Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

lol, me too. Thanks for the well wishes.

Yeah they blew up. I honestly would need to smell a marshmallow again to compare the smells, I can’t remember the last time I had one! Here’s a shot of one of the lowers on the PV in the front right of tent, but I’ll def get some more when I bring them down. Super dense trich coverage…

She doesn’t look like she needs much longer either.

I moved the one Dank Sinatra F2 into the drying tent to begin drying, haven’t chopped yet. I may try and get some more photos, but she’s ready to go. Here’s a few I took tonight.

No doubt, I say at least let them live for a while, most of the time they seem to grow out of it!

Very cool to hear. I excepted the c99 to dominate everything. Since it is a worked line (if it’s reputation is true), then it make sense it may dominate some of the crosses. So far the Goji and GTH that were crossed with C99 that I’ve grown out kept the kept the terpenes of the C99 and structures of the moms. The Skunk OG structure was pretty good, so hopefully it retains that…

You’re too kind! Beans for xmas is the best!


Thanks! I hope I can get to a write up on all of them! The Black Triangles have been my favorite smoke lately. They put my body and head in a good place :yin_yang:


They look great! Juicy and delicious, just like I like 'em. Since you like the BT, the DS should be pretty decent. More KO effects from some of those phenos.


Oh boy, I can’t wait to start going through these strains!
I also got black triangle on the restock drop!


Some real nice plants in here, awesome following along.


Man that blueberry how looks amazing :heart_eyes:


Wish this picture had smell looks awesome


Yeah there’s some real good stuff in the Pura Vida’s. Very grateful that @nube took the time to F2 the line and release it to the community!

On a side note, does anyone have any good photos of the LA Pure Kush mom used in the cross? I’m trying to determine which strain is dominate in these F2’s?


Welcome, and many thanks for the kind words :pray:


We need smell-o-vision, it’s almost 2021 damnit!


When I was researching it, I could only find the info in those links at the top of my PV F2 preservation run thread. One of them is where somebody posts a cut that ends up being the Suge PK or a close relative, but then people give the info on what the real LAPK/HPK cut looks/smells like. No pics, sadly. So that’s as far as I got. I asked a couple breeders using the cut for pics but didn’t get any.


If you search at Breedbay for “Hollywood Pure Kush” under the username Calicat, s/he claimed firsthand knowledge of both the Suge and the HPK, and then grew Pura Vida and labeled many pics as “Hollywood Pure Kush pheno.” So maybe that’ll get you closer.

They say it looks like an OG, and honestly Calicat’s pics look quite a bit like my #2 and #4 phenos. #2 smells quite a bit more like marshmallows than any of the others. You can compare Calicat’s “Hollywood Pure Kush” pheno of Pura Vida pics below (that I got from Breedbay) with the ones in my thread:

Also on the bodhi thread over there at Breedbay, BIG SHOE of Headiegardens.com adds this about the Hollywood PK used in the Pura Vida:


I’ve been listening to “the pot cast” fit a big part of the day between chores. I just turned to the episode 47 and will check out while I read my Over Grow articles. :beers:


Awesome, thanks for dropping the knowledge bombs! I’ll throw up some photos of all the PVs here soon, that may help with the comparison. They are doing great, and both Dank Sinatras are chopped and drying now, I’ll throw up some bud shots when they are done.


Sounds like a great way to spend the Saturday man! There is some great info in those Potcast if you’re into breeding and the history of cannabis. :facepunch:


Cool beans! :slight_smile: I saw a bunch of mentions by bodhi of Hollywood Pure Kush being “a marshmallow OG” and “an OG without the lemon pinesol.” That pretty much fits with the phenos it looks like you and I both had.

I’m pretty sure the sprite/7up smell comes from the Appy, though. Quite a few Appy crosses have that same smell, including all the “Mountain” series.


Very cool, I actually found more of the marshmallow odor on this PV, it was the shorter, stockier one in the back middle of the tent. Bud structure is kinda fluffy, but it’s still finishing up, so no final judgments yet.

PV2 -

PV2 -

The other PV’s have more of the lemon/lime soda thing, but there is something else there too, can’t quite describe it, I’ve always used ‘kush’ but that doesn’t really mean anything… kinda like baby powder and some kinda cleaner mixed. Haha, I’m bad at putting smells into words… I DO know that the smells tickle my brain and I like it :sunglasses:

PV1 - most dense trich coverage

PV1 Lowers -

PV2 - Most marshmallow terps - lowers

PV3 - great structure - had to bend her down to fit though

PV3 and PV4 - lowers (sorry for bad pic, will get some better one when I can bring them out of the tent for chop)

PV4 - Top on the left hand side of pic - this one is finishing up too, fast finisher like PV1. Nice structure and good bud density.

They don’t have too much longer, PV1 and PV4 will finish first with the other two plants maybe a week or two behind.


Plants are looking good for sure. I feel like “baby powder” is an oft-used descriptor for the Hollywood, as well. I could be wrong, but it sounds familiar to me. Either way, it sounds like you’re on the right track. I remember Bodhi using words like “feminine” to describe some of his crosses, seems to me like “baby powder” would fit right in there.


Hey man, is your SCROG net made out of CAT5 twisted pair wire? I see everything except brown/white/brown. :v:t4:


Yup! Good eye, I have/had an abundance of it, the wire is super handy because of the solid core copper, makes it easy to bend and use for supports on small plants and for training. Just make sure you wash or wipe down the wires after you strip the outer sheath, they can be coated with crap.