Tech career talk (or free seeds for knowledge)

Am tech worker, also slave.

I use it daily, all day. Wish I could use python more in my work.

Leads to being on-call. Networking/Infrastructure is a profession like doctor or lawyer where normal working hours and vacation don’t apply the same as 9-5 jobs, at least under my local labour laws.

Linux is the greatest skill and hobby I have ever honed. It should be mandatory.

Or if you’re clever you can secure web-app contracts and then further contract the work to people in the Philippines for mere dollars. Not saying I’ve done this but I’ve seen it done.

In my experience most of the embedded jobs want lots and lots of credentials even for menial programming work. Wanted a doctorate in thermodynamics to program temperature sensors. I didn’t get that job.

Finally my own advice (okay, it’s really my wife’s advice):

Look up Web3 jobs. There are tons of available positions and big dollars to be made. Also most of these places are 100% remote.

Management, individual contributor, all sorts of positions.


I host a google cloud with a few domains on it. I build out websites and some basic apps. Most of my work is in platform engineering (ServiceNow). Id recommend learning about that application as the demand for workers IN THE US is still climbing.

Also google offers a project management course and certification- at your own pace, and is priced fairly well for entry level and once you have project management experience you can get into tech pretty easy.

just another possible way to get where you’re going.


Hi, I’ve been a developer since I was 9 years old and made my first website. I know that you are looking to enter the IT work force to work from home and have financial freedom. While this is good dreams, it’s nothing that’s easy to obtain.

You will have a hard time to earn money while have minimum knowledge, so the idea that you would be able to first pay bills and then educate yourself are not a feasible plan imo.

You need to start educate yourself in both python and JavaScript to be able to compete with other freelancers and you will need to learn yourself the latest frontend paradigms, like Material Design etc. This is because atm the most successful freelance consultants are fullstack developers who can help companies with high flexible knowledge. In today’s climate, the experts are having more and more trouble finding reliable work, so you want to be Swiss army knife, kind of developer.

The IT sector doesn’t magically make you rich, but if you focus on learning and staying in the lead of the pack. You can earn a good living.

Pz :v:t2:


chatgpt, bard, quillbot are all good tools today

What I was suggesting is more like ‘command prompt engineer’ for people who will pay for results, but won’t spend the time to become proficient with chatgpt ;

the opportunity with AI today is getting excellent results - rather than a mash-up of nonsense…

the ai wave is small today - making it easy to get involved, and I expect it grow over time


The only tech tax paying jobs I’ve had were help desk jobs. It was hellish some of the people were hard to get along with. On the software side I’ve done bash scripting for a friend who paid per assignment whatever they thought it was worth. But being a fullstack developer would take time like earning a degree. Bash scripting is easy and you can use it to automate tedious tasks. I would definitely suggest installing Linux or trying a live distribution if you haven’t. Programming is a lot easier in Linux.


The post here is very broad. You can use chat gpt and stuff like that to get assisted code. Basically ask it code something for you and it will. All those AI tools now are just ways to increase productivity of your own ideas.

Check this out

The tools just make it easier but they wont do it for you unless you think of a way for that to happen. Look at something that is a problem and then be the solution to that problem. Easily make a website and start selling your strains there also.

I seen a guy make hundreds of different stylized AI art and sell it at a festival recently. I didn’t see anyone buying it though.

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I’m still fully catching up on all of these and researching as I’m doing it. If I missed offering anyone seeds that gave advice I’ve got 3 extra envelopes already packed up so shoot me your address in a message and I’ll get them out to you


Does anyone happen to know the most cannabis seed friendly website hosting services?

I had just checked out squarespace and they’re expensive, force you into a CBD program that you have to pay for, and take a 3% cut of all sales unless you get the level of plan that takes that out. Was like 300$ a year, which is whatever, but I want full assurance I’m not gonna get dicked around for seed sales as they’re federally legal, as stated by the DEA here;


@Prince Appreciate the continuous assists boss, can I interest YOU in free seeds?

Also, are you capable of doing me a favor? I’ve been trying to contact LJ about if I’m at enough of a sponsorship level to be able to advertise my seeds on here, if not I’ll upgrade what I donate on Patreon I just need to know how much.


25$ for 600$ worth of python books is one step accomplished so far folks, have a few free books from the web saved

Also looking at Adobe’s Creative Cloud for all their apps for 55$ a month, for the amount of power you get in all of their apps that’s a steal… But realistically I’d only be using 2 or maybe a handful till later on when I got proficient, so saving the 15$ a month and only get PS and PP might be the better idea.

Still working on it, also using this a sort of journal and place to go back and gather resources, don’t mind me lol

Saw this bundle for Cyber Security as well, and Game programming/C++/Unreal, Software Architecture. If there’s no limit on how long I get to keep the books then the amount of information for money is almost a no brainer. I’m gonna have to work out a budget for this whole startup


The free seeds for information are going to switch over to I-96 F1’s now, as I’m running low on Pure Michigan F3’s. It’s a cross of Tony Green’s GG4 RIL x Pure Michigan F2 and is represented below by someone who bought some n sent pics on IG back for some free seeds.

The free seed for knowledge offer will be ongoing until further notice and probably until I feel I’ve made it. Then more free seeds as a celebration. Boy am I still just ecstatic at the prospects of the future.

Feel free to hop in here and share you experiences and journey to where you are or how you left tech, your dreams for it and yourself.

Personally I’d like to retire as a farmer/rancher on a completely regenerative farm when I’m old, so one day I want to invent or be a part of developing tech to help the average American farmer (I guess I shouldn’t generalize that, I’d love to revolutionize the industry for 3rd world countries as well, no one deserves to live in poverty), who in recent years had one of the highest suicide rates of any occupation, and is close to my heart as I grew up in farm country and worked on a handful myself.


Appreciate the seed advice but information like this should be free.


Agreed, and this isn’t to say its not free, you’re obtaining a gift from me for your personal knowledge you spent time and energy obtaining. Anything documented here is therein essentially free for anyone who feels like finding this thread, so we’re killing multiple birds with one stone. I’ve given out thousands of free seeds anywho, this just helps me accomplish a goal in the process of overgrowing the world.


I find my thumbs are very useful for navigating my phone.


You really dont have to pay for anything upfront like that. Basically any knowledge and tools are free now. I’d say find out what payment processor GLG just got because they started taking them about a month ago.


I started here:

Seems very well explained.


Is that entire thing free? I signed up and was looking for how much it’d cost but couldn’t find anything and it let me join the first Javascript course it has no charge or anything


I think it’s free, I haven’t been asked to pay.