Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Might be going home today! Epidural and pissbag was gone yesterday…Hydro.orphone whatever was done this morning…there’s no reason for me to be here. Pain is manageable, for sure…especially with the budder…lol…I was wrecked last night…lol…couldn’t even watch my 90 day fiance: the single life…lol


That’s great news. :smiley:


Very excited to have a shower and get into my own bed…will be awesome! Can’t wait to see the kids, plants and chats (cats)…the wife has been doing an awesome job in the garden again…proud of her.

Thanks everyone for the support while going through this rough time…again.


nothing like ones own bed. altho i do sleep well in hospitals now days i never know if it will be the last lol! so id rather be home haha.

that butter also goes good on toast with jam :wink:


I knew you were having some medical issues, but didn’t know it was getting that bad. Keeping you in my prayers, bud…along with all the folks here.


Home truly is where the heart is. The wife did a fantastic job with the seedlings…and that was my biggest worry…so incredibly proud of her. Everything else is looking :fire:, but lights out at the moment…pics tomorrow.




Nah im fine just old lol copd and breathing issues deaf and bad eyesight. Thats all but other than that cant complain:D


I was gonna ask if you live the life of luxury at the grace or settle for the gutter at HSC? lol…my first time was at the grace…a totallly different experience from HSC, which is where I’ve been everytime since. They both provide good medical service. But HSC you get the full winnipeg experience…lol. If there’s not a guy laying on the ground outside the doors, having a smoke, you’re not getting the real deal…lol


Oh awesome! :partying_face: yay to happy plants :tada:
Glad to hear you’re back at home! :pray:


204medismoke clones. I have to go through the 4 bags today and take out the failed cuts. Some still looking good. Wife didn’t give them the usual 10 visits a day like I usually do.

The gg4 clone that I hit with pollen is looking like it’s actually trying push some seeds.
Was pollinated Dec 27 with Buddha’s cane pollen. (Jist checked my notes).

I topped the UFS18’s before going away for those 5ish days. They have come back beautifully.


Hit one of the cap Junky x chem91 lowers with STS. Pollen will be used on other CJxChem91’s and the UFS18’s.


Had to swap some plants from the closets…some were getting too tall, while others well into flower were to short…so switched a few around.
Small closet.

Big closet
Right side

Left side

Can’t get in there for any good shots…stomach is still sore. And I must have been dropped on the table when knocked out, cause pretty sure my tailbone is broken…giving more pain than the operation. Can’t lay on sides or stomach, and hurts like a bish to lay on my back because of this tailbone. I thought it was just the crappy hospital beds.


Glad you are home and well bro , great news


Making more budder…stronger budder.
Using 30g of my cured best bud + 5g dry sift with 454g butter.
There’s a long story that goes woth it so enjoy the pic and move on…or keep scrolling amd reading.

My last night in the hospital I was moved to another room where I had a room mate. She was an elderly lady from Nunavut…right by the arctic circle. Her and her nephew were the most (I don’t have a word) people I have ever met. We spoke of their culture, religious ways and their way of life up north. We also touched on the little people, the shapeshifters and the ladies under the ice that haunt the lands and sea.
Turns out this book isn’t just to scare kids from staying away from open water on the ice. But it holds true. The stories they told were nothing short of amazing.
We started talking cannabis and as it turns out, they both enjoy the benefits of the herb.
So I told the elder that I would bring her cookies (she doesn’t smoke it) and I told her nephew I would hook him up…so I’m scoring him some buds and a big chunk of my autoflower seeds.

If they have nothing but shitty experiences while in the city, at least I can shine a little light on their journey.


Wife tested the cookies. Knocked her on her ass…lol. :fire::ok_hand:

6x ufs18
6x Shoreline sour d bx3
2x Cap Junky x chem91
…and the seedlings (which are still gonna veg anyway) are flipping to flower today.
17 days until 4 day harvest fest and all the seedlings get transplanted and go into the big flower room.
Ufs18 males will be :axe:. Ufs18 females will be hit with pre98 bubba fem pollen, buddha cane fem pollen, toxic truffle fem pollen, Cap Junky x chem91 fem pollen.
Shoreline sour d bx3 repro, males will be kept.


This batch of seedlings that will be going into flower is a powerhouse lineup. I bought a temp rh station with 3 probes. So when drying and curing time comes, I’m not pissing around and taking chances. I expect this harvest to be some straight :fire:.
Before going into the tub we have some discrepancies with the numbers.

20 mins in tub and numbers are looking close enough for me.

The station itself doesn’t seem to be as accurate as the probes…but no matter, as the probes will be where I want them.


When you did your dry sift, what is ‘shake and trim’? I’m guessing ‘trim’ is what gets trimmed away from buds during harvest and shake is the smaller bits that fall during trimming. Am I close?


‘Shake’ is just the crumbs left at the bottom of my bags/jars of good buds. The ‘trim’ is any of the crystally sugar- coated leaves I find during harvest.
That sift run was super fun!


Average temp and rh between the two flower closets look to be bang on…not sure how to measure leaf temp…but the probes are handing at mid-top canopy level.
The VPD chart I used says it’s :ok_hand:


Here’s vpd set for veg tent…looks like it’s bang on as well.


Very OG of you Tappy.


Glad to hear your back home brotha. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Your wife did a great job with your garden . :mechanical_arm:

Hope your recovery is swift!