Testers: Blueberry Diesel

I was going to say the same about that BB Pie it was mentioned up above in the thread.

Quick note for the BBDiesel’s though… My lady walked into the house this morning after dropping off our little to school and she asked me if I had smoked or if I had opened up one of the containers of our last couple runs. I hadn’t opened anything or smoked this morning so that mean the only thing throwing off any smell is the only tent I have going right now which is the BBDeisel’s. They are throwing off a ton of smell. Coming up on 6 weeks this coming Saturday. I will more than likely get them into 3g’s this weekend(time permitted) and flip. Exciting times…


My bad! When I said research I meant I used the Google.
Thats exciting for sure. Curious about the stretch :thinking:


Yeah, thats why I’m hoping to find a sativa dom in the mix :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pz :v:t2:

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Since the tent is only 2x2 and I’m stressing about how much they may stretch I’ve flipped to 12/12 today. They have 6 nodes and are around 10 inch in height. They have had around 3 weeks from 1st set of true leaves. Had they been fems I’d have thrown a net in and vegged for longer. :v:


post office visit delayed until tomorrow, spots are still open. if you sign up within the next few hours i can get your tester seeds mailed to you tomorrow.


9/10 have popped as of this morning . 3 of them had purplish stems like the top pic and 6 of the seedlings had the all green stem like the one on bottom. Not sure if this trait happens when they first emerge and then go away, but I will try to remember to keep watch and see.

8/26: All 10 have popped and we are off and running!


Watering tonight I noticed some unusual droop. I’m honestly feeling like this cultivar loathes small containers. Everything is in check. PH is on point been double checking. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until the last couple day and I’m fairly positive they’re feeling squished again and possibly a bit stressed. Definitely do have roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. I’m going to upgrade their homes sooner than planned for sure. Hope 3 gallon containers will be enough for them. :laughing:

Also gave the plants each a solid look and I can confirm 3 females so far. The rest are still up for debate…

Hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday!


@MyLittleGrundle How are your plants coming along?

Thats good to know, maybe i should skip the 3gal and go straight to 5.


If you’re in soil I’d definitely upgrade your pots. I think I’ll be good with 3gs with salts. hopefully. :crossed_fingers:


They are doing great. At a doctors appointment right now. When I get home I’ll be watering and top dressing. Very healthy and looking great. Sry, been busy and not keeping up with my journal or updates. My bad


latest batch of tester seeds have been shipped out. plenty more spots are available for testers in US, Canada, and elsewhere!!

  1. I want these seeds because they are new strains, I would like to test new things, especially coming from this forum.

  2. I have 2 tents, currently, I’m finishing setting up another one, and by the end of this year, I intend to have 4 tents, with 4 tents there is always space

  3. I’m from Brazil, I believe that maybe I won’t be able to participate because it’s a little out of hand. But for me it would be very satisfying.


if you’re willing to document some of your grow then i’m ok with sending you some testers. PM me with your shipping info.


Of the 6 I popped, 3 are doing well, 1 is on the struggle bus, and 2 died off. I planted them into their solos and gave them a nice hit of Recharge get that mychorrizae going young.


yes, I started a diary here in the organics section! I’m very happy to be able to test and share the results


Gave all the plants an upgrade last night and got them into 3gs. Hope this does the trick and keeps them happy all the way through now. Gave them all a pretty heavy defoliation as well. We will see how they respond. Even with them being fairly root bound only one of them was looking rough to me but im sure will bounce back.

Have a great weekend ladies and gents.


Did you trim those roots off? Curious how others deal with that. I scrape them down to the dirt

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Have you noticed big differences in the plants?

Those are some sweet ass roots


I have in the past pruned the roots but I don’t do it any more. They always seem to settle into their new homes without me interfering and I’d rather not stress these plants any more than they already have been. These plants have been very finicky with pot size I will say that so I’m going to try to baby the root zone as much as possible.