Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

5 of the 6 Maui Mango Haze are planted… 1 seed didn’t make it.
I decided to use 2 liters for these last ones to save space. Looks like I can squeeze another 6 in here…so will start a couple more seeds of something.


for sure another 5 2-liters :wink:
lookin good! :muscle:


Lol…2 liters


I’m sorry to hear that. I have a friend he has kicked it for 10 years.


I’ve been telling my main doctor at cancer care that something isn’t right, for the last +16 weeks.
When I went for meeting with surgeon and oncogist to get the news that the cancer had returned, guess who took the day off?..the lady/‘main doctor’ blowing off my concerns. Everyone’s entitled to a day off, yes, but just seemed convenient.


Very, very late for this…but I want to thank and praise @Mr.Sparkle for a minute.
When I first found overgrow (again) about 5 years ago I was in a shitty spot financially and mentally. I wanted to start growing again but didn’t have any money for equipment or anything. Marshydro was doing a giveaway and there were plenty of folks fighting for the Ts1000. Mr.sparkle and I were neck and neck at the ‘likes’ count. I basically begged for him to let me win and spammed a bunch of people’s inboxes asking then to vote for me. Mr. Sparkle ended up letting me win, with the help of the people who were throwing me ‘likes’.
Without that light, I’m sire I would have spiraled further into the negative mental state I was in.
I can almost pinpoint it to that day when my life started turning around. Was easier to see the good in people and the world…I embraced the OG community and it/they embraced me back.
Long story short, huge, HUGE thanks you to @Mr.Sparkle and all those who liked my post to help me win. My ‘thank you’ comes years late…but I think of it often.
This site truly changed my life and the life of my family.


Thats what this forum is for helping each other out :wink:


thank you for that kind gesture you showed @Tappy i hope your karma has come back ten fold. and my respect for you (not that it holds any weight or matters to you) has grown tremendously.

@tappy i really hope you tell that dr how you feel. i dont think they hear it enough and maybe you showing her that just because she has studied most of her life she still doesnt know it all and should listen and be more empathetic to her patience. were not just a pay check we have families we love and are loved by and what happens to us effects all of them too.

2 litres… ahh just like the good ol days. now whatcha poppin ?


Believe me, it does hold weight and it does matter. I would def rather be thought of as a decent human being, rather than a pos or not at all…lol.

I’m kind of scared to…lol. I don’t want to bitch at the person designated to be my connection to the system…lol. and my surgeon wanted me to get a third covid shot before I started chemo the first time :unamused: …lol…so that says enough right there.

Well, I’ve got the 5 Maui Mango Haze going…I started some sweet tooth fem seeds, but only 2 hacked it…so woth only a few spots left I tossed 4 gods bubba x chemo fem seeds in towel and it looks like they all popped. So now have a helluva mishmash going on…lol…my favourite type of grow…lol.

You’re a local boy too, eh…so if you ever see anything I’m playing woth and want to give it a try, lemme know and we can meet up or something. My schedule is pretty much clear these days…lol.


im no dr but a vaccine before chemo sounds like an immune system nightmare … also ii know what you mean about pissing her off but maybe try and find a nicer way of saying it. it just irks me to many times i have self diagnosed myself with internet reaserach and fought with doctors only to be right at the end of months and months of tests and trials. the canadian system is not able to diagnose things quick enough which can be fatal. and with a dr’s ego it can be even longer

tappy’s fuster cluck wouldnt be the same without a mishmash lol


I grew two MMH and really enjoyed the stretchy pheno.


I’m looking forward to it! Have only grown a handful of hazes, but enjoyed the grow and smoke! You have any pics of your mmh?

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I do…

The squat was nice but the stretch was very nice.


Those are fire :100: :fire:


That pic of the mauve is the lowers on the stretch and they really were very nice.


@Tappy I could send you some other hazy stuff if you’re interested.

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Thanks much for the offer…I’ve put my name into all types of giveaways since coming back, so I should be well stocked for a while. If you don’t find a home for them before I run out of beans, I would def take you up on that offer tho…lol
And yes, that mmh looks stellar! I’m doing 12/12 from seed…you think I should still top it? It’s growing alongside mostly indicas…dont want them getting too high above everything else.


I topped mine but I don’t know much about12/12 from seed

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Have a pretty sweet list going on…12/12 already going…

  • gods space needle x chemo F.
  • chemo x chemo F.
  • gods bubba x gods bubba F.
  • Afghani x (sour mints x banana og) F.
  • Afghani x (strawberry haze x banana og) F.

Have added

  • Maui Mango Haze reg.
  • sweet tooth f.
  • gods bubba x chemo f.


Wishing you the absolute best brother! Sending positive vibes ! Killer grow & Killer Show !! Peace