Temperature Variation

Yea I guess…if big yielding, stinky and potent is your thing.


wait, what??? thats what we are trying to get to? big stinky and potent?? shit man, ive ttly been doing this wrong…

mine hit 68-69 every night. they seem ok to me :slight_smile:



Too low for what ?My tent at nighttime gets to 59 degrees on a cold day normal day it’s 63 it’s been 7 degrees here.The lights on temps get to 73 to 74 degrees.As long as you don’t dip past a steep 15 degree differential in temps from night to light you should not really have any problems.My skunks are loving the colder temps I can’t wait to flower in the lower temps and grow rocks for buds




See I bet those were nice Little Rock’s in those lower temps weren’t they?


Well, I wouldn’t describe them as “Little” :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :wink:

But in all fairness, one of the reasons I’ve been growing this specific plant for about 3 years now is because her buds are so incredibly dense. No matter what time of year - bud density is one of her appealing features.


Veg F

Veg C

Flower F

Flower C

Clones F

Clones C


Cellular respiration / plant metabolism slows down the lower the temps are. Also when your RH is too low your leaves might end up closing some stomata to save moisture and that makes photosynthesis less efficient.

Colder air can also hold less moisture than warm air so the chances of moisture condensing on surfaces is higher the lower the temp. As @Gpaw said not necessarily a huge issue during veg but can cause huge problems during flower.

A very high night and day differential can also make plants stretch more vs a smaller difference.

For those growing and following those vpd charts the temp dropping too much can be hugely detrimental to a harvest because a lot of people with high power LEDs grow with higher humidity than people are used to during flower (to keep stomata open at all times) and if that temp drops too much there will be condensation and that’s perfect conditions for botrytis to proliferate from.

Based on your daytime temps and that chart above in late flower you’d want your humidity to be 30% to 40% which is pretty low. The environment the plant is in directly affects it’s processes. That’s why those vpd charts have become so hugely popular in the past few years.


When my humidity is 30 to 40 my plants get all slow and look dull when it’s at 60percent they well look like they do in the picture.Wonder why they do that if the chart says I need to be at 30 to 40 percent?


Im not on computer. I Will answer everybody later… Doing some improvements on grow at this moment.

Thank you everybody for the reply! :heart:


Because your stomata close up at lower relative humidity to save moisture (they’re already closed at lights out) that’s why lower humidity is not necessarily ideal it slows down photosynthesis. I know people that grow at 75% RH most of the entire grow (with co2) besides the last 2 or so weeks of flower in order to keep them open at all times. But if they had their temps drop way too low at lights out there would be condensation issues and likely botrytis. Leaf surface temp is what drives transpiration so usually the leaf surface temp is a few degrees lower than the actual air temp.

I try to avoid too low RH. There’s a lot of vpd charts and they all have different numbers. I personally like to go by this one as it’s more in line with what I’ve been learning off of some growers who are much more experienced than I am. (as you can see the relative humidity for your specific temp is actually more in line with what you are noticing with your plants vs the other ones)

edit: I’d just be careful with too cold night time temps with higher humidity levels due to condensation.


I try to keep it in the 60s for rh in the daytime at night my humidifier is off so my nighttime Rh is always lower thsn my day time. With the introduction of the Probiotics I use I really don’t have a problem with PM anymore that and switching to Promix hp .My nighttime RH sticks at 30% without help

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When growing Dark Devil always keep it at the right temperature or all hell will break loose.

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That is what I grow at. Nights 5-10 less.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I use that vpd chart (mine came from Paramount Seeds) and have had better results since.
And I keep the day/night temps fairly close to each other to promote tight internode spacing, it also makes LST easier.


Tried this out today and I have to say I seen better growth today it’s been cold here and my plants have been getting like 60 degrees so I have had a couple slow days droopers only one still doing it as of now hopefully it will perk up I’ve seen worse so I’m not worrying about it.I did notice them a lot more perky when I had my rh to 63 percent to 76 degrees it’s wierd.

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Until just recently I had not heard about these charts. A friend enlightened me and got me lined out better.
Here’s hoping yours continue to perk up. :wink:

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They perked up and are super healthy and happy at higher humidity and higher temps


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
It’s amazing to see how they can bounce back so quickly! I am constantly amazed when I see it. :slight_smile:
Very good for you. :v: