Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Ufs18 x capjunkyxchem91 fem seeds coming along…


Capjunkyxchem91 x capjunkyxchem91 fem seeds coming along…


Gods space needle x (blackberry breath x macslurry) day 40 flower (5 weeks, 5 days).



That one’s a real looker @Tappy ! :point_up: Is it a JOTI selection?


Yes…is a cross I made using his stuff. That one in particular finishing really fast.


Nice cross! Looks like it’d make a good hasher.

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X to the Z Xzibit


Is the Macslurry Mac x Slurricane? That’s a winning cross for sure!


Ice Cube rolling the mic :microphone: :evergreen_tree:


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Looks like a great time, Hope you had a blast!


It was awesome…drained everything out of me. Body needs to recharge…lol


You got it. It’s a Gods space needle x (blackberry breath x macslurry)…some joti x joti x world’s strongest strains


We appreciate you brother, and happy to see you are seeding up well. Nice work!!

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JetfuelXhellbilly x Toxic truffle fem seeds…seeds from one bud

One bud left to go…

The good thing about de-seeding is you get right into the bud and get a good look at the crystals and a good smell of the busted up tops. Even freshly taken off the plant today, the smell is heavy…very skunky…like the stuff you smell on someone walking through the mall and you’re like, “that mf has a bag of primo on him”.
Plant is going for another week, but seeds were already done and wanted the plant to focus on finishing those sweet, crystally buds


I love the work you are putting in here mate. You’re going to have beans for life.

You’re gonna have some fun looking through these :smiley:


OK. I’m tapping out for a while…lol…have waaaay to much going on. Gonna clean out the closets after this round and shut it down for spring and summer. The vegetable seeds will be sprouting soon and will be taking up a lot of time. The moss project has a life of its own…very fun…but takes up space I don’t really have right now…but keeping it going anyway because moss moss moss. The carnivorous plant project is also coming along nicely, but again, taking up valuable real estate at this time. Have another 4 pots of seeds steatifying in the fridge that will be coming out in another 3 weeks…so more stuff to take care of…lol. Have been wanting to get my shrimp and snail walstad tank going, but found a guy selling a sweet setup for cheap…so I bartered and used some humor and got him down to an even better price. So got a sweet 15 gallon tank with everything…gravel, 4 or 5 different types of plants, moss, driftwood, light, filter, heater lid, everything. After chilling with him for a while, I wish I would have brought him a bag…he had long hair, hippy vibe, tons of fishtanks, vapes on the counter…he seemed like a super cool dude…someone I would actually want to hang out with…lol.

Anyway…all that plus the cancer treatments and doing stuff with the kids has me wiped out all the time. Can’t wait to relax at some point.


Man, speaking my other language! I’ve been off the aquarium kick for a few years now. Can never just run ONE tank :joy: you ever get on plantedtank.net? I haven’t been there in like 10 years but it used to be the spot for plants and shrimp and whatnot, like this is the place for beans and whatnot. I knew a guy up there that reminds me of what you’re talkin about. Wonder if it’s a small world ^^

Anyways, what kinda shrimp and plants you talkin about? Cherry shrimp/Neo’s? or going Crystal Reds/Cardinia’s? Amano’s? Tiger shrimp? I used to keep fissidens and star moss, erios, rotala’s, bacopa and some others… had an illegal hygrophila polysperma for the longest time, that was variegated and really pretty. fucker would regenerate the whole plant from a leaf snippet, hence why it was illegal. Noxious weed apparently :roll_eyes:

TriForce still doing good over there?


TRIFORCE :muscle::muscle::muscle: more updates coming soon…they’re getting to the point of budding where I want to show them off…looking fantastic!


Oh, man…this isn’t good…like 2 addicts meeting in a back lane…I hope we don’t feed each others planted tank addiction now…lol.
Yes, I was very active on plantedtank when I was learning and getting into it. Forgot most of what I had learned…lol.
The tank I bought from buddy yesterday is sweet. For sure has Java fern, Java moss, duckweed, maybe some wisteria or ludwigia(?)…I scored bigtime with this tank.
Can you identify any of these?




Shitty pics…I know…lol. but yeah, came with everything. 2 spixy snails and all this…he was stoked about giving me those…lol.

As far as shrimp, I was just gonna go with whatever is cheap and local. Another guy online was selling some blue dream shrimp (LOL :joy:) for $2 each. But even the standard low grade cherries are good for me. I just want to see some life…nothing crazy…lol

Is this that paycho weed that would takeover the world if it got loose? Hyacinth or whatever floating plant in the Amazon that clogs rivers and stuff?


Gonna be taking the plants and decor out and put everything back how I like it. Have some granite stones from the lake that I would love to put in. I almost want to pull the gravel out and pick out all the coloured ones and just have it looking as natural as possible…lol…but there’s a shit load of gravel…lol.
Have my pantyhose full of soil to bury at the back cornwr and try and make a slope with some plants…but some don’t like rhizome to be buried…so I have some homework to do.

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:rofl: hopefully I can hold off :pray:

Ooh pretty betta!

I think you’re spot on there :thinking: I think the spiny one might be some type of myrio :thinking:

Kind of. It’s a stem plant tho. But will absolutely take over any body of water it might get into.

Potato phone camera

My favorite floating plant is this stuff

Fairy moss/Mosquito Fern aka Azolla Mexicana/Carolinia
Again, sorry for the potato camera from 2008ish :joy:

TriForce there looking great! Looks kinda kryptonite-y but TK bud leaves, too soon to call. Gonna be a great show :heart_eyes:


youll be missed bud but do what you need to do. good luck on all the projects. and keep kicking cancers ass