Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

To me its both, synergistically speaking. one reinforces the other.

Its unfortunate when the taste isnt there but the smell is rocking our noses. I don’t know what causes that, Could be the drying process or maybe just how the plant is.


@Crafty_Flame plants coming along…April 5 is chop date…tentatively.

710 Mango freebie seed. Hardest buds in the grow right now…this one was flying under the radar.

She’s giving one seed from an unknown donor plant. Will be interesting to see what grows.



Perhaps it really is just popping a whack of seeds and searching for the stinkiest. I will have grown maybe 100+ different plants this grow season and only a few (at this point)really had stink. I mean, they all smell…but nothing that’ll knock your socks off.
I even tried the hang, bag, seal, burp method dry and cure this time…seems to have helped a bit…but again…nothing that’ll melt your face.


Weeeeee :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend:


Nice! Any standouts?


Yeah, what’s your favorite smoke of the ones you’ve taken down so far?

Also, how are those triforce doing :yum:

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@MG_Canna here are the 3 jetfuel x hellbilly girls. All 3 are super frosty! Smells like pine scented permanent marker…definitely has a gassy or chemical kind of smell to it too.

Far left




Middle plant




Plant on the right…it is seeded…so trichome production isn’t as high in some branches.





During watering found this gorgeous Cap Junky x chem91…hit lowers with some of the cap Junky x chem91 fem pollen from a few days ago.



The gmo x mendo breath is looking and smelling really good…I’ll get a shot of them on water day. Really excited for this harvest…lots of good work in there! Thanks again for sending!

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Favourite so far is a gsn #1 (I think…need to check the bag). Most of it is only 2 or 3 weeks into cure…so hoping to find more. I’ve tried 3 or 4 of what was chopped last harvest. That Gods space needle #1 (I think) has best smell and taste so far. But have another 30ish to try.
The triforce is looking :ok_hand::muscle:. It’s one of those strains that will push the same amount of buds in the 2 liters as the 1 gallons. Love those ones! I’m thinking in fall, I’m either gonna load all 2 liters for a psycho grow…lol…or some kind of 5 seeds per 1 gallon sog…or a traditional sog with clones…but not sure which direction I’m gonna go yet.
I’ll get some pics of the triforce next watering too. Gonna be budsicles.


Looks like they’re almost mature. Excellent job brother! Thank you for the update.


December 15 they went into flower…this Friday will be week 10 flower…but they weren’t totally.maturw when I put then in…so probably closer to 8ish weeks.

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Droseras coming along…have a bunch of dionaea that sprouted now too…sarracenias are still in the fridge for another month.
Can’t wait to see all these in a few years! Wife has even given the thumbs up on a grow shelf unit for the dining room.



Was thinking of getting something cheap and adding a few more lights for the carnivorous plants.


Can confirm that the 4x ufs18 girls all took the cap Junky x chem91 fem pollen.
Very happy about this. Lots of calyxes or whatever already starting to swell.


Here’s the cap Junky x chem91 that pollinated itself (cut off the male parts)

Here’s another cjxchem91 that I hit with the other Cap Junky chem91 pollen

And this cjxchem91 in the bigger closet wasn’t on the breeding list…but it looked really nice…so hit it worh CJxChem91 pollen yesterday. Chop is April 5…so exactly 6 weeks for seeds to finish.


Ok, now we know the CJ91 intersex pollen is viable. Thank You.

I’m looking fwd to sampling them soon.

You have lots going on Tappy… very nice.


Thanks much @GCBudz for the seeds! Can’t wait to try some! Left lots of branches untouched…so still get to smoke a bunch…lol.

And I just want to give another shoutout to @ShitSeeds for the STS…the stuff works like a charm everytime.
My seed stash is mighty full.


if u go the clone route for your psycho grow your gonna need a really big mom or two… lol. i would start making a few now if i were you lol


I was thinking of starting 5 moms in June…gives 3-4 months for moms to grow and cut 20 clones off each. But that might be more work than I’m looking for during summer…lol.


This toxic truffle gave me some fem pollen…



This jetfuel x hellbilly was hit with that pollen…


The seeds are ready


nah moms are the easiest lol. i know you re use your soil just use like 3 gal pots and you only gotta water every 3 days lol did you have any thoughts on which strain you might choose ? also no more stagger harvest will let you really dial in your dry if you can stretch it to around 10 days might save those terps :nose: