Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Had 2 teeth pulled…fuckin deadly! No smoke, no coffee…can eat but food is all garbage anyway…so I’ll stick with my water, I guess. Might try and sneak in a small rip from the pipe or something…fresh outta edibles :thinking:


Ouch! Like 3 days to a week like that or so? I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled a few years back, that was “fun” :sweat_smile: hopefully your recovery is quick! Gotta have smoke and coffee!


You’re bang on! Mine is only 3-5 days no smoke, no straws, nothing to pop the blood clot or whatever. Coffee, weed and water…broke the rules already this morning…coffee #3 already…cleaned the pipe and put a fresh screen to get a clean, soft pull on inhale…worked perfect :cowboy_hat_face:


Chopped these 3 ugly chemos to make some space in the flower room.
Maybe 6 grams dry :partying_face:…adding it to the crystal trim pile and will be edibles.

Chopped 1 gods bubba x chemo (right) and 1 Afghani x (strawberry haze x banana og) (left)

Hoping to have everything chopped by the 20th…was supposed to be the 6th…then the 10th…then the 13th, then 17th…now 20th.
I can’t justify chopping early after putting this much time into it. Mein kampf.



Buds. I never use flash…all light is grow light or shop light if they’re out of the closet.









Sweet tooth looking like a 12-14 week flower time.


Hey @Tappy , got any trichs on your flower?!:rofl:
Outstanding man!
And I wouldn’t worry too much , when I got 4 wisdoms pulled at once I was right on the smoke and coffee. I just rinsed out with mouthwash after smoking or having a coffee and it was fine.


Doing beautiful work as always over there! :heart_eyes:

Glad to hear it should only take a couple days to heal up! Yay for coffee and smoke lol. Hopefully no issues there during the recovery and you’ll be back in action just in time for things to be ready to sample :yum:


Gorgeous bro! I’ve been there before as well, twice now. I was Smokin to just be mindful of how hard you pull, slow and steady, I was hitting joints but just little millisecond pulls, hold ‘em in deep. Good to go. My friend had the dreaded outcome “dry socket” and said it was some of the worst pain he’s experienced! And he ran part of his arm through a commercial sheet press 9 years ago! :face_with_head_bandage: you’ve got this, hopefully you aren’t in too much pain , just some discomfort.


I can’t tell…there’s all this sticky stuff all over the plants…lol.

Have been okay so far…another day or 2 and I should be out of the danger zone.

Many thanks! I just water them…they basically grow themselves…lol.

I. Am. STOKED!!! Everything besides those 3 chemos looks really nice!

The dentist was stressing to me how shitty this is. He was a younger guy…looked like he likes to party. He straight up said, :if you’re gonna smoke, wet some gauze and bite hard when you draw smoke…will help"…lol. but I’ve jist been doing small pipes hits with a super clean screen. It’s basically like breathing with a tiny amount of resistance…very tiny


Actually I did do the gauze thing too, I forgot about that . Good call, no way I wasn’t smoking for 5 days ! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


When you need you need…but that dry socket thing sounds like a buzzkill. Risk:reward…lol


Oh it definitely must be! :grimacing:

your buds all remind me of old school hashplants and afghanis lol. i think its the lighting gives that yellow tint and the fact you grow them so short. hoping your pain is gone now.

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In my flower room I’ve got the 150w marshydro light…but the other 250 watts (200w + 50w) are both 3k kelvin…so lots of yellow and orange. I think almost half of what I’m running is a cross of Afghani (from JOTI)…those buds are potent looking!!

Lately I’ve been chasing seeds that the universe clearly doesn’t want me to have…lol. So I’m taking it as a sign that the seeds I’m making in the next while will be a huge success…lol. I have a few packs of seeds coming in from @HolyAngel and @MG_Canna …I’m gonna need a fire extinguisher close to my closets with all the :fire: going on.

200w (left), 50w (right) leaves room for fans and such to blow.

Here you can kind of see both fans and the marshydro light


Also thinking of starting a go-fund-me to get the $5 I need to get more panda wrap for the closet and cover up the wood after 4 years of running here… lol
I am the master procrastinator.


Nice chunky nugs in the garden!


or just toss some primer on the wood if you have some laying around lol.either way your producing some nice bud and variety too.


5x jungle spice x black domina
4x Earth Magic
3x Orange Goji

All going into 2 liters tonight.

The jungle spice x black domina are all kind of…well…the bottom one hasn’t grown since it was planted…so I think we’re already down to 4 JS x BD.


Just pitched it.

4x jungle spice x black domina
4x Earth Magic
3x Orange Goji


Had to test a bowl of a fallen nug… not sure which one it is but it hit like a heel kick to the forehead lol. Taste is muted tho not fully dry