TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

90’s Kush is an amazing strain!
Pushing her with the STS now.
She is one of the best I’ve ever had!
Keep her going boys… they’re are very few seeds of her that will be tested soon. From @Gnome1 then hopefully I’ll have some soon too.


If she’s as good as I’m hoping she is, I plan to make more seeds with her in the future too! I’ll most likely reverse her too, just to have a backup in seed form.

You will definitely get some of the ‘92OG x sunshine daydream seeds too, just FYI (if you want them…). Same for you @420noob !

The open pollination should be starting pretty soon!

I’ll definitely get some pics up when it starts.


Absolutely! Thank you for the offer!
SS DD is a really good one too!

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Yeah sunshine daydream is one of my favorites! I used to have a killer keeper cut I found. Had it for years but a friend accidentally killed my mom when he was babysitting my mother plants for me (while I was out of town).

I’ll give you some of the SSDD seeds as well! I am hoping to have tons to pass out here. I have 2 separate open pollinations planned.

This first sunshine daydream open pollination will be with 7 original f1 males and 7 original f1 females. That one will be starting really soon. Within the next 2 weeks.

The next one I will be sprouting a 12 pack of original f1 sunshine daydream seeds (that @HorseBadorites was awesome enough to send me! Still pumped about that. Thanks again dude!) and adding all 12 (assuming they all sprout) to the 14 f1’s I already have. So hopefully 26, which would be one of the biggest sunshine daydream open pollinations that I am aware of.
That second bigger open pollination won’t happen until this fall or winter though.

Also, if you want cuts from any I’d be willing to do that as well. I haven’t flowered any of them out yet so I don’t know which are keepers, but once I do I will try to make them available to those who want ‘em.


I was just glad to see them get into good hands :slight_smile:
Are you flowering males now, or still vegging? I don’t know if you have the ways and means, to clone them and see if there is a standout, but I just finished a couple of Tigermelon 2 x SSDD’s that are really, really nice. I think B’s dad SSDD added a lot. Reports on other crosses with him seem to bear that out… it would be so nice to find another :slight_smile:


The males are all still in veg. I plan to keep clones of all the males (and females) so I will definitely have a father plant of any stand out males.

So if you want cuts of any males just let me know. I could get cuts now if you wanted them, or in the future (like after we see them flower). I would be glad to send them to you!

I could also try to collect some pollen for you from any male that catches my eye (or yours via pics and description).


Cool! I don’t have the time, knowledge, space, or skill to deal with more than one cut at the moment. Hate to sound like a piker, but I’ll wait til you’ve found "him,"lol! Pollen would be good, too. Are you going to be isolating each flowering male?

I’d like to work on a selection with my keeper… unless you find a better one :slight_smile:

I will be keeping my eye out!


Awesome thanks! Yay Im interested for sure. I’ve never had ssdd so mixed with these genetics should be fire. This kush cut is super resilient and vigours.

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Yeah no problem you can wait. That’s what I would have suggested anyway but wanted to at least give you the option of taking cuts now.

No as of now I don’t have plans of isolating each flowering male. I don’t really have a way to do that at the moment. Just going to do an open pollination with all the males and females in the same room.

In the future I do hope to do more isolated breeding with select SSDD males if I find some that stand out from the rest.

And yes I’ll definitely let you know if I find any females I like more than yours. This upcoming run probably won’t be the best indicator. I expect them all to show a lot of heat stress (plus they’ll be fully seeded, obviously. lol). That’s why I plan to do a sensi run with the 7 females I have now + any females from your pack of seeds in the fall when the weather cools down. This run should at least give me some idea of which are more promising though.

Should be fun!


The crawl used to get into the mid 90’s when we had a string of hot ones.
As long as I could keep fans moving air around them, the SSDD’s always seemed to handle the heat pretty well. On with the fun :slight_smile:


Harvested the LAPK and Dog Walker OG on day 71. Both are still drying. Looking forward to smoking them. lol

So the flower room was empty and shut down just in time for some work to get done in the basement (for those who remember). I am going to hold off rebuilding the flower room for the moment though like I originally planned. Instead I am going to use it for the sunshine daydream open pollination. I am still hoping to rebuild it soon.

But for now I will be trimming up and moving all 14 of the sunshine daydream f1’s into the flower room this coming week. They are all pretty overgrown at the moment and my beg room is overflowing so I may give them like a week of veg in the flower room to recover after I trim them up. I still need to get clones from some of them too (mainly just the few I don’t have backups of).

Happy to say the SSDD open pollination is finally moving forward this week!

@Tykal @HorseBadorites @syzygy @SubzeroIceKold


That is going to be a nice op should provide a bunch of seeds. Are these all from seed or do you have some clones? I ve never tried SSDD sounds like one I need to try!

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One came from seed (syzygy gifted me an original SSDD seed), the other 13 were clones. 12 of them came from Tykal. His buddy sprouted an original pack of SSDD and gave him clones from all 12, which he was nice enough to send to me.
And the last female clone came from horsebadorites. It’s his keeper SSDD pheno that he’s had around since 2017 iirc. He’s also the one who gifted me an original pack of SSDD seeds but I haven’t sprouted them yet. Hopefully very soon though!

If you want clones I can hook you up. You may want to wait until I flower them though because as of now I have not flowered any of the females so I have no clue which are keepers. I mean, I could probably send you a clone or two from each female if you want… or if you want to wait I can send you clones of the best females after I flower them.

I’ll definitely send you some seeds too when they’re ready.


Thanks man I appreciate it! I need to hold off for a bit since I’m still trying to get all my clones from justanobdy sent me from a giveaway. I can definitely wait.

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Ok we can talk after I flower them, then. That way you can see how they flower out and read about what they smell like and stuff. Then pick the one(s) you want to try.


Very cool project! I can’t wait to see how the males look. I would love to pollinate my keeper lav Jack female with some ssdd :nerd_face:

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I can collect some pollen for you. I think one or two others asked for pollen too. I need to look at my PMs. I am pretty sure you are one of the people I am thinking of. lol

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I cleaned the flower room yesterday and moved the SSDD f1’s there. I have the light on 18/6 for now though.
A bunch of them are really overgrown. So now I need to clean them up, and I’m going to chop some of the tops to get them a more manageable height.

They were really packed into the veg room and I’ve been super busy so I haven’t kept up with them like I should have. But I’ll get that fixed now and get them healthier again before I flip to 12/12. I figure a week or so should be enough time.

I also found out I have a f***ing spider mite infestation. That’s what I get for slacking off in the summer… lol.
As I said though, they were way too packed in the veg room and I just didn’t see the bottom leaves that has the mite damage. I’ll get it under control quick though. I already sprayed once then dusted them all with diatomaceous earth once they dried. And I’ll treat again soon. It was mostly on just a handful of the more unhealthy plants (the extra clones that are rootbound in solo cups) and only 2 of the 14 SSDD’s that I replanted.

Took a quick pic after I moved them into the flower room.
I still have 2 more males to move in but wanted to treat them for mites once more first.

The males are the ones on the right in the smaller plastic pots. The females are the overgrown monsters on the left.


Spider mites suck hope you get them knocked out!

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Thanks! I have them under control now. They’ll all be dead soon if they aren’t already!