Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

To anyone who has sent me seeds in the mail recently…it seems canada post is still backed up like crazy. As soon as any seeds come in, I’ll post and pop them. I’m not slacking…it’s the mail being slow…lol.


That could be a California postcard from 1996! Looking like I died and went to kush heaven. :joy:


Really excited to see how these turn out! The sour altoids too! I’ve got a few seeds of each left…gonna get another round ready soon!


Shitseeds - Buddha’s Cane :skunk: :fire:
Sensi!! Can’t wait to smoke this!


I thought my list of seeds made was getting long haha. Those are some sweet crosses!
That buddha cane looks so dank!


Joti Afghani hit with pre98 bubba fem pollen…another week or 2.


Also got my 1000 lil compostable bags. Lighter inside bag for size reference (7cm x 9cm).
People use these to clone and start seeds? I’m gonna try both. Those peat pucks just don’t see worth it when cutting +70 clones at a time.


I need to stop making seed for a while and do some testing. Next year is the year of the hunt for me.


Yeah that’s pretty similar to what I’ve been using. Those and some rockwool ‘macroplugs’ instead of the root riots, but don’t really need either as you can go straight into those bags instead. Once they fill up with roots just drop them into the next container.


I tried Root Riots and got a fungus or mold that grew at the base of my clones and killed everything. Rapid Rooters have been a staple for at least 10 years.


Man…these pre98’s look better everyday!





I was about 2 seconds away from chopping this black candyland when I thought of my last harvest…it needed 1 more week (at least) to finish strong. After some pics of trichs and quick analysis…I decided to wait until later this week to chop. Here’s what she looks like. Not a huge yielder…but she gives tight and crystally buds with a smell that rivals the pre98 bubbas…must be from the blackberry kush.







2 of them almost ready to come down…have another 3 of them in the other closet.
:hourglass_flowing_sand: :skunk::evergreen_tree::axe:


Just checked my min-max temp/rh overnight and it seems my 10 year old heater bit the dust. It throws heat, but a very small amount. Tossing that fire hazard and will buy a new one later…hopefully today.
Min temp was 15.8c and max rh was 52%…brrrrrr :cold_face: :ice_cube: :snowman_with_snow:

Your Runtz/ Tropicana looks Awesome :snowflake::snowflake::cold_face::fire:

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It’s actually a gods space needle s1 I made…but the buds remind me of the fuzzy caterpillar looking buds from the runt/tropicanna buds I’ve seen people grow. Thnk much for the compliment! Can’t wait to put her in my lungs!..lol


Great shots!
What day are they on?

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Today is day 58 flower (8 weeks, 2 days). Gave them a tiny bit of water…but gonna start drying them back really hard. I split the main stems with an exact knife to add some stress. Will compare them to the other ones without stress…lol…gotta try something to increase terps, crystals, whatever, right?..lol

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I heard about stress increasing terps/ trich production since the Trichrome are cannabis defense mech.
( I may be wrong). I wonder at what point in flowering is it most responsive to the stressors.

Do you like to go to 70 or 77 days on your flowering plants or does that put a kink in your rotation?

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How are you liking the DLA? I’m about to pop a pack of 13 or 14 once I get someone to adopt some of the veg tent.

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I usually let the strain tell me when to chop…but of course I get overanxious and chop early sometimes…which is super regretable. Gonna remain calm and trust the process. Lol.

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