Tessellated Gardens

So was trimming up the ssdd f2 #2 and found some botyritis inside a couple of the large main colas.

I had originally thought I overdried the plant so I jarred em up with a good bit of stems and leaf and left in jar until hygrometer came back to 60+ rh. Guess I shouldn’t have left em closed for that many days. Gunna keep a close eye on the rest of them…

Anyways, I think I mis-judged the snugglefunk a little bit. The longer they cure the better it seems to get… super good flavor, honestly quite surprised. high seems to have mellowed out a bit too. Just checked and I have 5 seeds left of that one… might have to pop them for next round lol.


Random photo dump.

Not sure if soil or water pH problem or just not enough Mag in the soil to begin with but every single plant has a bit of a Mag deficiency, at least I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. Im using 6.5 pH rain water and over the last week or so the water had added epsom salt (1/4 tsp per gallon)

VPD has been pretty bad overall since the beginning. Using LED with ambient house temp around 70-72 = cold leaves. They’ve been moved up into 450w Metal Halides with hotter temps, but humidity is low so… yeah. Im hesitant to use humidifiers because I feel like they’re breeding grounds for pathogens and Im too lazy to be cleaning one every other day lol. Maybe Ill just start culling any plant that can’t take my poor environments :sweat_smile:

Topped all plants right after the pics were snapped. Hoping to get some branching going… only two of these plants have any sort of decent side branching at the moment.

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