Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

I messed up the lineage on the Glitter Trike. Here’s correction,



Noted! Thanks for confirming!


7x triangle kush x Biker kush
7x (pure og kush x Triangle kush) x Biker kush

Still waiting on a few other packs in the mail.


Good morning :coffee:
I checked the tracking on your package and it’s in the great white north.
You should see it soon brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Yes man!! How did you find the packaging @Tappy ? Was it relatively easy to get into?


Right on! Will be getting a few of those going asap! Thanks again for your help with that! And @DougDawson!

I really liked the seed packs! I’m kind of a minimalist at heart and your packs are nice and clean/sleek. I opened it like I would any other pack, over a bowl or a rimmed dish. The seeds were well packed inside…could have just done it on the table with no issues.
The only way someone would have issues is if they were aggressively tearing and ripping at it.
So I would say they’re effective for shipping, pleasing to the eye and take up less space than other packs…so all types of wins.


Did first spray of STS on 3x pre98 bubba and Buddha’s cane. Will do it again on Friday before transplant and into 12/12.


Right on @Tappy , that’s what I was aiming for. Thanks for the feedback and best of luck with your starts!!


Sweet tooth on the right…Maui Mango Haze middle and left. The MMH is a must grow! Amazing plant! Smells like tropical juicy fruit and stacks fat!

Sweet tooth



Maui mango haze 1 and 2





:heart_eyes: Are those the MMH F2’s? I have f2’s… maybe from Guitarzan? I think the original cross was made by DarthCultivar :thinking: or I have all that backwards lol regardless! Sounds, and they look, awesome!

Is the sweet tooth really sweet smelling? She definitely reminds me of the ones I grew out 20 something years ago :joy:


The MMH are from the seedrun…I hope I have a few left!!

It does have a sweet smell…but nothing compared to the MMH. Both are over 10 weeks now…sweet tooth looks like she needs another 3 weeks…lol…but I’m gonna let it go as long as it needs…give this old school strain the respect it deserves and let it finish proper.


Hoping this jungle spice x black domina is a female…looks black domina dominant with those very wide leafs!
Black domina is an old favourote of mine…


Gods bubba x chemo a couple plants




Screenshot (10)
Made it to post 1704 this time! Almost there! Hahaha
Awesome journals, @Tappy -** thank you** for sharing so much about such a beautiful sea of green as you got growin’ here. It’s damn impressive just keeping up with so many, much less the results! Speak for themselves!
Good work on the dry sift, too, yo. May have to try that next time the trim piles up on us here… If we don’t get antsy to try our first FECO extraction first. :man_shrugging:
Keep it up, OG. The world’s yer garden!
Stay up!


I was watching my notifications number go up and up and up…lol. Happy to provide some entertainment and maybe some info on the grow thread…lol. Glad you enjoyed it!
The dry sift was a different experience…truly a game changer!
SOG the world!!!
Thanks for bringing some good vibes!


Hahaha! :thinking: I wonder about that sometimes, with the way I tend to spend time on here. I’m glad it was fun to watch on the other end! :laughing:

It looks like a hell of a yield. We’ve done Bubble Hash washes twice now, and the second time looks a hell of a lot better as it dries now in the freezer, but there were a LOT of variables changed between the two. I gotta say though, hand-stirring is a definite thing to avoid like the plague! Hahahah
Have a great day out there!
Stay up!


I might have a few if you need them. I definitely have F2 fems that I made from them, if you need.


The water method had a lot more moving parts, which kind of scared me away from it. The dry sift seems like it’ll be consistent depending on material. Hand stirring = :muscle::muscle::muscle:…lol…or does it = more plant material in finished product?

I’m gonna have to check my stash and see if I have any left…but I may need to take you up on this. What was your take on the MMH? Have pics in your thread? Only downside was long flower time…but yield, smell, look, all make it worth it.


That grow was before I started keeping a log. I was kind of paranoid about posting pics.

I don’t remember much about it other than the plants were very consistent.


Well, the true test will be the smoke and high. The 2 mmh are coming down Friday morning…getting pretty excited! Love these countdowns!

What happened in Hawaii isn’t funny…but it was because of the fire that I started these. …so something good kinda came out of it…kinda…