Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah I definitely remember hearing Bodhi say that in his potcast episode. Definitely more feminine odors coming from the Pura Vida’s, I love it!


They definitely made some beefy colas. Thanks for the pics below the screen - I love the obvious OG structure on the lower branches. What day of flowering are those pics from? Curious to see the range of ripening from the F2. The F1 seem quite a bit faster in budset from clone, so hopefully they’ll turn out to be 8 or 9wk finishers.

The shorter stockier ones remind me of the faster finishing, shorter one I have. Mine didn’t have much smell in the seed run, but I’m expecting good things out of her in the seedless run. She was ready a full week to ten days ahead of the others.

I’ve been getting those sprite/7up smells from the lankier OG phenos since day 14 of flower. In one pheno last round, that lemon/lime fizzy smell turned into marshmallows by the end of flower, but the others stayed with the Appy smells.

It does sound like Kushes and OGs mixed with the Appy dad often give off “feminine” smells. Milk, baby powder, marshmallow, lightly perfumed, she-musk, and kushy are all ways it’s been described. It’s a nice change from the strong citrus, chem, berry, or “gassy” stink so common these days.

:+1: on using twisted pair for the screen. Makes perfect sense, no drilling required! I have rolls of CAT5 laying around here I could use for that…


Yeah, they definitely have the OG structure going on on the lowers, nice little Christmas trees of bud! They are day 61 flowering in the photos. I’m thinking maybe a week for PV1 and PV4, but honestly they look almost ready now, I just like to make sure they are done as I’m in no rush. PV2 and PV3 might need 5 days longer than the other two, not far behind.

Interesting, as I think the shorter one is gonna take the the longest, she was still throwing pistils. But as you know, some plants are like that and will continue to throw pistils no matter what. I’ll bust out the scope to check the trich heads to just confirm how far along she is. She definitely has the strongest marshmallow odor, though she is not as “loud” as the others.

Totally agree, it’s a nice break from skunk, chem, diesel terps that seem to dominate the cannabis world. It keeps things interesting and just reminds me that the possibilities are endless with cannabis.

For sure, makes it easy if ya need to cut the screen out and re string. Also, I’m sure you’ve seen in some other photos that I use it to support buds when they get heavy by stringing them up to the tent supports. Too lazy to buy twine and its re-useable…


My tent run-eth over…

I probably ran too many plants in here at once… I feel like the lower canopy is not getting as much light as it typically does. I’ve done light defol here and there, but may have to get more aggressive.

The Purple Wookie V2 on the right is stacking really nice. Stem rubs smell strongly of grapefruit, very pungent.

Black Triangle 3 and 5 are doing well, getting some wind burn from being closest to the fan. I removed as many suckers and lowers as I could from them to hopefully yield some big tops.

Back view…

Ghost Train Haze filling screen and still stretching a bit. I think it’s gonna end up pretty nice, just gonna be a pain to untangle from the screen. Looks like she’s getting a little more food than she needs, just noticing some slight darkness in the leaves.

Everything is in two gallon smart pots, except the two Goji OG x Black Triangles in the back left, they are in 1/2 gallon plastic hydro pots. Everything is being fed 1/2 gallon twice a day, except the Atonic X A13, they don’t drink as much and only get once a day. The smaller of the two looking more like BT, you can compare in the photo to the Back Triangle right next to it in the bottom left corner.

The three plants straight down the middle are Atonic x Apollo 13 f4. Very narrow leaves… but very little stretch. The lowers really stretched out, very candelabra shape. Pickles and strong citrus coming from the stem rub.


Yeah, I handled a lot of Cat 5 in my previous life. The solid core is great stuff, there’s also a stranded Cat 5, but it’s usually for patch cables.


Wonderful thread! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful plants grown with love. Haven’t been feeling very social lately, as if the lock downs are such aren’t enough already…finding it a bit hard to put good thoughts into words on here, but it has been nice to take my mind off of the world and life and get lost in someone else’s wonderful grow. Going to check out some of the music you and Nube were sharing back and forth. Needing something to spark some fresh energy and outlook.

Running too many plants at once and letting them get too big, seems like my specialty :slight_smile:


Thank you and welcome! I totally get not feeling very social lately - the only people I’ve hung out with in person are family and just a few close friends, and even doing that feels awkward sometimes. The beauty of the internet and this forum is being able to feel some form of connectedness to one another, even if it is just scrolling through and reading others threads and thoughts. I’m really grateful to get feedback from everyone here and feel connected to you guys, as I fly under the radar in prohibitionland, this is the only place I get to share my excitements and anxieties about anything cannabis related. I’m sure the same goes for a lot of us here. :grin:

Def check out the music listed, if you’re in to any of it I’m sure both of us could recommend more. Hopefully you’ll gain some inspiration! If you like psydub at all, definitely check out OTT and Bluetech. Anyone is welcome to recommend more … :grinning: I’m always expanding my musical horizons too!

And yeah, I think once you really start going with the seed popping, it’s easy to get carried away… I’ll pop 20 beans, then two months later… “Where the f am I gonna put all these suckers”? :roll_eyes:


I just got a shelf in my 2x4 today, and my wife and I were doing plant math. I think I can squeeze them all in, then clones, hell :joy:


Haha, awesome. I’m looking for the right shelf to fit in my 2x3 mom/clone tent. Girlfriend is already mad that I have plants in the spare bathroom… :rofl:


Bedroom here, and my wife is being pretty cool about it. Find yourself a farm gal. Have you ever farmed not high? Its boring as shit! :rofl:


Already been checking the tunes working and cleaning up in the garden earlier and was digging and grooving along - thanks! I have an OTT album and love it but gotta check out Bluetech as dont’ think i’ve heard any of theirs.

Even with recreational and having medical here I am always worried about making the neighborhood smell with another tent up in the bedroom or living room / closet lolz… probably just old paranoia but seems like you have to be worried about meth addicts and anyone else willing to take advantage these days.

No girlfriend - or wife to contend with so thats not an issue - thankfully and helping to attribute to antisocial loneliness at times im sure lol


Yes you are right. You definitely realize that there were people who laid the groundwork of preserving land race’s at tremendous cost to there freedom. Without those sacrifices we would not be able to enjoy the fruits of there labor and unselfish forethought into keeping these alive. As you listen to these podcast you appreciate and respect what has made all of this possible.


Awesome job. I can tell there was a lot of sacrifice that went into growing those plants. A lot of days when you really didn’t feel like babysitting or changing the diapers you just manned up. I salute you.


Well the time has come for the @nube tent! It’s been fun, the Dank Sinatra’s are almost ready for trimming… gotta find the time to do that, ugh, probably my least favorite part of the whole growing experience… but a part I accept as a challenge, life is suffering.

Not sure if I mentioned or not, but I’m allergic to cannabis… so even while working in the garden and brushing against leaves causes skin irritation and hives sometimes. Certain cultivars are worst than others. While trimming I have to usually take an allergy pill, wear a mask (plenty of those now!), and take breaks regularly, otherwise I’ll be sneezing and my sinuses go crazy. I know I’m not the only one like this out there… crazy what we do for love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Anyways, here’s some iPhone/clip-on macro lens trichome shots of the PV’s:

Pura Vida 1 - dense trichome coverage - Already harvested the top cola from this plant, this shot is is from mid way up the plant. (Damn dog hairs!)

PV1 - lowers - thinking on re-vegging this one depending on the smoke.

PV2 - fluffier buds, but big ones!

PV3 - almost there!

PV4 - think it’s done?

Now I just need to find the time to actually get the choppers out and hang 'em up… it may be a few more days before they come down, short on garden time right now :pensive:

Can’t wait to try them!


interesting about the allergy!

So, smoking it doesn’t give you any issues, just the touching/trimming?

Looks AMAZING!!!


No, smoking or vaping is cool with my system. It seems like it only happens with fresh leaves and or buds, usually. I’ve also had reactions when making bubble hash, but not as often as just working in the garden or trimming.

Muchas Gracias!


Beautiful plants - can’t imagine having to deal with the plants being allergic! Especially tirm jail oof man!!


Thanks! haha yeah, it’s not so bad now that I’m used to it, just gotta prep for trim jail… or try to con someone else into doing it for me :face_with_monocle: :smirk:


Send them my way when you find them!


lol who else would trim for you? Crazy that you’re allergic but not when smoking it. Gotta love how different we each are. :slight_smile: I do sometimes get sneezy and rashy when trimming or working around certain strains, tho. Nothing too severe, but definitely feels like what family members describe as mild hay fever.

Your plants turned out great! Nice and frosty, plenty of amber in those pics except for the #2 pheno. It’s nice to not see super dense nugs cookies or hashplant style nugs for a change. I mean, they look dense, but sometimes I prefer weed that’s not rock hard hydroton balls that you have to grind to smoke. Plus, and I don’t know if this is true, but they say you gain more surface area for trichs if you give up a little density. I feel like that’s the case in some of the other Appy crosses, like in the SSDD or the Yo Mama and others.

My F1 sensi run is about 4.5 weeks in and doing pretty good. Just about to hit the swell. Can’t wait to see how your trimmer fairs and hear a smoke report on both strains. Won’t have too much to trim on the DS I bet.