Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Ooooh shit!! Just that little bud looks primo! I’ve ordered weed online and bought a couple things from the local weed shops…nothing compares to good homegrown…and that, good sir, looks like killer homegrown! Hopefully the smells really comes out after a bit of a cure…but looks tasty as eff!

Lol…heel kick to the forehead…lol…hardcore


haha ya not bad for a lower but they usually hit me good when fresh. hoping the smell in the drying buds stays as when i opened it today after 6 days to check stems still bending smell a little hey in the air with skunk under tones. but im sure buds will hold the smell. temp seems to be stuck around 62 oveer night and 66 during day and humidity still staying at 60 before fan kicks on at 61 hope it stays like this for another 6 days at least


Very nice! Sounds like your drying and curing game is on point! I just do the ol’ touch and feel…lol. I used those temp/rh probes before, but they ran out of batteries and that was the end of that…lol. Wish they had ones that you could recharge with USB or something.

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:point_up_2: these are all reg seeds.
Put into flower this morning. Lights out in 6 hours.


Have about 10 plants coming down Monday. Will be able to start adding the fems going into 1 gallon pots.
3x buddha cane fem.
8x Black candyland fem.
9x GSN fem.
12x PKX x Chemo fem.

The 10x gods white banana kush reg. seed project


Once these are a bit bigger, they’ll go into 2 liter bottles too.
6x Afghani fem.
1x Cherry Platinum Breath reg.
These are the seedlings in the first pic. I’m expecting a bunch of males from the regs, so these should keep the room at max capacity.


Upped the pot a touch…solo cup to slurpee cup :chart_with_upwards_trend:.
I thought they were rootbound, but I now see that I’ve been underwatering. Probably due to me fear of damping off and all this. Luckily they look okay.
3x pre98 bubba
1x buddhas cane

And just so folks don’t think I’m out here inhaling slurpees…one of these cups had a bog LSD label…that run was 2-3 years ago now…lol. I just never throw the cups out.


7 plants coming down this morning.
Gods bubba
Afghani x sour mints x banana og
Afghani x strawberry haze x banana og
Gods bubba x chemo






It’s been a wild ride…I remember this day…


Put these in 1 gallons and into flower room.
2x buddha cane
2x gods space needle
1x black candyland
4x pkx x chemo

Added 2x Afghani in 2 liters…will probably add another 1 or 2 today or tomorrow morning.


Wow…got almost everything into 1 gallons and 2 liters…everything but the smallest ones and the ones I’m going to use as seed projects. Manually killed the lights an hour late…but got it done. I totally over estimated what I was gonna be harvesting and definitely over planted. At least the plan is moving forward.
Pics tomorrow morning.


Everything but 4x Afghani and the 1 cherry platinum Kush breath are in their last homes…the 4 Afghani and CPKB are still to small to up-pot yet…maybe next week.
Some are stacked due to limited space and the slow harvest currently taking place.

Flower Day 1
3x Orange goji reg.
4x jungle spice x black domina reg.
4x Earth Magic reg.
2x Afghani fem.
3x buddha cane fem. 3
8x Black candyland fem. 2
9x GSN fem. 3
12x PKX x Chemo fem. 8



Looking good. Nice feet :grinning:.


I’m impressed how you manage so many plants. I have trouble focusing on more than 3 or 4.


right. hes got his perpetual game down. must have variety for days lol. looking super dank in there tappy keep plugging away


Lol…thanks guys. Luckily these plants are a “just add water” type project! I love burning through tons of strains and seeds.
I’m gonna try to keep these pre98 bubba kushes around till summer and make a couple full closets before I retire it. This will be the test. Can I keep these plants alive for 8-9 months?

Anyway…the new class is looking good.



Everyday I’m shuffling…basically everything in 12/12 that’s supposed to be, with the exception of a few straggler seedlings.




It amazingly works out that these will be at exactly 8 weeks flower on January 1st! Would be awesome to bring in the new year with a couple chops.


No doubt, that’s killer!


Jungle spice x black domina throwing deep roots fast!



Well…I see lots of posts about the cold weather creating issues in the grow rooms…I am also not immune. New growth doesn’t look as “big” as it should. Gonna fire up the heater tonight and over the winter during lights out. I’m home all day and night and turn it off when not home, so good to go.

That being said, I’m also very scared for my pre98 bubbas…my most successful method of growing the last 5 years has been basically 12/12 from seed. Keeping plants for long periods of time scares me now. One fuckup can turn into a death spiral.so I’m thinking of just flowering the 3 pre98’s out and hitting them with STS and just make all seeds. Wanted to get some clones, but would rather play it safe.


:evergreen_tree::axe: gods space needle x chemo


