Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Would.probqbly do a few pre98 bubbas and a few Gods space needle crosses.

I bought all the materials to turn my larger closet into 1 large bed. Many moons ago, when living in the north end…lol…we ran single 4x4 beds each with a 400w hps. We would run clones and be pulling savage weight and the quality was primo. Was thinking of giving that a go but woth my leds. Could probably slam 50 clones in there easily. As long as they’re trimmed prior to putting then in and don’t stretch too hard, could increase yield and smell and all this.
I’ve got to switch something up, because my high just isn’t there…buds look great, smell decent…but lacking.
I tried letting them go longer last round, tried new drying and curing…nada.


I’m currently trying this…
This round that is finishing March 8 has been given minimum nutes woth added K for the last week. I’ll co tinuw this up til Chop I’m still letting them go a bit longer in hopes of making volatile smells and a higher high. All im seeing now I plants fading…not really getting any more ggressive smells.

But I dunno…maybe 12/12 from seed really doesn’t let the plant “mature” before flowerring.

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This jetfuel x hellbilly is tired…she hasn’t drank any of the water from 2 days ago. Gonna take her tomorrow morning (week 9).



oh my, I can only imagine what those kids will look like wow


I have these 4 plants in 1 pot. The stalks only take up 6" x 4"…I probably could have another 2 plants in the same pot. Right now, I’m estimating about an ounce dry.
But it’s only running at 66% capacity…maybe less. Could probably pull 2 oz per square foot in a dense sog.
This is one of @Budderton creations.


Nice Tapps!! That one looks like it put on a decent amount of weight and stayed nice and squat, for an inbred OG Kush type. I hope it smokes nice for you!


Good morning brothas :coffee:

Holy moly those are big ol buds on those @Budderton creations.

Happy harvest! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning :sun_with_face:

1 gallon?


1 gallon :+1:
Could definitely squeeze another 2 in the back of the pot…lol


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great day!

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Morning, dude…the sun is shining and the coffee is hot…life is good.

Have a good one :+1:


Send me that Swiss link too.

Here’s a link to help you find nutrient dense foods near you.
Eat Wild - Find Your State


Nice job… At what time in flower did you find pollen?. I’ve not seen that happen in those. With so many differences in methods/environments, it can happen. Recessive traits are there in every seed… It should never be a dominant trait. :call_me_hand:

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I sprayed 1 branch from 1 plant with sts to get the pollen. Your plants are solid…no herming to worry about. Will post more pics closer to chop. That particular plant has turned a deep, deep purple…almost plum coloured.
Dec 15 started spraying sts
Started flowering Dec 29ish
Pollen applied Jan 19ish
Planned chop date March 8 (10 weeks Flow)


March 7th is Big Lots earnings report. My bet is placed. Holding a shitload in my TFSA…hoping to retire the 2005 civic and get a 2015 or newer.
LFG!!! :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon::alarm_clock:

Have you or do you ever write put options on your long holds?


Good morning :coffee:
I haven’t brotha, not enough equity to safely write, I would have to give those shares up if those put contracts get assigned/called. I just buy the options to avoid being assigned/exercised.

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damn those budderton creations are a nice sog strain what are your closest dimensions again ?


Flower closet = 7 x 2.5 x 8
Flower closet2 = 2.5 x 2.5 x 8
Tent = 2 x 4 x 5


makes me think of a guy i used to watch grow in these 3 gal totes i think you could fit 12 or 14 in your 7 foot space 6 plants per tote lol