Testers: Blueberry Diesel

I’ve got a run of stardawg seedlings going that are about 2 weeks old that are going in my big tent. Maybe a re veg is a possibility once I harvest her. The thing is that plant will likely finish a week or two before the others do. She’s a beauty. I may be able to move her over to my big tent to re veg while the stardawg veg out. :thinking: means putting my other plans on hold for a while.


@anonymous4289 has created something special here. The plant in the picture with the thicker pistils is stunning. The blueberry/lemon smell is more prominent now. I’ve not added the overdrive to my schedule yet either. Things should get interesting once I do.


a reveg may be in the works for one of mine so I’ll probably be right there with you I think. The good buddy @DefNSmokn was over yesterday and we were both jonesing over one of the females that has the strongest artificial lemon smell. Almost like huffing a can of pledge. Citrus is my favorite hands down.


Lemon pledge seems to be the main smell we are getting. The one up front in the tent still has that soap smell. Lavender/floral?? It’s not a strong smell. Needs a brush with the back of my hand to get the aroma from it.
I’m not getting the fuel/diesel smell I was getting in veg now. I’m honestly the worst person to explain what I’m smelling when it comes to cannabis. Years of nasal abuse with non organic matter has broken it. :roll_eyes:


Absolutely why I wanted a fellow grower to come over. My nose hasn’t been quite the same since covid. lol but yeah definitely citrus notes coming through in this cross as well as some lighter sweet smells. I do however have one that is pretty funky. It was the vomit pheno but it doesn’t quite have that any more I’ll have to give it a few more rubs and make up my mind what I’m getting off of it.


Covid is a curse but also a good excuse why my sense of smell is fucked. Good shout. :+1:


i’m not sure how accurate it is or if it applies to the blueberry diesel but this is the info on the mother of the chem fuego: 42 days would be pretty crazy:

“The mother in this cross is a fast finishing Sour Diesel, Headband cross. She peaks fast at day 42 in Skunk VA’s garden. Deep sour and earthy notes followed by a balanced sweetness. The high can be jolting but relaxing to the body. Look for early finishers and a fair amount of stretch.”


It’ll be interesting to see how far we take these. I like pulling deep amber myself so we will see what the beauties have in store. The sweetness is definitely there in a couple of my BBD’s so far. These are F1’s so I mean we could see all sorts of different things right now but there are some consistencies so far. Smells for sure definitely finding those citrus notes. With how far @Esrgood4u and my plants are thickening these may just be fast finishers but time will tell. Exciting though for sure!


Quick shot I took. These girls are really good looking. love everything I’m seeing.


I am by no means a expert but from reading I thought f1 seeds are the most vigorous best representation of the parents.

I would be all over that lemon pledge pheno for sure.

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Not in polyhybrids, only in a real filial cross. Polyhybrids lack this type of vigor and are like a F2 expression even if they are the first generation in a cross.

Pz :v:t2:


Ahhh shit the devil is in the details. Thanks I know you love the breeding LonelyOC so I’m defaulting to your good judgement.


As I understand it, it’s not that there’s more vigor in F1s, it’s that there’s reduced vigor in later generations due to inbreeding. If the parents aren’t inbred to begin with, they never lost that vigor so it can’t be reintroduced later with outcrossing.


So since these are polyhybrids there vigor should be as good as can be. Good stuff. Breeding is super interesting but there is so many nuances and you have to have a separate space for breeding projects.


Well hybrid vigor is not just about how inbreed something is. It’s also about the genetic alignment of Recessive vs dominant trait. In a true F1 generation you have individuals who have pretty much only dominating traits which, together with the lack of inbreeding drives the vigor to an unusual level. Poly hybrids have all kind of different traits, like an F2 which doesn’t correlate to the same vigor, true hybrid vigor is lost after the first cross of an F1.

Dont get me wrong, you can find poly hybrids with true hybrid vigor where both sides of the helix is different and where you got all Aa. But they are abit rare, I havnt done the math, but it all have to do with the ancestry of both lines.

Pz :v:t2:


I’ll get some pics of mine up later. Setting up the flower tent today and getting them flipped in the next few. Had to sulfur dust the other day


The way I understand things is f1’s should have a very broad range of traits from both parents. The whole reason we go down in filial generations and do selections is to isolate the desired traits. I am no breeder though… I know the basics and am just a humble neighborhood chucker. lol

and yes the lemon smell is actually unreal on this one. I’m thinking I may have to get some local buddies to help me to hunt through some of the F2’s of this female.


Its been about a week so ill give a quick update with some pictures.

Female 1: This is in an autopot

Female 2: On an AC Infinity version of an autopot lol

Female 3: on AC version of autopot


Neat, how automated is your setup now? & how much does it cost


I need to post a true update on my setup. Ill do that in my grow log here pretty quick. I just pulled the trigger on a new light. @_@