Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

I haven’t had a drink of alcohol since Jan 6 2021. Best decision ever. So I’ll probably stear clear of the grain alcool…lol…but the tea…yes!! Gonna grab some more 35% whipped cream for the ol coffee…silky smooth!
Have had maybe 9 hours of total sleep since Thursday night. Nerves are still wrecked I guess. The little bits of shut-eye I get are filled with bizarre dreams. One I can’t really remember, was something happening in the grow room…something bad…but can’t remember what. Last one was I was swimming in a lake and a huge, HUGE shark was behind me…like, couldn’t even tell if it was a shark or a massive rock wall or something…anyway, it ate me and I woke up after 2 mins of sleep. :muscle:

I can’t wait to see my plants in a couple days. The ufs18 was just going from seedling to veg plant mode…all the flowering plants should have very noticeable weight gains!

Have a good day all…gonna try and take a nap or something…or something…probably scour Amazon…lol


Rest well brother.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Stay medicated…:grin::herb::v:t3::dove:


Heya @Tappy
When my father in Law got his cancer
I made him some concentrated infused MCT coco oil 10 GR of fresh dry herb infused in 30ml coco oil at 30°c
For 15 min
Sublingual tincture
Peace out


Glad it all went well man, the weird dreams are probably being caused by the pain meds. When my mom broke her hip and had an op for it, she was having lots of scarey dreams and hallucinations when she was awake, she kept trying to escape from the hospital saying they were trying to kill her. Anesthesia toxicity caused it.


Aw lol probably something with the fentanyl. Opiates can definitely give you some weird dreams.

Hell yeah to seeing noticeable gains on the girls when you get back tho! :muscle:

No fun being posted up in there I’m sure, but hoping for a happy new year for ya bro!


Demerol is another candidate, my wife refuses it because it gives here psychotic dreams.



Jeez…I have never been this bitchy/cranky in my life. Need some sleep…need a hoot…need a coffee…absolutely brutal.


I know you’re doing it hard right now mate but I’m still wishing you a happy new year! May 2024 be the best year yet and thank fuck 2023 is done! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball::evergreen_tree::star_struck:🪅


happy new years bud. had a couple bad days here so i been kinda in my own world but coming back here watching you fight that bitch gives me some perspective. the plants will be fine i hope and so will you !

mct oil tincture sounds like the recipe you need. cpl drops under the tongue!

i got this for xmas and learning how to use it Ongrok Botanical Infuser Kit - Large - Indoor Farmer
will have to figure out a nice tincture recipe


Happy new years!!

Many thanks for all the positive words, bro! Let’s all have a better 2024! Overgrow the world more than ever this year!!! Your harvest should be coming up soon’ish too, eh!? Can’t wait to see what you pull there!

We all have the bad and rough days…some worse than others. Gotta find a reason to say “the glass is half-full”…but if iit’s already half full, gotta be a way to fill it to the top!!
And about that kit, did you buy it for it for yourself or does someone really know you that well!?!..lol. That’s an incredibly thoughtful gift…lol…kind of impressed actually.

2024 boys…it’s gonna be wild!


They gave me a sleeping pill last night to help sleep…and it worked…but was bizarre.

Right before falling asleep I thought I heard something in the corner of the room…I swear this sac looked like someone in all white leaning on the desk looking at me…

And then the oscillation fan was going on the other side…I glanced over and it looked like someone with a white hooded robe turning their head to look at me…was crazy…lol

And after making a few posts, I’ve decided to adjust myself in my bed…OOOOOOEWWWW…the fentanyl/epidural is officially turned off…still hooked up just in case…but holy hell…the pain…feeling it now…lol


Good morning and Happy new year brotha! :vulcan_salute:

haha as long as the bag of laundry wasn’t talking to you.


Lol…it didn’t say a word…just sat there, staring at me…lol. Don’t fight the sleeping pills…lol.


Omgosh…I sent wife a text about the plants and what’s going on, how they’re looking…no response…my heart is racing…hoping she’s just out grabbing a coffee and not trying to do some kind of damage control.
Getting very, very, very nervous.
All those seedlings of killer strains…this was going to be my most anticipated run of the year…praying for the best outcome here!

Edit…k…I was just freaking out…she was already watering, that’s why no reply…lol. relieved.


Lol…made this right before taking that plant down a few years ago…made me laugh this morning.


Happy New Year! I hope this year brings new opportunities, good health , friendship and family and wealth to match. Much love and respect bro


effin rights, mang! Wishing, hoping, praying for the best for you and your family, and all the other og’s and their fams too!
:people_hugging: :fist_right: :fist_left: :call_me_hand:


happy new year @Tappy !! :slight_smile:

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New years are for chumps life is one long continuum of mystery.

But happy new year.


It’s a beautiful thing when you can look out the window at 4:45 pm and still see some light in the sky. Days slowly getting longer…takin its sweet time though.

Happy new year! @m0sirys
Happy continuum of mystery! @Foreigner