Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Well done!! I hope you’re gonna press some of that, would be very nice :v::call_me_hand:t2:


I don’t have the equipment to press…but I’m sure it would be wonderful!

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So here’s the pre98 bubba STS plan.
The plants are all topped at the 6th node…there is no 7th node…so maybe it’s the 7th node?
The red circle shows the nodes I’m hitting with sts.
The yellow represents an upside-down slurpee cup I will be using to contain the femmed pollen sacs and lower branches to be seeded.
I haven’t decided if I want the top 2 node sets (blue circles) to go sensi or if I should mix all 3 of the pre98 bubba pollen together and hit them all with a mix of pollen…now that I read it, this seems like a good idea.

All 3 pre98 bubbas are setup this way…the Buddha’s cane too…only the Buddha’s can will not be hit with the pre98 pollen, just its own.

Will be hitting them again on Friday (second sts application) and up-potting and putting into flower.


Both! :rofl: Brutal on the arms and shoulder, and definitely seems easier to overwork it when done by hand, with plenty of chlorophyll in the product. If you ever go the bubble route, be sure to bring a drill.
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


I see people find these mutations and now I’ve got a couple.

Leaflet in the middle of a leaf

Triple nodes

Variegation or whatever…lol


Love Triploids! Nice


Extra leaf tip
Whorled Phyllotaxy
Two toned leaf.

I have a meat breath that grows leaf buds.


Ma gooey likes to do this as well, it’s pretty cool for sure.

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Oh neat! I’ve had a few trifoliate plants but only one that maintained it through veg and clone. Most would seem to grow out of it after a node or two. I mostly saw it in the Afghani lines, especially from JOTI.

And that’s definitely variegation on that last one! Sometimes the variegated ones are more potent, sometimes not :man_shrugging:

Looking good tho!


Starting 6x Sour Altoids and 6x Jet Fuel x Hellbilly from @MG_Canna for an upcoming sensi run.



You might want to cross the two. Genetics play very well together


Excited to see the JF x HB fire up!


Would you be okay if I played with my new sts spray on your plants?

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Stoked to see these go! Will be starting the rest mid-late Jan. That jetfuel looks like a banger! Will be dead of winter here when these are in full flower…will be stinking up the house …lol


I use those little food trays too! Love them, I was using a ziploc for many many years, until I found those about 7 years ago. Now they are my go to. I just slowly move the lids off an inch or so a day after the first 1-2 days, and no joke it’s super rare I ever lose more than a bean here or there that just don’t start or just damp off etc


All 3 jungle spice x black domina have a triploid/multibranch/multinode trait.
Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3 lower branch…the main tip is a regular 2 symmetrical

It sucks because it looks like 2 are males :confused:


2 of the black candylands hermed out…Chopped one and plucked the balls off the other.
The one I chopped was basically male…real bad. There is a possibility I mixed up some seeds, but highly doubt it…I’m usually pretty darn careful with the seeds.


Sadness :cry: Not the first I’ve heard of that happening with those though. Only reason I traded mine out.
I only kept a few packs of JOTI from the few group guys I did.


Yeah, it sucks. To be fair, these are femmed seeds I made…so I must have bred with one of the shottier plants of the bunch.
Throwing out the chemo fem seeds and these black candyland fems…will probably just throw them along the creek in spring and see if any take.

Have you heard of the black candylands straight from JOTI herming? @HolyAngel
Other strains too?


I’ve heard of issues with a bunch of newer stuff, but not so much the old beans, yours are older though aren’t they