Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Probably my least favorite thing about growing is chopping and trimming. I’m little bit happy, to start the next cycle, little bit sad to end the journey with the plants and all the fucking work it is chopping, hanging, drying, trimming… bleh. Anyways, just making note in the journal that I chopped this morning, at 68 days.


I got diabetes from just looking at that :cake:


Damn!!! Nice looking harvest !!!


Have you tried trimming after drying a bit? It’s so much easier and faster when the sugar leaves are a bit crispy. It works great w smaller plants and buds. Usually i trim after a slow dry and cure.
*But w big buds like you have it could be an invitation to mold. So you would need to be extra alert.
Whatever your method, your plants look awesome!


I lol’d, thanks man!

Thanks dude, wanna come help trim?

That’s the only way I do it, for sure. Never wet trim. I’ll pull the big fans throughout the first two days of drying, then let 'em hang for two weeks at least. I try to keep 'em at 60f and 60%RH for at least a week, then drop down to 55%RH for last couple of days/week. I use an inkbird controller hooked to a small cool air humidifier to bump up the humidity if necessary, or cut on the fan to bring in some fresher drier air. Winter-time is nice to dry, but much harder to maintain those temps and humidity in the summer. I like for the leaves to get all crispy so I can just flick them off with the Fiskars and do minimal “trimming”. Thanks for the kind words friend :slight_smile:


Deleted, talking to myself again…


BYOT ( trimmers ).? Party faves? You know I need a good lumbar support chair…Is there entertainment? What kind of music? Can I bring my fiancée? Are we having seafood? Are u into red wine or white wine? Where the hell did I dine?

Would help if I was in your area bud, as long as an understanding of mutually assured reciprocation!


Haha but of course, party favs, lobster, champagne, luxury lounge chairs, only the finest for my trimmers. Portland is like the strip club capitol of the world, so plenty of “entertainment” :slight_smile: Of course, I’d be happy to return the favor as long as the conditions are the same… ha!

Rolling on with the Silver Lotus F2’s… chopped the males and collecting their pollen. I hit the girl with some pollen today and there’s probably been some floating around anyways, no biggie since she is really the only thing with any girl parts right now.

Males a few days before I lopped their tops…

You guys, uh, like doin’ pollen? :wink:

Here’s the girl that was freshly fertilized …

Also, picked up a new clone from Archive for the next run, Casper OG, which is Ghost OG x FaceOff OG… I love some OGs :slight_smile:

Also popped some seeds, but let’s make sure they come up before I start posting about them.

Y’all have good weekend!


What’re you doing there in that second pic? Are you… cloning those? Are those pucks that they’re in? Or are those just little things of water to keep the tops alive until the pollen starts dropping?

That’s funny.


Yeah they’re all just in a mason jar with water until the pollen drops. You can keep them going that way for a little bit, changing the water every few days, at least until you can collect enough pollen.


Feedin’ the need to pop some seed! :sunglasses:

@Vagabond_Windy - DLA5 S1
Magic Spirit Seed Co - Vietnam Black 164 S1
Shoreline - Fishscale (ECSD x ECSD x Crippy)

On the hunt, as always…

Success on the Silver Lotus pollination!

Getting some nice early frost, and really good smell so far. I’ve never smelled Mr. Nice’s SSH, so I have nothing to go off of, but getting a clean fruity haze smell so far. Super early I know, so thats bound to change. Still have the males in the mason jar, they’re hanging in there. Have a bunch of their pollen still, going to try and hit the Blueberry with it.

CSI: LPFS - staying pretty compact so far. stem rub is stinky like rinds and skunk…

Whole tent…


Hell yah! I got 12 of the DLA 5 s1 just popped above ground. And a Vietnam Black s1 getting ready to flip, clones just rooted after 12 days


Dude, you got everything looking on point! Those Vietnam Black’s aren’t growing quite like I would expect them to, good to know!


Finally made it through trim jail. Everything hung for 13-15 days, humidity 60-56%, temps 58-62F. RudeBoi and GG#4 still had a bit of moisture left in the stems, but went ahead and bucked everything and dried some on the screen. Only good part of trimming is dry sift…

Here’s some cell phone shots of everything dried and trimmed. Will probably work on some better photos later.



Rudeboi OG #7


Tranquil Elephantizer Remix - Hybrid Pheno - smells like lemony hash, but not very loud smelling.

Tranquil Elephantizer Remix - Snow Lotus Pheno - very muted stale candy smell

I’ll detail my thoughts on some of these after they cure a bit.

The Tranquils have dried a bit and cured… after reading about this cross so long ago, I was hoping for a little more, as much as Bodhi seemed to hype it up in his descriptions. All three that I grew kind lost their smell, and maybe just weren’t that loud to begin with. I can look past the smell thing… the smoke is pretty good. The Snow Lotus pheno is actually my favorite, with a more complex and longer lasting high. The high sort of reminds me of Goji, where it zips me up full of energetic thoughts and then just tapers nicely, just not quite as potent. It taste pretty good in the vape despite not having much smell. The more hasplant-y phenos have a generic high, one dimensional, kind of foggy. I’m sure there’s some knock-out Tranquil Elephantizer examples out there, I just didn’t find any in my small sample size. Although I have to wonder why it never really became one of Bodhi’s really talked about lines either?

No worries, on to the next Bodhi adventure!


LOOK this plant.OMG :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :drooling_face:


They’re all looking good, but hoowee, that GG4 nug… Frosty.

How do you do that with the dry sift? You have some kind of special… I dunno haha. Some kind of special screen or mechanism or something?


That’s a nice haul. :slight_smile: Did your first organic grow pass muster so far?

You gotta think there’s he reason why he retired both the deadly g male and female and moved on to the current 88g13hp male. Anytime the breeder reboots a project and goes in a different direction, they prolly know more than we do. The TE and TER had some forum cachet and mystique, but at the F3 stage with somewhat unknown selections, I wonder how well they represent bodhi’s original intentions. Give them some time in jars and maybe they’ll surprise you. Or maybe it was a nice try, moving on to the next one, kinda strain. Either way, I applaud you for giving them a shot!


haha, nah, just some crispy dry outer leaves and a Trim Bin, which has the screen built in. I’ll rub the trim against the screen lightly before I dump it in the hash pile. Most of that sift was from the T-1000, probably a good candidate for hash making/rosin.

Hell yeah, I know it sounds kinda silly but I feel like the plants smell stronger… more complex? I dunno, I don’t have anything to compare against. My early samplings have left me pleasantly surprised :slight_smile: I’m running the blueberry again right now, half way organic, so I’ll have a better comparison.

Yeah this is a good point. I will say that I’ve enjoyed the other hash plant crosses more, BBHP, Black Triangle, etc. Maybe there was something in that deadly g that just looked super potent but didn’t carry the high? Kinda cool that he took it in a different direction honestly and started using the male he’s currently using, I feel like it suits the crosses better. Maybe he’ll do the same thing with the PU male and go back to the f3 version… I dunno. I wanna try a Strawberry Milk cross, that’s one male I haven’t tried and don’t see too many reports on. Either way, the TE bud isn’t going to waste, everyone likes free weed, so even if it doesn’t make my day, it could make someone else’s :peace_symbol:


Glad to hear it’s meeting expectations. As you get more familiar with organic soil + SIPs, you’ll really start to maximize your plants pretty quick. It won’t take long. The only suggestion with SIPs, which you’ve already acknowledged, is be prepared to run more similar strains together in the tent so you don’t have some super shorties running with viney stretchers. :wink: Maybe have one tent for production of known clones or full pack pops, and another tent for trial runs of new things or onesy twosy seed pops.

Quite right. The Deadly G male dominated crosses, but the current (f6?) 88g13hp male used in BBHP and BT lets the moms pass their elite qualities more. People frequently say the current 88g13hp male dominates crosses, but those are the same people who one week say they hate everything from a certain male/line and then the next week say they found their ultimate desert island keeper in the same line. Hard to trust the opinions of people who’re so inconsistent.

My experience couldn’t be more different from theirs. A dominant male doesn’t let the strong Jack Herer terps and sativa high come through like it did with Herer HP, or the same for Black Triangle, or Chem Kesey, or Godhead, or Dank Sinatra…the list goes on and on. They’re all using different moms and had vastly different outcomes from what I saw in veg, flower, and the resulting smoke’s smell, taste, potency and effects. But what do I know? :slight_smile:

What I do find with the 88g13hp lines is that the 88g13hp phenos are super easy to spot. They have a very specific, super symmetrical leaf shape, even if the blades are thinner or thicker, and the plants have a particular shape, size, and structure that’s very compact.

:peace_symbol: :rainbow:


Yeah, for sure in agreement here. The current 88g13hp does really let some of the best qualities of the mom shine through. In the F2s of some of the 88g13hp crosses I’ve seen more HP dominate plants, but that’s to be expected in F2s… excited to get to these Dank Zappas after seeing Vagabonds recently.

For sure this is the plan going forward. I’ve got a clone of subcool’s Agent Orange (anyone run that, low THC, orange terps?) that I may throw in next round in the SIPs, also the Casper OG, both are un-tested (by me), so after that the “SIP tent” will probably be more of the ‘production/headstash’ tent and the other 4x4 will be for trials, new clones, seed pops, etc. Now I just need a bigger veg space :wink: