Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Morning m0!! Today was off to great start, as I was harvesting the gods white banana kush first thing. But all of a sudden I heard a snap and fizzle and one of my el cheapo 100w led floodlights burned out. Only used it for 2-3 months…but only paid $25…so wasn’t expecting much.

Anyway…shopping around for a new light now…lol.

Hope your day has started better than mine…lol


oh man sorry to hear that ! sucks when equipment breaks . :frowning:

thanks my start into the was ok .


Gmo x Mendobreath with the unique leafs.
Another 7 weeks to go.
Had to put a chicken in the pot since I chopped majority of the leaves during schwaz.


that gmoxmb has 7 weeks to go ?? jesus its gonna be fat. sorry to hear about the light. hopefully u can find a crazy amazon deal. or check out market place on fb


0o0o0 I like dis…



@anonymous4289 little bit of an update. Not great news.
Ryknows testers

Blueberry diesel testers

Soloberry #2 testers
I’m not sure why, but none of these have popped. I should have scuffed them or something.


Good morning :slight_smile:

Love this…taking notes.

How does the RH come down after you have them in the tote, burping the tote?

Thanks :green_heart:


12x Blueberry diesel
(9x kandahar and carnivorous plant project also in pic)


This was my first time trying this method. It seems to have worked well.
Here’s kind of the whole breakdown of what I did.
Chop and hang plants in open air…after 3ish days outsides were feeling a touch crispy. Put plants in paper bags, put open paper bags full of buds in tote with temp/rh probes. At first I left the lid on sideways to leave air gaps at the corners. When humidity hit around 65% consistently, I folded the bags closed and sealed the lid on the tote. Would take lid off and fan as needed (watching rh readings from probes). Once we were stable at 60%…ziplock bagged it all. And then bagged those bags.
Everytime I open the tote, it smells amazing.
Overall dry time was about 10 days, cure still ongoing.


I’m gonna leave the 17x soloberry2 for a little while longer.


Awesome, thank you.
Is the plan to freeze the zipped bags and skip the mason jars?


I’ve had beans take one to two weeks to pop before

Maybe they just need a few stratification cycles :thinking:


And now for the happy/sad/good/really good/kind of choked news…
Looks like I had another pollen mishap :upside_down_face:
Some of these primo @Crafty_Flame seeds were hit by stray pollen. Here’s what the hairs look like on a few plants and some possibilities below.


Do these look freshly pollinated?..like a day or 2 ago?
We have 3 possibilities.

  1. Sour d bx3 reg pollen - I was playing with this about 10 days ago and disposed of the males right after the deed was done. So I don’t think this one.
  2. Had a Cap Junky x chem91 branch releasing pollen on Feb 14. Cut that branch and disposed of it same day. Here is a current pic of a ufs19 pollinated that day

  3. Two of the gods white banana kush were throwing some balls after being deprived of water and put through some stress. I chopped those yesterday and the day before yesterday. I noticed a single banana on a top bud and saw a very small dust of pollen waft into the air. This might be the culprit.

Nah…I’m just gonna let it ride in the bags. It’ll summer soon and I’ll have little hands digging in the freezer for Popsicles and all this.


Aw rude! Probably #3 :thinking: but they don’t look too far off from that ufs18 pic either :thinking:

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Yeah…it’s seems to be a toss up between the cap Junky or gods white banana kush. I suppose either way it’s a win of sorts. The GWBK is pretty damn fine.

Triforce wasn’t spared either…lol…so that’ll be a fun cross!

Here’s one of the gods white banana kush I cut down in the 15th…other 2 were chopped on 16th


And I have to say, when I was using the cap Junky pollen, all my exhaust fans were off and doors closed…had my mist bottle dousing everything when done. So took a lot of precaution.
I’m leaning toward the gods white banana kush, due to seeing the small pollen cloud right beside the grow with all fans going and door wide open…and the GWBK was sitting in the same room as everything else…the Cap Junky was in a sealed fridge about 15 feet away, partially divided room.
So that’s kind of all the info.

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Oh, then yeah I’d have to agree with you. Mostly likely the GWBK then. Least they were late nanners ^^


Great work bro. Looks like you’re children’s children’s children will be popping seeds for life!


Gonna throw the question up here too…