Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

The Buddha’s cane that was hit with STS has finally dropped some pollen.
Gonna hit the best Buddha’s cane with its sisters femmed pollen.
Some bottom buds were hit with the pre98 so I wrapped those branches up. I also wanted some seedless bud, so wrapped up the top bud too.
So have 4 budsites getting hit.



No fem-male parts left on any plants. Have the balls and pollen in trays in a cupboard. All the plants I wanted to hit have been hit and then some.
No more pollen for a little while.
Glad that’s all behind me…lol.

So we have…
Cherry Platinum Kush breath x
Pkx x chemo
Gods space needle
Orange Goji
Black candyland

Pre98 bubba x
Pkx x chemo
Gods space needle
Gods white banana kush
Black candyland
Orange goji
Pre98 bubba

Buddha’s Cane x
Buddha’s Cane


well hopefully you get some smokeable flower this run also lol. you have more than enough seeds and a new tent. time to make a few moms and get your cloning game on :smiley:


The ‘Cap Junky x chem 91’ and ‘Nana glue x sugar belts’ are gonna give me something special. :smiling_face::pray::crossed_fingers:


Branch from the pre98 bubba…does this look like pre98 bubba’ish branching?



3x Jet fuel x hellbilly
4x Sour altoids
2x Toxic Truffle
1x tarts auto
1x island auto
1x banana dance
1x sweet zombie
1x 710 Mango (somango)

Lots of these throwing hairs now…a couple regs still unsexed…


All 10 UFS18 above ground and moving along…no signs of damping off with this round of seeds! :+1:


At some point did you order a pallet of soil?

“I think one more load will do” :joy:


Morning @Tappy!

Damn man! Lots going on! Your getting great germ and survival rates on seeds. What’s you soil for seedlings look like? How do you water them (top or bottom)?


Yeah it’s bubba-esque :thinking: the leaves and thick stem for sure are just like bubba. Seems a little stretchier than the cut is tho, bit more og in there maybe, but not bad!


Lol…I never run out of soil…I could probably almost double my plant count before I run out…lol. My neighbour is co-owner of a worm casting/composting company…so if I ever feel I need to stretch some more soil, I snag one of his bags of mix and add it.
Gratis, of course…lol.

My current mix is a mix of sunshine #4, promix myco, earthworm cast, perlite. I use the same water for everything…even the seedlings. :grimacing: About 700ppm, maxibloom and silica, 6.0’ish ph. Top watering for the most part…I like to bottom water my 2 liters…lol.


Hopefully get better expression when I run the seeds. These parent plants are already rootbound and topped and blah. Thanks for the info!! Will see what they look like at harvest.

Have 8 of those shoreline sour d bx3 ready to go…one was lagging a bit so I put some plastic to trap moisture.
The other 4 had orangeish taproots that were struggling to break free from their seed shells, I put them in soil and can separate them at a later date if they grow…also plastic to retain moisture. 4 struggling seeds, 2 per solo.



Bad pic…but here’s a PKX x Chemo hit with the platinum cherry kush breath…really excited to try these seeds…even though they’re regs.

Main cola on same plant

Accidental pollenation of main with pre98 fem pollen.


2x Biker kush x (Pure og kush x Triangle kush) males chopped this morning…2 left…1 confirmed female.

1x triangle kush x Biker kush male chopped this morning…4 left…4 confirmed females.

Despite the pre98 pollen debacle, I’m still gonna hit these. Was the plan…so gonna follow through.


Orange goji from the corner of the closet…insane smells!! Like fruity candy vape smells…very intense! Wish I had it in prime location earlier. Will give it more of what it needs…can’t wait to try it!



Prepping seeds for next round…look at the size difference!
Blackberry breath x macslurry on the left.
Gods space needle on the right.

Those small bbb x macs seeds are the smallest I’ve ever seen. Just a bit bigger than a poppyseed. But watch them grow…the buds are strong as eff!!


Have a couple hundred seeds I want to start indoor and put outside in may/June. Scatter them around the local rivers and creeks.
Will probably buy those biodegradable little sacs…500 of them for less than $20.


Anything nice in there? I bet it’s all good stuff…?


Good morning brotha :coffee:
More seeds to germ? haha. I love it!
I finally stopped procrastinating and started getting everything ready to direct sowing tomorrow since there are too many to germ individually. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lol…I’m sure there’s some greasy fire in there. Lots of reg photos and autos in there…so hoping I can get a bunch of plants to come back year after year…especially with the autos making more autos and fast flowering photos. Will be fun. Have a bunch of freakshow and freakshow crosses in the mix too…so lots might even go unnoticed by passerbyers.

How many seeds you throwing down? I feel like a baller doing over 100…haven’t done this in a loooong time.