Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

This is hard to comprehend :brain::eyes::see_no_evil:



Well, earlier up the thread @tappy has said he likes a bit of variety in his grows and also that he would rather trim 50 smaller plants than larger ones. I know a grower who vegges for 3 weeks or less then flips them. I know another who vegges for only a week and a half after transplant to final container after seedling stage half week to establish and a week to grow. Then flowering away.


Unfortunately I’ve hit a streak of bad luck. They looked well watered and everything and starting wilting, so I figured I had overwatered. After 2 days they still hadn’t started to rebound. Did a lift test to see how heavy, and they were all dry as eff. Gave them another drink (no nutes yet) and gave them another couple days and here we are.

  • First pic is just a jagged plant that looks cool.
  • second picture is mutant that also looks cool.
  • third, fourth, fifth pic is some of the issues I’m battling.

My water is 6.0-6.5 ph. No nutes. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:
I’m missing my 2 liter bottles. :pleading_face:






To be honest, I’m so distraught over this that I’m ready to uproot everything and start from scratch. I’ve gotta short window of opportunity to nail this grow. Summer gets too hot and humid.

Do you guys think in another week they could snap out of this?
I’m hesitant to let it veg. another week and still have struggling plants.


Gonna be starting a bunch more seeds this evening. If the plants don’t look better before seeds are ready, it’s bye-bye plants and hello fresh start…which hurts, but necessary.


Just raised and dimmed the lights. :crossed_fingers: hope they rebound quickly. Panic is definitely setting in. Trying to control my emotions and apply LITFA.
This plant was super dry and watered yesterday. Still has limp leafs and yellowing. You can see other leaves on other plants limp as well.

And this one, leaf is perky but clawed like a mofo…no nutes and dry period before watering…wtf is this!!!


Do you have anything like Recharge, or other myco/ beneficial bacteria products? They have lifted plants out of a slump for me in the past.

I wish you the best.


Hey @Tappy

If you chop now, that’s a lot of time and light wasted.

Personally, I’d try a few thing in the coming week before calling it quits.

Since your medium dried out, it’ll be hydrophobic, add a little soap or other surfactant to your water (no nutes), and raise your lights on, and especially your lights off temps a few degrees to get the plant drinking quicker. Maybe even bottom water for this next week.

To me, it looks like your roots might be getting to cold, but I could be wrong.


As soon as I saw them I thought your lights to much for them, but may be a combination of light and no water, they are curling the leaves to keep ahold of as much water in the plant as possible and reducing as much leaf area to the light as possible atm.

Keep persevering buddy they should pick up again soon :+1:


I do have some…will add next watering. Good call!

Light, temp, soil moisture and ph are the only things I can really control at this point. A light watering and dimming lights. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I was expecting this, but it hasn’t happened. When I watered the first time through to the last time, the sunshine mix #4 just absorbs it like a sponge. Made me think they added something to the mix to avoid that.

Everything that can be done, has been. Let’s see what happens.


whata ya gonna doo with the seedlings when these rebound better than ever🤣 I think they will or could. i don’t think you broke anything that you can’t fix.
good luck buddy🤘


My neighbour is a legal grower as well…when I told him I had cancer, he said if I wanted to borrow one of his 1000w hps, I could…lol. would really only need 24’ of panda film and some more soil. :face_with_monocle::thinking:


Some look like they’re praying as a good vegging plants should.


Some still struggling.


Worst plant here…last pic is dof plant



Some plants still look pretty nice.




So this is it…one more week or :axe:.


…the clock is ticking…


They look like they are bouncing back.


I second what @Tejas said they seem to be bouncing back. If nothing else since you have seeds a poppin pull the worse couple and fill it back out with the new stock.


Yeah the majority seem to be getting better now man.


I’m wondering if I have contaminated soil. All were planted with the same sunshine mix#4 that I just purchased.








Seeds are ready…so gonna plant these and see where we go from here.