Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

That’s quite an undertaking @Tappy, always nice to see your updates so we can drool :drooling_face: at all of these strains. Grow on!


Awesome!! Let’s make some seeds and share em! Teamwork! :facepunch:
2024: year of the seeds :seedling:

Side note…editing here because I have so many posts already…1x black triangle x og kush seedling damped off…everything else looks good.
No taproots on the soloberry3’s yet.


When I fire the lights back up in fall, will be a completely different ballgame…but same setup. Hoping for a home-run, but prepared to tear it down if I strikeout.

The UFS18’s and sour d bx3 projects coming along.
It’s clear to me now that I was going overkill on my lights. These plants look great under the ts600. Light is about 14-16 inches above them…could easily veg a 3x3 space. Wouldn’t be dense vegetation, but could def keep mom and clones going.


You’re gonna have all kinds of fire already but a good portion of the TriForce are top-top shelf plants. The rest are just really good lol :wink:


Gg4, Dantes inferno, alien mints 2 and 5 clones all looking strong…has only been 3 or 4 days now…but glad they’re looking healthy. Have a couple solo cups with water in there to keep humidity up.
Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
For folks just seeing these…these are clo es cut from plants already in flower. I’m rooting them while keeping light on 12/12…will see if they root, will see if they’ll even finish, will see what production looks like, will see what total flower time is…lots of variable already kind of washed since I have no control plants but still interesting.

Also hit the JOTI Gods White Banana Kush with Buddha’s cane fem pollen moments ago.


I’m wondering if I should hit one those gg4 clones with a touch of pollen and see what happens…gg4 are the ones that have nice little buds with lots of pistils already going. :thinking:


Amazing! I have a pack of NL2 from Johnny Potseed on here, maybe try and see what I can find that leans towards that R2. Let me know if you do end up making F2’s I would love to let some fly.


Did it…
Solo with damp perlite and slurpee cup humidity dome. Hit a single gg4 clone with some pre98 bubba pollen…let’s see what happens. :eyes:
Used flash :grimacing:

Also snagged one of these…can keep an eye on both closets and curing tote I’m making.


those gg4xgushmints were pretty potent i hope it makes some seeds for you would be a neat way lol

usually when i take clones from far in flower they root but might take a little longer and the growth is really bushy with alot of tops. thats how these mother plants were taken that gave these cuts up… some have like 20 tops with tons of off shoots. as you can see by you getting 15 of each all thic lol. great way to make moms


Yeah, man…I used a screwdriver to make holes in the perlite bed for the cuttings and I still had to jam the cuttings in there…nice, wide stems!!
If we get seeds, great! If we get roots, great! All types of good possible outcomes here.
I love little weed projects…lol


I had no idea clones could be taken from plant in flower.Does it have to be done shortly after sex is confirmed or can it be done later?


Ideally clones are taken in veg, but can be taken during flower. I’m pretty sure you can take clones all the way up to before harvest. But amount of time to root and reveg might be lengthy. It can be done though. And like 204medismoke was saying, the growth when reveging a flowering plant/clone gets wild…it throws branches all over…savage growth.
Here’s a plant that was flowering and was reveged…a clone would grow in the same kind of way


Thanks @204medismoke. I’ve been wanting to take clones but so far, with 12/12 from seed, my plants are just too small to get a decent cuttings before flowering kicks in.

Edit, actually not just 12/12 from seed, but 18/6 also seems to need more than 3 weeks. Could be my growing skills. :laughing:


The 2 liters work well with 12/12 from seed. But it’s usually not until they throw the first hair that they hit stretch and give some good branches to cut.

Mine will be 4" when I see the first hair/sign of a fem…a week later they will be 2x the size with considerable sidebranching happening.


Looking good in the flower closet.
Right side

Left side


Love the look on that clone. So many nodes to stack treats on them.

Most of my clones have been taken in 2nd but furthest along was 4th week of flowering. I really like wild branches, It’s like the ultimate fimming without cutting.


Careful relying on revegging flowering clones as not every plant will reveg. Some of them, once flower kicks in gear they will just keep flowering no matter what you do with the lights or feed. My SSDD girl is like that. Pulled the whole plant out of flower and into 24/0 veg lighting with veg nutes, and she just continued to flower out and finish up until I finally cut her down in veg, in what would have been like day 82 of flower. No single bladed leaves, no shoots, nothing. just big fat buds :sweat_smile:


@TricycleOfDoom looks like tappy gave you all the good advice you asked but latest i would do it is week 3 but have back up plans because sometimes they have to go thru a re veg phase that can take a month to get out of. but like i said they make perfect moms


I’m more afraid for my seedlings than for the surgery today. Hoping to be back home on Wednesday at the latest. Fuckin bullshit.
Pray to the cannabis gods to protect my tender seedlings.


Good morning brotha,
Hope the surgery is swift and uneventful. You’ll be back with your babies soon. Maybe dim the lights if possible to lessen the evaporation. Sending good vibes :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: