Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Since these plants/seedlings are still young and vegging, I’m going to switch back to 18/6and let them veg a little longer than anticipated. In a few weeks I’m going to turn the lights out completely for 5 days and then put lights on 12/12.
Let’s see what happens.
Plants today…about 2 weeks in. Thinking of going dark Sept 11 to 15.


I’ve decided to move the dark period to mon, sept 4 to Friday, Sept 8.
Some plants are getting to my standard “start flower” size…but some are still kind of seedlings.


how much of a pain is it to water those corner when your in 5 weeks flower lol.


LOL!!! Pulling everything out every second or third day is a pain in the ass…for sure.
The good thing is it let’s me examine every single plant…cut off any lowers…rearrange as needed. Some grow faster than others, so keeps the canopy somewhat even…tallest to shortest.


yes it is i am doing it every second day my self lmao. emptying the saucers from run off is prob the worst part with these flimsy trays lmao. need to buy a shop vac asap

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I find that when growing with the 2 liter bottles, I kind of use them like a Hempy…the drainage holes are about an inch or 2 from the bottom…can just dunk bottom in water and watch the bottom fill with water. The topsoil wicks it up, wet at the very bottom, near dry on top and the gradient between. Usually don’t have to water the 2L as often as the 1gal.


Three more sleeps and then lights out for 5 days.


those babies are growing fast. after lights out its gonna be sog city

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My neighbour scored me a bag of earthworm castings, so I mixed it with a bit of diatomaceous earth and topped all the plants before watering today. Apparently DE provides silica…and I know I’m lacking silica.

Some.of the pants are way to small to flip to flower…but the larger ones, I’m predicting, will be throwing hairs nicely. What happens after that is an unknown to me.
Will they reeeeeallly stretch?..will they stretch as much or more compared to 12/12 only?..will it cut the total flowering time?

I’m wondering if I should turn the lights on for 1 hour a day?..but then why do it all…so full blackout for almost 5 days (Monday morning to Friday evening).


oh i am in need of silica badly also i have some weak stems flopping about. shit is expensive tho. DE usully isnt to much might have to look into it for that next run

I’ve got a huge bag if you want some…easier than sourcing it and screwing around at a stinky mill…lol.
I wasn’t really able to find any ratio info…like, 1/4 cup per gallon of soil…so I just winged it…lol.

I keep on finding good reasons to keep using the 2 liters…lol. here I have a spot where I would only be able to put 3x 1 gallon pots…but I am able to put 8x 2 liters…lol…because I basically run a SOG style, this will up harvest weight, for sure!

Maui Mango Haze coming in strong…caught up to some of my others that are a week or 2 older…very strong! :muscle:


Picked up this bad boy yesterday, as per your feed store suggestion. 28lbs = $60 (that’s good for my area) :grin::+1:


Out of likes, but you damn rights I like it!!! Are you using this for mites or as a preventative measure? Either way, it will protect your plants big-time!!! Godspeed, bro!!


It was originally going to be for fungus gnats but Ive been reading more about it and it seems to be a good source of plant available silica, so I’m now amending my soil with 60g per gallon


How/where did you find the 60ml per gallon tip? I searched, but didn’t find anything definitive.
28 pounds for $60 beats the piss out of 270 grams for $15…lol…good score :+1:

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So I cannot find the source now??? But yesterday when reading about it, it came up twice that the rates for potted plants should be between 2-4 tablespoons per gallon so I went with 4 (15g per tbl). Now when I try to find that page I’m getting all sort of numbers from different sites. One thing I just read, said 20% of you soil mix should be diatomaceous earth :joy:. I’m really not 100% on the best rates as a soil amendment but I’m pretty sure it’s not going to matter much if I go too much.

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To much DE might raise your ph higher than optimal levels. If I remember correctly it’s pretty alkaline.


Good to know, I don’t wanna mess with PH. I’ll look further into application rates :metal:


thank you for the offer brotha but i will hold off until i figure out next run. moving into somewhere soon so im staying in my sisters basement until i find somewhere… im being picky this time as last 3 places were a dump and i want something nice for once.

i say you go all 2 litres and run 12/12 from seed on next run! lol but buy a wand to water


Typical winnipeg and shithole rentals with slumlord owners…lol.

I’m not sure where I would get all the 2L’s from…but it would be savage!!! Would need a waterproof membrane to make a watertight bottom…holes at the bottom of all 2 liters so I could just dump water in and let capillary action do it’s thing.

But I do have a 75 plant count license and a fuckload of femmed seeds :thinking::face_with_monocle: