Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yes, probably another 7-10. I’ve got two SSDD plants itching to get in their new home, so I had to make space :frowning:


Hmmm…I see…



That BBHP was a looker for sure!

I wish I could upload a higher Rez photo, I may start linking to higher Rez photos in the cloud somewhere.


Nice pictures and great harvest. I’m looking forward to growing some out as well. I’m looking forward to a smoke report as well.


Yeah I can’t wait to smoke 'em. PV1 will be the first up. I’m pretty heavy toker, so going to take a break for at least 72 hours before trying it, so I go in with a clear head.


Busy garden day today… cleaned the 2x4 out, wiped down the walls and floor of tent, cleaned the light, trays, and scrog screen. Got the two SSDD clones shaped up and ready to go. Sprayed them down with Neem, essential oils, dr. bronners soap mixture, also hit the mom and clone tent with spray, as they were due. I typically don’t have pest problems, but try to keep IPM regular.

Will probably veg just a week longer on the two SSDD clones and flip them to flower. Gonna really try and clean up the lowers this time and hopefully get some juicy tops…

The 4x4 is doing well. Everything is starting to stack nicely… probably next week will drop the Canna A levels a bit and give them a little PK13/14. The stretch has pretty much stopped and now just time to start bulking.

Purple Wookie V2 smelling righteous! Lavender and Grapefruit mixed, with… (not sure how many have smelled it) a little DMT smell there. Like new shoes or fresh rubber :slight_smile: Just starting to see some purpling on the inners of the buds.

And this Goji OG x BT in the back is stacking nicely… Black Triangle dominating the terps so far.


I really love this calyx structure on PV3. It almost looks like a super Malawi haze I grew. I’d guess that one is a tres dawg leaning pheno?


Yeah the bud structure on that one is nice for sure, not rock hard nugs but nice shape to them. I bet they will smoke nice. Kinda looks like a Tres dawg leaner, would need to see both side by side.


I am very excited to follow that. I threw away a ‘last release’ pack of F1 SSDD and the guilt I’ve felt since is crippling. I’d love to get some F2s one day.


what!? You should never, ever, mention that, ever again :rofl:
There should be some F2’s and F3’s floating around here :thinking: I might have some F2’s or 3’s here in a few months but not positive at all on that.


:pleading_face: Aww… that is sad. Fortunately I think that SSDD has a pretty good reputation and I’m sure there’s bunches of F2s and F3’s out there to work through. Also it will be interesting to see what bodhi’s selection of the SSDD male brings to the table, I’ve read some good reports on RIU.


I’ve grown out a couple of packs worth of SSDD over the years and my opinion is that its one of the most hit or miss strains bodhi has. The plants that do not stand out are very “meh” in most ways. The ones you find that are worth keeping are totally worth keeping. But SSDD for me had the biggest ratio of plants not worth running again vs plants you want to run again.

Supposedly the “butter cut” is the one to look for however there is some disagreement about what the butter cut is. Some say it doesn’t smell or taste like butter which too me makes zero sense to name something butter cut when it has no distinct buttery notes. Instead I found several phenos that smelled unmistakably like fresh buttered blueberry biscuits. I like to believe this is the “butter cut” that folks talk about.

Its the effect that truly stands out for SSDD though and in my opinion is what makes it a hall of fame Bodhi strain. Find the phenos that are relaxing and make you feel like you are being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold autumn night. Its an incredible medicinal strain that is still talked about in my neck of the woods even though it hasn’t been around in a couple of years.

I have 10 packs of SSDD F1’s to hunt through chilling in the vault. I would love to find a SSDD male that can pass along that warm blanket effect in its crosses.


I know!!I had just sprouted them and then gotten cold feet in an illegal state. The hardest culling I ever did. 100% germ rate, too. :frowning:


Yeah, doesn’t make sense to name something with butter if there is no butter smell in there. I think mine kinda smells like berry with little creaminess on the back part, I suppose you could call it buttery.

Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about… my pheno is like that. Almost as soon as the smoke or vapor leaves my lungs, I feel a warmness wash over me, it usually starts in my knees or joints but eventually washes over my entire body. I think it’s very medicinal.

:open_mouth: :astonished: :grin: 10 Packs! There’s gotta be something good in there. What’s your plan with running those? Pop all of them or go pack by pack?!


Ah man, at least you stayed safe! I’ve had those thoughts of chopping everything too, not fun… usually when I’m high on edibles, the paranoia can creep in!


Yeah I hope so. I have no plan whatsoever when it comes to popping all those lol. Most plants I ever ran was 20 and I got overwhelmed pretty quickly haha. I want to do some smaller pheno hunts to find a technique that I can scale up to running multiple packs at once. But considering I am a one man show I would probably realistically have to do a couple of packs at a time.


I feel ya. It would be nice to have the time and space to pop 100+ at a time and do the selections, but unfortunately that’s not realistic for most of us. I think maybe the best for small scale pheno hunts is to run them in small pots so the plants don’t get huge and unmanageable. Trim all the lowers, keep small clones, and sample the tops. Maybe run 20 at a time. I wish I had a spare 4x4 that I could do this in. Keeping 10+ clones is the real PITA though…


Ask @SmknCanuck how he does it :rofl:


Purple Wookie V2 - day 43 flowering - color starting to come in more. Doesn’t look like the buds are gonna be the biggest, but there’s still time to bulk up a little.

Black Triangle pheno 3 - looking really good. Seems to be putting on some extra frost right now and bulking.

I definitely ran too many plants this run in the tent and all the lowers are suffering, too many leaves/branches and not as much airflow and light. New rule for myself is no more than six plants in the 4x4 at a time. I’m thinking of getting some one gallon hydro pots, as the two gallons let the plants get really big with coco.


I hear you about having too many plants for the space. Six in a 4x4 seems like a good number. :slight_smile: The Black Triangle is impressive, totally about to explode into nuggetry. Is it also at day 43? I’d love to run that one some day. It’s a prize winning strain, on track to be another one of bodhi’s legendary crosses. The four phenos of BT I smoked were from good to great!