TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

That is heartening to hear. If they’re not gonners, I highly recommend Johhny Potseed’s MTA potion! If you need any ingredients, I’ve got you covered. :slight_smile:

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It was actually worse than I first thought. I lost a couple of my oldest bonsai mom strains and I’m not sure on a couple more. I’m bummed! Oh well, just more reason to sprout more seeds to hunt for new keepers! lol

All of the sunshine daydream are fine though.
Everything is still moving forward with the open pollination. I am going to trim them up and get clones this weekend. Then hopefully flip to flower next week.


I can replace stuff you got from me boss


Really appreciate that offer man!

I had/have multiple clones of both the dog walker and LAPK so I think I still have at least one of each. But I’ll double check this weekend! I should hopefully finally have some time to get in there and get sh*t done.
It’s been a crazy few months…

Oh, btw I harvested the LAPK and DWOG on day 71 and 72. Both are still drying but I’ve smoked both and I’m really enjoying them. The LAPK tastes amazing. Definitely some old school dank. Haven’t smoked LAPK in probably a decade or more but I definitely remember that taste.

Got a few harvest pics of the LAPK. Forgot to take harvest pics of the DW though. Really liking that one too. It smells strong for sure! I love the funky/skunky smell it has.

Looking forward to running both again this fall without all the heat+humidity stress issues I had. Both strains actually handled the heat pretty well and didn’t show too much heat stress compared to other strains in the room, but it was far from ideal conditions. I know I can grow both much better than this round.


Let me know if you lost any cuts from me I can send more as well. Damn those are some amazing buds! Great job growing and great genetics @hoss8455


Appreciate that! The ‘92 OG mom was right next to some of my older moms that were hit hard by the mites and the 92 is more/less untouched. Seems like a hardy strain!
It was getting better air flow though, so that’s also a factor. Spider mites don’t like the wind from oscillating fans. I think that’s part of the reason why the moms in the back corner were hit the hardest, especially on the bottoms where they weren’t getting enough air movement.

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I had a aphid issue on a flowering plant. It was touching the 90 kush and no aphids. Apparently she is very pest resilient. After almost 6 wks I found 4 aphids on the whole plant at harvest. Even the bud wash had 0 aphids or aphid skeletons in it. Seems like a great trait to keep in genetics.

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Just got caught up with this amazing grow thread, sorry to hear about the mites @TeddyNuggets, hope you nuked all of them. I hope the ssdd seed run goes smooth for you.

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Thanks! Appreciate that.

And yes, I think the mites are dead now. I will check again today but as of 2 days ago I couldn’t find any living mites and I am not seeing any new damage on any leaves.

I will continue treating for another week or so but I’m confident they are handled.

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I am going to get an update posted on the sunshine daydream open pollination this weekend for sure. We were in a car accident about a week ago. Been pretty sore. But I’m gonna get everything done this weekend so I can get them flowering already. Time’s a wastin’… lol.
I want to get this done before the cooler fall weather gets here because I’ll want my flower room for sensi., and I still want to rebuild it. But I can always move the females into that 5’x5’ tent I bought to finish up if need be.

It looks like the spider mites are handled, but I’ll probably keep treating for another week at least. Make sure no eggs hatch or whatever. Then I’ll do some spot sprays up until pollen starts dropping.

One of the male SSDD is already flowering in 18/6. Looks like it’s ready to drop pollen soon. I am debating just collecting some pollen from that one and pollinating a branch on each female instead of keeping it in the open pollination.

What are everyone’s thoughts? Should I even include it? I always read the very early males were crappy (or even leaned more toward hemp). Not sure how true that is though. I still feel like I should at least grab some pollen from it and spread some a bit on the females, just because it’s part of the gene pool.


Do whatever you think is best. Hope everyone is ok from car accident.

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Thanks man! Everyone walked away. Got a few fractured ribs + other have concussions and whiplash. Someone still has to get some MRI’s done so we’ll see what they say.

Kid that hit us took 100% fault at least. We were at a dead stop and he rear ended us. Caused a 3 car accident. He admitted fault right away but then started changing his tune a bit when the police got there. So I was glad to hear his insurance company took 100% fault.

Our SUV was ruled totaled. I thought it could have been fixed but I guess they thought otherwise.
This is the second car that I’ve lost in the last 3 months! Last one was smashed into while parked in a parking lot. The person took off too. They ruled that one totaled too, which I also disagreed with.

Really Not looking forward to car shopping again. It was a huge PITA finding something we could afford last time. The car market is still pretty insane since pre-pandemic. No places were really even willing to negotiate last time. It was all basically “take it or leave it” pricing. It took months of shopping around but we finally found an older SUV with low miles a few months ago. But the age is kind of screwing us now because blue book value is quite a bit lower than what I paid. Insurance is thankfully at least mostly covering what is owed on the car (was worried about that), but we are still losing the $7k that we put down on it. We put down everything we had for a down payment that now basically just evaporates into thin air. It’s aggravating. Oh well, that’s life, right? :joy:


Got a decent amount of work done in the grow room so far this weekend. I’ve only been able to do so much each day. I’m a lot more sore than I realized. I also have something going on with my lower back. It really starts hurting any time I am on my feet too long, or have to bend over. So that’s slowed things down. But I’m getting there…

I got backups of 6 of the 7 SSDD f1 females rooted. I just need to get clones from 1 more female.

I also ended up tossing the male that was auto flowering. So I’ll only have 6 males instead of 7 for the open pollination. But I think it’s better than including that undesirable male. It was the weakest of the 7 all along. The clones of that male barely rooted and never seemed to want to grow vigorously.

So all I have left to do is get clones from the 6 males and finish trimming everything up so I can switch the light cycle to flower.

Everything is probably already a bit root bound (it took a lot longer to get this project going than I originally planned after I repotted), but the plants are still healthy enough to flower out. They’re just overgrown.
I think I am going to switch over to synthetic nutrients for this seed run though, instead of trying to stay all organic in 1 & 2 gallon pots.

I will get some pics up soon!


Finally got everything done with the sunshine daydream f1’s! What would normally be a day of work took me 4 days, but it’s done! My back isn’t too happy with me though. :joy: I was told it’s all muscle related so afaik, no danger of doing more damage or anything.

Now i just want to green them up a bit and let them recover from being so heavily stripped (though it may not look like it… lol. But I filled up a whole garbage bag with trim!).

I figure I should be flipping to flower within a week (give/take). I’m already behind schedule again (as usual…), but whatever. lol

I mixed up my organic all-purpose feed mix and I’ll water them with it tomorrow. I also top dressed a cup or so of worm castings on all the females.

Into a 5 gallon bucket of water:

  • 3/4 cup alfalfa meal
  • 1/2 cup malted barley (ground to flour)
  • 1/4 cup kelp meal
  • some humic acid and LAB.

I also sometimes add a bit of fish hydrolysate too.
Or if I think it’s a micronutrient issue I’ll add 1/2 - 1 tsp. of TM-7 or a TBSP or two of rock dust or azomite. But good kelp meal should have the micros anyway.

I let it sit for 24 hours, stirring it at least a few times a day. Then water with it.

I find this covers pretty much all bases and is a good general, organic plant tonic.

I’ll still most likely start using some synthetic nutrients for bloom though. But I didn’t have any synthetic veg nutrients laying around.


This is the male I decided to not include in the open pollination:

I know the point of an open pollination is not to do any selection, but I made an exception since it’s flowering in veg and dropping pollen already.


God damn a few fractured ribs? When you talk to their insurance be sure to talk extensively about the damage and go to the hospital as often as you can to get a good idea of the long term damage.

Their insurance will try to low ball you so you’ll have to turn down a few offers. Try to get as much as you can as that’ll be a lot of pain way down the road. I’m not sure if CBD works well pain wise for you but if you’re one that it does work for check out zeropointextraction.com their cbd isolate is $1.20/gram so it’s not too bad.


Thanks man!

I’ve been to urgent care, the emergency room and an orthopedic doctor so far + have another dr. appointment Thursday with another specialist.

One of the girls in the car with me retained a lawyer.

I really have no interest in suing for injury though. I just want the $8000 I lost on the car (that I only owned for 3 months). I still owe money on that deposit. That was every penny I had in the bank + the few thousand I borrowed from a family member. I need it to be able to get a new vehicle at an affordable payment. That was the only way I was able to get the last payment down to $225/mo was by putting all that money down.
Plus I have a $500 deductible (I’m hoping will be covered by their insurance…).

I am annoyed the girl in the car is suing because she doesn’t have severe injuries and she didn’t lose any money or property + all her doctor bills are being covered already. The lawyer said I can sign onto her case but said there likely won’t be much money awarded so there’s only so much to go around and we’d have to split it.

The specialist I saw today pulled me out of work now too. So that’s going to screw me even more.

Still trying to get a rental car too. They’re only offering $30/day which doesn’t even come close to paying for a rental car. Cheapest I’ve found is over $400/week. I’m going to call the insurance company today and see what they can do.

Oh, and thanks for the recommendation! I’ve actually ordered from zero point before. I still have a few different CBD products from them. I use it to make my own CBD tinctures. Good stuff!

The pain is tolerable. It’s not constant pain, for the most part. It only hurts when I breathe. Or cough. Or laugh. Or bend/move. haha

I’ve been able to manage it with Tylenol for the most part.

Edit - I called the insurance company and I am getting a rental! It’s going to cost me $7.50 a day, which isn’t bad. A lot better than I was expecting.


That is quite nice of you but if you’re getting pulled out of work I would keep that option open. With your injuries you’d be looking at 30-50k at the least. If they’re fully insured it would only come out of their insurance’s pockets. They’d see roughly a $50-$100 increase on their monthly but they could swap insurances at that point.

$7.50 isn’t bad at all.

Don’t forget to swap between tylenol, aspirin, and ibuprofen if it gets bad!


Ya if you are being doctor ordered from work that’s sueable, rental car sueable, broken ribs(pain and suffering) sueable. Even if it may not seem like it’s going to be a lot of $ could end up getting $20k split 2 ways is 10k plus the insurance payout. 18k will get you into a nice used car with no payments. Since she retained a lawery( most accident lawerys take car accident cases no $ up front so will push for as much as possible) might as well jump on this is what our justice system is set up to do. You aren’t trying to squeeze someone for frizilois things you are hurt, missing work, rental are real pain, suffering and loss plus lawery is sueing their insurance not the person usually. Just my point of view not trying to force or convince you to do anything. Someone else’s carelessness shouldn’t cost you pain and $.

Those girls looking good, should jump up nicely.


How are you doing @TeddyNuggets ? Hope all is well after your accident. Plants must be looking killer!

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