Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Bro @Tappy let me know your details, happy to send the remainder of mine over if you wanna run a repro!


Well sprinkle, I may have to take you up on that offer. Sending to canada is okay for you?


Hows the babies looking you figure out what to do with em yet. Also how did you rate the :apple::banana:. I out yours in a little jar gonna cure it a bit more


He is in Canada bud :+1:


Not sure what Iā€™m gonna do with them yet. For now gave fresh cuts, dipped in rooting hormone and have them in a bed of moist perlite (my preferred cloning method).
Some look to be pretty far along in flowerā€¦so weā€™ll see what happens. I wonā€™t be heartbroken of they donā€™t make it, but Iā€™ll be stoked if I can get them to root and finish em off.


ya the gg cross might be hard to get going but if you do shes fire. and they were going to trash any way so anything saved is a bonus and hopefully saves you a month or two


Iā€™ll keep you updated as it moves along.

Smell is def thereā€¦it was after having a couple pulls of your stuff that I made the call to Markā€™s work warehouseā€¦was ridiculousā€¦lolā€¦poor girl who had to deal with my uncontrollable laughterā€¦wife wasnā€™t helping, as she was squeeling with delight, watching me fuck up a perfectly normal conversationā€¦lol.
Iā€™m no cannasieurā€¦but I would rate it on the higher side of a scale of 1-to-10.

How long did you cure for?
After smelling yours, I decided to smell EVERY plant in my garden and see if any had that ā€œwowā€ smellā€¦only a couple would really hit the nostrils.
Iā€™m thinking next winter is gonna be a couple mothers and clones. Need to keep the killer consistent.


Iā€™m waiting on some Nana glue x sugar belts :drooling_face: to arriveā€¦hoping the arrive any day. Iā€™ve got another 10 spots in the garden. Hoping to do a longer veg time, bigger pots and much lower plant count for the last sensi run for this winter. Will be doing a couple seed runs and reproductions after that.
Cā€™mon Canada post and put some scoot in your boot.


Some gg4, Dantes inferno, alien mints clones.
Moistened perlite cupsā€¦the bags are just to hold a little extra humidity close to the leaves. Using a 23w cflā€¦couldnā€™t find a 5k so using a 3k. The fridge is closed completely to keep heat and humidity in. Some of these are well into flower, so Iā€™ve decided to just keep the 12.12 light cycle going while they root and keep pushing the ones that survive.
Itā€™s a heartbreaking story @204medismoke ā€¦but gorgeous, fat stemmed cuttings!

Iā€™ve heard of cuttings being taken during flowerā€¦but has anyone heard of cuttings taken in flower and the light cycle kept on flower too?
My thinking is thisā€¦
These look to be a 2-3 weeks into flowerā€¦so another 2-3 weeks to start rooting and bounce back. So really just lost 3 weeks of productionā€¦will the plants keep budding, but just a bit stunted? Out of an 11-12 week flower cycle, only 3-4 weeks will be lostā€¦does this make sense at all?
Lolā€¦the ramblings courtesy of some Afghani this morning. :evergreen_tree::smoking::coffee::relaxed:


Sounds good to me! I am also a canuck. If you wanna send me your deets I can get those out this evening when I go walk off all this food :slight_smile:


Awesome, man! Iā€™ll treat those seeds right.

Thanks again! Letā€™s make some seeds!!!

@TricycleOfDoom I see youā€™re following alongā€¦looks like everything is under control for now with this project. Thanks for bringing this strain up.
Would have been a missed opportunity
to grow some really nice looking genetics and share with the OGā€™s!


Sounds good my friend :green_heart:


i have no idea if this will work but i guess we will find out lmao ? merry christmas either way


Yo! This is crazy and just solved a huge mystery to me. Years ago when I first moved out east, I was getting packs from out west, usually like mid grade commercial, and one time I was looking for something to tide me over, and a friend from northern NB got me in touch with someone who had packs labelled R2 with a really reasonable tag. Jumped on the opportunity, and white knuckled the drive home because they stunk through the vac seal and theres only one highway in and out of the province lol. I cracked a unit and kept some for head stash. I wish I had kept all the units for myself, as the cell number changed and I never got back in touch with that guy and have been wondering about R2 for years! So wild, does anyone know if seeds of the R2 were ever available.


D still has them, I believe, but no seedbank has them afaik :thinking: I got mine from a friend that got them from him.

Thatā€™s awesome tho!!

I have one 10pack left that I was planning to make f2s with but havenā€™t gotten there yet.


jesus that is stunning!

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Hmmmā€¦I may need to pop the rest of these tri-forceā€¦lol :thinking::face_with_monocle:


I know, right! :drooling_face:

As it turns out, our friend @sprinklememaynee had a slight hiccup with his spreadsheet and didnā€™t have any of these left. Would you still be interested in donating for a seed run? Iā€™m tied up here until about end of march/early April. So no rushā€¦and only if youā€™re interestedā€¦Iā€™m not sure how many packs are actually still out there or if thereā€™s a demand.


Jan 26 all of these will be choppedā€¦

And these will replace themā€¦

And March 1 all of these will be chopped

So Jan 26 the tent will be basically empty, except for the UFS18 seed project and the Shoreline Sour D bx3 repro project.
March 1 the small closet will be empty
So starting these late january to fill both back up one last timeā€¦
Cherry Platinum Kush breath x
3x Pkx x chemo
3x Gods space needle
3x Afghani
3x Orange Goji
3x Black candyland
15 total regs

Pre98 bubba x
5x Pkx x chemo
5x Gods space needle
5x Afghani
5x Gods white banana kush
5x Black candyland
5x Orange goji
5x Buddhaā€™s Cane
5x Buddhaā€™s cane x
Buddhaā€™s Cane
40 total fems

These are all seeds currently being made/finishing in flower room.


Absolutely still yours for the seed run. 12 seeds in all. :green_heart: :partying_face: