Tech career talk (or free seeds for knowledge)

Re: “Also looking at Adobe’s Creative Cloud for all their apps for 55$ a month”

Also take a look at GIMP, which (being open source) is FREE! I got out of the Adobe ecosphere when they started moving to the SAS model. …Was a long-time user of PhotoShop and Illustrator. But I like to OWN any software I’m paying for.


I use a hosting service out of Iceland called Orange Website.

They are very privacy focused. And very cheap.

But the web hosting is very ‘bare metal’ you will need to fully build the website by hand and manage your own database.

They also don’t provide shopping cart/payment system. So you’d need to do that yourself too… but there are probably some overseas cart/payment system plugins out there to be downloaded and used, that are more ‘security’ focused and won’t care what you’re selling…

This route is definitely not for the faint of heart though


Would you like to trade some seeds instead of just giving them out? I have some untested fems I attempted to make using STS.

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I didnt get an answer when i asked GLG, I don’t believe they are too keen to share the processor. However, i did some looking at the site code and was able to find the processor api… Ill tell you now, the processor they are using is NOT Seed friendly and will shutdown their account once they discover that the site is selling seeds. I have confirmed this with the processor directly, they do not support cbd/seed sales. So only a matter of time before CC processing is once again shutdown.

Edit: I am not going to share they processor here as i dont want any chance of it being discovered via something i can control.


Thank you for the information @ris

It may be that there are none in US until it is federally legal. Noone wants to incur possible liability.

I developed an entire website, business etc around cannabis in 2017 and then realized facebook wouldnt let me advertise this cannabis product.

That was my entire model :expressionless:


I spent 500 bucks on ads over the course of 3 months and then they shut me down… Like really im paying you for this. Its laughable


I know some people have gotten around this by selling shirts etc with free gift of seeds like bodhi on etsy and macks terps in LA.

“Novelties with free gift”


I thought of this too however i decided to take the path of “fully legal”, no gray areas. Also it does not stand up in any type of legal matter. This is just a temporary work around, it will eventually get noticed and can be shutdown as well. even if there is a disclaimer of “novelty items”



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Echoing what I’ve seen in this thread, don’t commit and dive into the deep end on coding unless you’re really in love with it. You have to build a portfolio to get a jr level job like that which will take a lot of time and might not be the quickest route to a remote job. The tech sector is HUGE and there are niches you can develop skills for that employers seek.

Honestly, just learn to troubleshoot networking/software issues. TCP/IP is huge and a fundamental concept. OSI model. This is something you can get started on your own by messing around and then eventually you can land a remote ‘support’ type role with little experience usually. I started with a homelab and began running all my own services and learning to get those up and maintain them is a boatload of learning. You will break everything and lose data sometimes. Plan for backups, make things safe and reliable. You can start on something as simple as using a laptop or raspberry pi to host some services like a web server or file storage etc. Learning can be as cheap as that, everything you need is online and free and working in tech can be boiled down to simply understanding how to google for what you need! Most cloud providers also give free tier access to servers so you can spin up an AWS instance or Oracle box and mess around with those without incurring charges (just be careful not to go over the free tier stuff or they WILL charge you a buttload :sweat_smile:). Learn Linux! Everything runs on it that you don’t see.

Also, you don’t necessarily have to lock in a job ‘in’ IT to get that remote working perk. Just working for any remote software company (in HR, accounting,sales whatever) will be remote. Like you said data entry type stuff but a lot of that is contract I’ve seen.


@TestOfOath & everyone else that is interested…

Here is a link to the following books for you & anyone else :wink:

(edit added a few more)

Absolute Beginner’s Python Programming Full Color Guide with Lab Exercises by Kevin Wilson -2023

Machine Learning with Python Cookbook by Chris Albon - 2023

1000 Freelancer Projects_ The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Highly Successful Freelancer by David Dundas

The Software Developer’s Career Handbook_ A Guide to Navigating the Unpredictable by Michael Lopp - 2023

Software Reverse Engineering Book Pack (26 titles) - as referenced in a post above

AWS (Amazon Web Services) Book Pack (124 titles)

Microsoft Azure Book Pack (265 titles)


For sure I’d be down to trade bud, I’m the type of never liking to take anything for free so trades are way more up my alley as well

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Cool I’ll shoot you a pm

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Downloading the entire thing now, thank you!


my pleasure

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Tech sector has provided a nice salary for me, but in my opinion the writing is on the wall.

Anything that can be done remotely can be done by a machine or totally offshored. If you have a boyscout record and can get into .gov you’ll always be protected, but I anticipate a private sector bloodbath. Basically for the past few thousand years the world has run on a paper computer with humans as the APIs. Covid accellerated a trend and the paper/office world is being left behind. During this changeover a lot of people will make good money, but there will be a lot fewer jobs left afterwards.

Get a CDL, take community college classes in HVAC, become an electricians apprentice, become a plumbers helper. But do not hang your hat on becoming a self-tought tech guru. The math is not in your favor.


the only exception to this i would put is infosec. there are still some areas where ai is not comparable to humans. the ai can do a chunk of it, but humans can still outperform in some. the only problem with that is that there are a whole hell of a lot of folks way ahead of a beginner and they’re all looking for the same work. there’s no shortage yet but it won’t be long.


I just saw today that META is running this

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@TestOfOath As someone who has been in the tech field my whole career I would say get a cert on something ASAP. This will establish yourself and show you have proven skills. Also applying for Helpdesk/Service desk jobs is a great way to learn a lot and show your muster. A + is a hardware certification, that is the one I started with 23 years ago. Reach out if you have any questions happy to help.



Okay I’m back to go back through this as its been a whirlwind this past week :rofl: first I’d like to reoffer I-96 to anyone who’s reading this who’d like some that offered advice, send me a message and I’ll get some out to you. I’ve got a whiteboard I’m writing everything on and a wall size one coming that I’m gonna thoroughly be planning out on.

I formed ONTOPOFTHEWORLD LLC and have been dabbling in the idea of a cannabis business that does everything from make the seeds to process final product, all in house as me, learning languages in the time I have left with the assistance of chatgpt 4.0 and other tools to use as teachers. I’d love to develop tech geared towards regenerative agriculture and find a way to make it affordable to grow regeneratively worldwide so we’re not fucked as a species.

Fallbacks are numerous, can pay 100 to get a PABL (pesticide applicator business license) using my LLC and have my own company that way, there’s numerous jobs to take part time around my town if I need to, I was turning down fertilizing job offers almost weekly before I quit, could call any of them, its almost winter and everyone needs plowers, I’m almost setup being able to sell seeds on a new site and will hopefully be able to drive traffic there by being on Darkstar Genetics Seed bank who has a 7k following so if even a fraction listen, see the advertisements, get my freebies, get my name out there.

I guess I can not be lazy and tag you as I read through, anyone that offered for me to be able to contact them later I’m writing your names on my whiteboard as well for when I have questions; @DEFSeeds @logangrowgan2020 @gcomputer @Ris @CocoaCoir @firehead @Dale @Prince