Tell me what you know about Life

No one gets out alive.

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Maaaan when I was in the hospital they had me on diauded after the surgeries for the pain. Then they would offer me Benadryl to help get to sleep (why are hospitals not designed to promote restful-ness and calmness??) That combination was unreal and I was lucky they took it away when they did.

The science is on your side with the back pain:

Pretty crazy but if you can put a new framework around certain types of pains, you can remedy them.


I had some words of wisdom…

…but I forgot them. Carry on as best you can.


One should never ever eat sushi in Peoria.


So it’s a FACT ets live on Earth . Lol



Life: during my 66 years of doing time on the rock, I’ve come to realize, I’ve lived 4 separate lives, with out the drama of death being involved for myself.
Life 1:
From the womb, we juice jump into the light. And right off, someone smacks you!
So, I landed in a violent place.
From day break, (first day) to about 10-12 years old, EVERYTHING is full of wonder!
We love unconditionally, we run for the fun of it, we met people with wide eyed wonder!
We learn so much fun stuff, the joy of mud puddles, the fascination of bugs, worms, butterflies, and OMG, riding a bicycle…I’m FLYING feeling is like heaven…and I can *feel * that also with SPINNING!! Crikey’s life is sweet!
So ends life 1, just joyous…for the most part.
Life 2, 10-21 years old.
Well now what is cooking, your HORMONS!!
There is an opposite sex? What is sex? And, what is this God thing?
Why am I going to burn forever in a lake a of fire, that is harsh.
I got to learn a trade? WTF is that? I like to wander, and play, does that count?
Your also introduced to back stabbers, lairs, cheaters, thieves, and some try to be your friend. You trust everyone, and eat crap for it. Spinning is followed by alcohol, drug use. And marriage…um like forever?
Life 3: Holy Hell, I’m 30 to 40 years old now. We can not go out like we did before the kids came along. The car sucks, Bills, pile up. You start looking at the next door lady. WORKWORKWORK, for the weekends, stuffing more and more shit into your dwelling, until we need a bigger house. DAMN Joneses, just got the new FOMO car, I wanted…that bitch! Boss man, I want mo money now! You are fired!
The downward spiral starts. Divorce/financial ruin/co parenting, and a sudden plunge into EXCESSIVE drugs and alcohol usage, get a DUI, and down it goes.
Life 4: you wander around for a few years, like a balloon on a string. The kids now have their own lives, and grand kids came along.
The career comes to and end. And your sitting in some stinking watering hole, listening to the same stale music, hearing the same old stupid lines being repeated from sit com TV shows. Life is just dreary…until you realize, all of that is on ME!
Stop whining, start doing, work on something, BURN YOUR TV IN THE YARD!
Dig your hands in the soil, grow something! Get out of your comfort zone. Go places you would NEVER have gone before. Care for someone! Care for something. Read your opposing values, for more perspective.
And for fucks sake, get off the bandwagons!
Bandwagons, just close your mind to any other different ways, as I KNOW THIS WAY IS RIGHT!
Open up, allow failure to allow growth! Forget religion, embrace your spiritual self.
Everyone wants to change the world, I need to remember to change myself first.
Just my $.02


Painfully accurate :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:


Someone on Facebook asked a question about why ET,s never make a public contact with us here, after traveling light years to get here why do they just look and go on their way.

My response was, would you fly all the way to Australia or New Zealand to have a conversation with a dung beetle.

No you would not, because you have absolutely nothing in common with it, on an intellectual or communicable level.

You would say, oh look a dung beetle and carry on lol.

They have been here since before we had even existed, there are fossilized human like footprints next to dinosaur footprints.

There are very interesting manufactured metal things that have shown up in milions of years old coal mine seams.

We are an ET biological experiment, they have been manipulating our DNA since we became modern humans. Thats why there is a missing link.

The Sumerian book of creation explains it all. The Indian Bhagavad-Gītā is very similar in its creation story, so are all the native Americans creation stories, north and south very similar, just slightly differing names for these ET gods that created us.

The US military has finally admitted there are UAP’s, they changed it from UFO’s as they have been denying UFO’s exist for 70 years. They think people will not think they have been lying, because its a UAP not a UFO lmao.


you been following me all these years?


Based on @rogue’s 1st question above :arrow_double_up: the ET would be standing or floating in front of me. As I have never been off of this rock one can only conclude this would be taking place on earth, Yes! :wink:

Now don’t get me wrong … I have smoked some pretty good weed over the years and I have spaced many O’ things in this this time but sadly I am still stuck on this rock :earth_americas:
Alien Baby

Cat in space
Space Cat Lazers


Oh yeah, whenever there are by now tens of thousands of info sightings by all walks of life, we can be pretty confident they are among us. I’m pretty sure they just watch us because we are the most interesting destructive parasite on earth and are just seeing how long we can last without killing ourselves completely. The Mayans and Aztecs have much documentation that they were visited by actual ETs and they worshipped them until they all up and left and magically disappeared. Pretty mind boggling, but at the same time I just sit here and try to enjoy life with a fat joint. They’re not hostile, and even if they were, I’m not.


So nobody would try to pimp an alien?

:evergreen_tree: more for me :rofl:

Seems like they visited many times, and there have been many human civilizations, the aboriginals being the oldest, much older than we think they are.

The Aztecs and Mayans and Egyptians, in their fear, naivity and ignorance, not reaching a high enough frequency of awareness / consciousness yet worshipped them and sacrificed their own kind or animals, that never being the intention of the ET’s, so they left and are waiting for us to be ready for another attempt of mass contact.

They seem to respect free will and want the vast majority of mankind to agree about ET contact being okay. So, hereby I give them permission to show up. :smile:

But there has always been telepathic contact / channeling by the minority of humans that are benevolent and peaceful and have done their shadow work and introspection.

Daniel Scranton, Abraham Hicks, etc are good examples.


Thank you for that AWESOME post.
Glad you stopped by. :+1:


I bet we are actually pretty interesting to other species though. Beats watching TV for them I bet lol


They be like:

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Haha for real



More accurate I guess


I concur, and you have that same spark with your posts as well good sir. Thank you both :hugs: