Tessellated Gardens

What’s going on gang? Decided to finally just make my own thread to keep everything all in one place…

Just popped some more Lavender Jack seeds. Hoping to find a keeper female in my single pack.


Interested to see what you find! Are you currently using HIDs? I get nostalgic every-time I hear the humming of an HPS ballast haha. LEDs are pretty nice and more affordable now though, should be a fun upgrade.


Yep, 600w in a 4x4. Going to be nice not having to switch bulbs and shit… lol but they have served me well.


I’m sure the LED’s will have a learning curve! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The main thing I had to deal with switching from hid to led, was making up for the lost heat, and adjusting my nutes to include mor cal mag…

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Yeah I’m definitely going to have to research how cal mag works in living organic soil. Going to be a learning curve for sure.


Yeah, I like to keep fans blowing across the boards and drivers of my LED’s.
This not only keeps the light equipment cooler(prolonging its life), but helps by moving heat around my grow. :wink:


Finally have a day off to drink some coffee and get some updates going here. popped 8 lavender jack beans, all 8 germinated and sprouted. two of them were popped a few days before the others so naturally they’re bigger at this point. Ive been debating to myself whether or not to f2 them to have backups. The seedling on the far right is actually a Blueberry Hashplant. couldn’t help myself… lol.

Im a bit curious though, if I did f2 them should I pick the best male and pollinate all females, or just keep all males x all females? If I kept all males and they dropped pollen at different times, would I have to isolate one until the other catches up or how would you guys go about that?

Since I have a good bit of bottled notes leftover (I run the Lucas Formula once organic potting soil nutes are all depleted) I figured I might as well use it up while doing the seed run. But, do synthetic nutes affect how the seeds turn out? I’ve read something about how seeds are produced could affect the outcome of the seeds. Any credence to that?

Anyways, just thinking out loud, maybe someone with experience could chime in.


Snugglefunk #1:

Snugglefunk #2:

Honestly not all that enthusiastic about the snugglefunks I grew out. Both cuts are fairly potent with the first 15 minutes or so being sort of uncomfortable in the body (mostly just a very noticeable elevated heart rate) but after that it’s just heavy eyelids and just chill out type bud. Not very flavorful or smelly either. Interestingly enough the sugar leaves that I saved for edibles smell quite rank and loud when opening the jar but the nug jars don’t smell like anything really. Maybe it just needs a longer cure? They’ve been in jars for about 3 weeks now. Smells and flavor are mostly earth with the 1 being more musty earth/roasted nuts and the 2 being sweet earth and slight funk. Can only get these smells when you break up the buds. Sandy trichomes, no greasiness.

Lavender Jack:

Loudest plant ive grown in quite a while, definitely terpinolene dominant with what Im assuming is linalool underneath. Delicious smell and taste through the vape. Need to cure for a while before it can be smoked IMO. Stands out to me because I certainly didn’t grow this out ideally by any stretch. Salt buildup, ph probably wasn’t ideal during mid flower, didn’t veg long at all, etc. Definitely can’t wait to grow this strain out again and do better.

The effect is great too, not really potent like a TK type plant but makes me feel like my eyes are open wider than normal and definitely has that uplift/focus with very little body until maybe an hour in and its just super chill and relaxing. Definitely good if you need to talk to people and function while medicated. Doesn’t have a big comedown either which is nice. I feel like this is more antidepressant/anti anxiety than any indica ive ever tried…

Kush 4 x SSDD 1:

Just a great cross here in my opinion. Really wish I had more f1’s of this to find a cut lol. Both phenos are just super relaxing, medical night time type buds with slightly different smells/flavors. #1 is gassy/woody/floral with the smell of a good chamomile. Leaves a delicious smell in the room when smoked.

Kush 4 x SSDD #2:

Similar to the above just no chamomile, more just straight gas/floral. When trimming it was making my eyes watery.


some more Kush 4 x SSDD shots through flower:

#1 on the left, #2 on the right.






Snugglefunk during flower:



Seedling stuff: Far right is Blueberry Hashplant, stuff on the left is some Thai basil from this years outdoor bed. mostly just wanted to see germ rates, looks like about 50%. Sometimes they take awhile to pop so we’ll see. Going to be popping some more varieties later as well… anywho… the bigger lavender jacks in the front were germinated about 2 days before all the rest. Just upgraded my closet seedling light to a cheap Vivosun 100w led. running it at 75% a little more than a foot away. Still trying to decide exactly what I’m going to do regarding a mother tent and lighting for that…


Man that k4 x ssdd looks incredible!

Sounds great to me and worth preserving if you have the males on hand!


Yeah the more I think about the actual logistics of doing a good seed run idk if I can really pull it off at the moment. I’m just thinking of all the water required for 8 3 gallon containers being watered every third day :laughing:


Were those K4 x SSDD beans from @Kyumonryu 's open pollination? I see a lot of similarities with both of your plants to one of the phenos I encountered in my F1s. Yours look substantially healthier though haha. Great work. I love that cross haha, feels superior to pure SSDD to me for sure.


No, these were f1’s I got as a freebie. Only 2 females in the pack. And thanks! Yeah I’m definitely glad they were heavy yielders, won’t be running out anytime soon lol


Finished trimming up the first ssdd f2 to come down. the other female is still finishing up. Thinking about just chopping her down once the soil is dried out again. Nothing much has changed in the past 2 or so weeks lol.

Definitely got some light ‘blue’ smells off her, as well as gassy/dank smells. I think when she’s all cured up in the next month or so she’s going to be delicious… Might smoke a bit later just to get a sneak peak of the effects.

Oh and this shit is extremely sticky. Gunked up the scissors and gloves very fast.


Beautiful buds! Do you mind if I put a link to your post in my thread so others sitting on F2s can read?


Go for it !


quick flash-shot of final ssdd f2 after being chopped.

since I had more females than I was anticipating I flowered the last round out way before I normally would so everything was pretty small and low yielding but this girl made some super fat heavy buds. drying area smells like chem funk and there’s also some really ripe like tropical fruit thing going on, like pineapples or mangoes or something.

never saw any intersex issues but the first ssdd f2 I harvested I saw 1 or 2 seeds that were nowhere near fully formed, so must’ve been a nanner that popped up sometime late in flower. I will keep an eye out when I trim this second one, but keep in mind these were not grown in an ideal environment. I was super lazy with the runoff so some salt buildup definitely happened. Also some heat issues in the last few weeks so she fox tailed a bit for sure.

I will be sure to take much better care when I pop the next round of these f2’s… consider this a stress test round :sweat_smile:


Happy Holidaze everyone! Just throwing up a couple of quick pics for documents sake.

The Blueberry Hashplant is super squat with tight internodes. Im assuming that’s not the typical growth pattern of the Blue Dream cut that Bodhi used for this cross but I have no clue really. If anyone knows let me know.