Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

In the style of…


That must be one impressive dirty ho. And donut.



Platinum Cherry kush breath isolated (with some 12/12 from seed fems) in the fridge until I get the tent setup. Looking good for pollen! Hoping next week I can start hitting a few plants.

Sour altoids and jetfuel x hellbilly seedlings taking their time…some budderton crazy kush crosses…other strains in there too.

Here’s the last flowering plant from last run…sweet tooth…day 293…lol…or week 12+ or something…but feels like forever already.


I wish I had more space…I would love to try and reveg the bottom budsites. There’s something special about this one. …something about the look, smell, feel of the bud. Something nostalgic.
But wait! The tent!!! Will give reveg a whirl at chop time. :+1::call_me_hand:




Lol…I think most people would agree that fun does usually come in a bag…or maybe a jar…lol.

Got the tent all setup this morning!!!
I feel like the step brothers from the movie step brothers where they make bunkbeds…lol.
“Look at all this room…imagine all the stuff we can do in here now!!”

Big thank you to @TricycleOfDoom!!
Also want to thank all the OG’s over the years who have swapped or given seeds over the last 4-5 years. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting here and ordering my 6 pack of seeds and preparing a small 2x2 for a dwc grow. Now I have a can full of seeds and basically the whole storage room is now greenhouse/sanctuary.

From 2008-2012 I was renting a house…our highest plant count there was over 400 plants…was absolutely wild. Very happy, and yet sad, that those days are gone. With this new setup, I get that old feeling again. :relaxed:


@TricycleOfDoom also want to thank you for your fabulous packing job and handwritten instructions too! You made this incredibly easy to put together! So thanks again!


You’re very welcome @Tappy and thank you for the gifts. :green_heart:


I think you and I are both morning people :sunglasses:


Lol…early mornings are the best! Get so much done before the world even opens its eyes!
The days when you sleep in till 7am and say, “well shoot, the day is already half over”…lol.

Got back from superstore a little while ago, so shopping is already finished and supper being planned/prepared…lol.

Had some time to setup a little spot for the 3x pre98 bubba and the 1x Buddha cane.
Only light I had left was the ts600 (100w marshydro). So added a 30w 5000k garage light. It’s funny the difference a few more watts make.
No circulation fan or exhaust setup yet…doing a heat test now…lights on, zippers up…will check in an hour or 2 and see what it’s doing in there.

Boxing day shopping for another light? :thinking::face_with_monocle:


Today’s score…
$3 scale from Krazy Bins…already have the same one, but couldn’t walk away for only $3.

And the big one!!

Found this at the local liquidation shop…
2 pack, 4200k, 100w led floodlights for $60.
I bought these because the plants I veg under my 2x 30watt 5k shoplights stay nice and squat, but throw leaves like crazy…so gonna use these for veg and probably use 1 in flower too. Bright as eff!


Awesome scores bro! Man I need a new scale too I literally just found out last night! Wish I was closer I’d go nab one or two! Well done @Tappy hope you are feeling well and having a great day today


Love a good bargain! Feeling like shit, but can’t nobody hold me down, I’ve got to keep on movin’!! Hope all is well with you and yours!!

Does this look like I could just use a heatgun to remove these shields? The protective lens looks like it’s just placed in with some sealant.
Thoughts on how to remove?


Doing well bro, thanks for asking. Always love you attitude and drive, for real I’ve got the utmost respect for you. Ya I would think a heat gun, maybe even some alcohol will disintegrate it or make it wipe clean off afterwards?


Right out of the box…bang on!

New and old…basically identical…except I got 90% off the new one…lol


Doing well bro, thanks for asking. Always love you attitude and drive, for real I’ve got the utmost respect for youYa I would think a heat gun, maybe even some alcohol will disintegrate it or make it wipe clean off afterwards?


Nice! Bonus


STS has been a success!! All branches hit with STS from @ShitSeeds have balls forming…nice big balls!!
Pre98 Bubba from Cali Connection



And the main buds are looking ready to accept!!



Platinum Cherry Kush Breath ready to drop his pollen…


Thoughts had a pic of the fem afghani I’m hitting with pollen, but don’t.


After a few minutes of assessing the situation and the tools on hand…I decided to take the path of least resistance.
Got it all finished up and ready for the tent tomorrow…just one more to go.

Tools of the trade…

I would suggest this project to anyone who wants to have millions of tiny shards of glass fly around their eyes and all over their workspace!! :100: :+1:Gloves and safety glasses are for pussies.


My gelatos are a bit like that really big serration leaves