Testers: Blueberry Diesel

  1. Why do you want these seeds?
    I’ve heard Blueberry does very well in the north, as an outside grower, I’m interested in it’s resistance to mold n mites, and it’s quality if smoke.
  2. When can you start them? (be honest)
    I pop my beans in April, harvest October, cure til Dec/Jan to give full honest report, it would be a year. Sorry, know this prob outs me, but thought I’d give it a shot.
  3. Where are you from, US or Canada or elsewhere?
    MA. USA
    Edit: new here but you can check out my grow logs on RIU and beanbasement, I have the same handle. Grew some testers for @Shoreline although they were late starts I was super impressed with the ECSD and KushMint, pics in those logs…

@PioneerValleyOG - Welcome to Overgrow. I came from RIU also.

@anonymous4289 - Beans landed, I’ll be starting 4 before the end of the month. Waiting on another tent.


Very cool!! Wish I had an indoor setup to play with, electric bills are increasing here up to 64%!
Mines gone from $70, to $250, can only imagine what it’d be if I had a gavita or 2 with accruements. Thanks for the message, I’ll be looking at the grow…

The Blueberry Sour are strong ones, love em!

Pz :v:t2:


So that wasn’t BS? I had heard somewhere back east was doing some crazy price hike on electricity. We are used to those prices out here in my neck… very normal southwest prices at $250 a month. on average.

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my highest bill was $450 one month over the summer. i’m in california though

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I payed 7$ every month for electricity this summer :grin: I live in Sweden though

Pz :v:t2:


ouch… that one stings :face_vomiting:

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Yeah, it’s true. Believe it not it has something to do with natural gas delivery required by electric companies, or some such crap. What blows me away, is 5 or 10 miles from my house is a power station that owners half of New York city with massive underground water turbines beneath a mountain. Toured it when I was a kid, was amazing.


I guess the prices is spiking because of the stop on Russian gas in Europe and you notice it even in America. We got an increase in price of right about 200% this month. I mean i still think its cheap for me, but my house uses geothermal heating and I got sun panels on the roof. But I know that house holds that uses electric heating will have a rough time this winter!

Still, using efficient led lights doesn’t use that much energy, about what an modern TV uses. So it would be like watching TV 12h a day :grin::+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

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a couple packs made it to the post office today. more spots available, get 'em while you can!


@anonymous4289 - well… this round is quickly coming to a close and my plan is to do a full BOG run for the next OG box and to run a full run of 10 plants of your Black Snow. If you want me to split the Black Snow and this one then add me to the list. i have space for 10 plants for your gear however you want me to do it…

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I’ve no idea the exact age they are.
The runt has started to grow again.
I’m gonna leave them under 18/6 until the 3rd of next month and then flip as I’m off to lanzarote for a week on the 4th. Hoping once I get back they have showed sex and I can kill any males.


I just wanna say thank you, I feel honored to do this, my second run as a tester. The first one I did I feel went pretty well so far. Curing stage now, then smoke report left. Was fun, and cool. I’m hoping the Blueberry genetics holds true to the growing well in the North, and am still debating pots, in ground, or both. Anyone else had the chance to go outside with these? Or is spring going to be it’s debut?

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i don’t think anyone got them in time to do an outdoor run but i can’t wait to see you do one. :+1:

i ran the blueberry pie (female of the blueberry diesel) outdoors. (it wasn’t the same blueberry pie female i used in the chem fuego cross though.) very pungent, strong blueberry smells the whole way through. decent buds, not airy or anything like that. to get a better idea of what the blueberry pie brings to the table besides the blueberry take a look at the “cherry west bx” which is the female in the blueberry pie, that’s basically 75 percent cherry pie, which i think some people grow outdoors. i don’t think you can go wrong.

here’s a link from @HeadyMcDank


Ok planted these guys on the 16th. Blue berry Diesel.

. They all popped within an hour of each other :blush::grin:.


Just checking in still letting my current crop limp to the finish line. Root rot issue, it didn’t take the whole crop but it got me good.

Has anyone flipped to 12/12 yet?


I see you’re a fan of the Blue Dream. Had an amazing run a decade or so out of Willits area, just insane. Was going for 4k a lb out here no questions asked. Wonder why it faded away…


i think literally everyone was growing it. i only had the opportunity to try it once but it wasn’t a good example, too weak. i have a pack of bodhi’s dream lotus but it’s not a priority to grow it, i have better options. i’ll end up growing some of it for myself eventually though.


After 72 hours soaking in plain dechlorinated water 7/10 had tails popping out and were planted into 1g fabric pots. The other 3 were cracked, but were not planted until 96 hours (total) after first being placed into the water. They are in fox farm ocean forest with no added amendments and should be good for about 3-4 weeks then I will be transplanting them into 3g fabric pots with ocean forest, gaia green all purpose, oyster shell flour, and worm castings.