’s glory. Massive huge crop of Thai buds; some of my favorite…

Still up Lebanese green


I got a :chipmunk: pack too and I really want to grow it at some point. I will work my way up to longer flowering times. :laughing:

Still up

Lebanese Green


@Pawsfodocaws do you have more info on the Lebanese?

Ok good pal, then I’ll send you a nice pack of the Ciskei’s instead :slight_smile: And these are guaranteed no bonus seeds, a growing colleague got a bunch of them from S. Africa :smile:

Let’s speak about the rest in PM :slight_smile:

@allotment good look with the squirrel tails! :slight_smile: Which exact variety is that, did you get them via trades on here? I’ve got my first real pure tropical Sativa from this thread a few days ago, a highland Thai variety. And I must say, I’m afraid to handle them not right due to lack of experience :disappointed_relieved: :woozy_face:

Still up
Vvv Lebanesw green from @Pawsfodocaws vvV

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I always wanted to do that. Take 50 of that afghan mix and cross only the strongest. Make a new strain from the old world.


Same question here @Pawsfodocaws , very interested in leb but I gotta know more lol

I’m sure there are gems in there.


There is a list what’s in there somewhere on the RSC site, with 50 plants you might be able to separate the strains and OP them separately. :laughing:

This winter (2019–20), we obtained accessions of cannabis landraces from the following crucial historic centres of cultivation in northern Afghanistan:

  • Balkh
  • Badakhshan
  • Mazar-i-Sharif (i.e. the cultigen ‘Mazari’)
  • Kunduz
  • Herat

Unfortunately, during the process of transporting these seeds, a genius had the bright idea of mixing the bags together (after all, they’re “just cannabis seeds”).


Yeah I’ve seen that. Whoever mixed them…well I wouldn’t have been happy. LOL

I don’t have room to do the mazar justice but some of that balkh would be welcome.


Won them in a auction

Lebanese Landrace “green phenos” x Blueberry Hashplant f2

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Ouch. So it’s a hybrid and not allowed in this thread I’m afraid.

Blueberry Hashplant f2 (santa cruz blue dream x 88g13hp)


I got some on here and will make seeds when I get to them


Ima going to find a replacement real quick give me a few.

Afghani kushvvvvvvvVvvvVvvvvvvvv