Testers: Blueberry Diesel

I can definitely see where you got Mr. Mayhem from!!! Like the insurance guy went Mayhem on your trees. I absolutely love it when I see them return from all twig back to bush. Used to do my mothers exactly the same way, with low feeding schedule.

On another note 14 days into this project.

5 BlueBerry Diesel X.
Going to feed these 5 MaxiBloom silica and cal-mag for their entire life cycle. Already at 2.5 grams of powda


Day 40…

A buddy of mine who grows locally came to the house today he claims a very thick garlic funk as he came up to the front door. So the plants are proving to be quite loud!

Overall I think we are just coasting to the finish line. Purple is really starting to come through also. I’m liking the look.

Did have to actually stake and wire the front left plant because of weight I guess she couldn’t take it and was leaning bad. Also wired up the front right plant (biggest female).

I did have some spot show on the sugar leaves and it was looking like boron. I’ve never dealt with this issue before but it seemed like the plants were hungry so I shot back up to 3ec and the issue has stopped in its tracks. I will tapper off slowly through the last couple weeks until I go for flush.

Will get some better photos of all the plants come chop. don’t feel like jostling the girls to much right now.

Front right of tent.

Front left of tent.


i’ve read that the garlic funk comes from the chemdog but who knows.


I’d say that seems to be one of the more dominant smells from a lot of chem hybrids. The main smells I’m really getting though individually are citrus and pine myself. The front left plant has the best smell so far of the tent. Concentrated lemon big time but the front rights main cola is just so pretty. Might have to run some of these kids and try to get the best of both worlds. Project time perhaps…


what kind of lemon? lemon pledge? sweet lemon? sour lemon? just curious.


it’s got a super heavy artificial smell of lemon but I don’t want to say pledge… maybe similar but I can’t quite put my finger on it. it definitely has that back end of a menthol like hit to the nose. Very astringent! It’s honestly right up my alley. I’m actually pretty happy with what I’m smelling because it’s all right up my alley. Smells like citrus Christmas up in my house. lol


So what are you thinking at this point anonymous as far as what to do with breeding? Are you going to continue to work this line? Maybe cross it with another blueberry or focus on the smells flavors that are naturally occurring?

Just trying to get the breeders point of view and the process.


FFS…my nicest BBD just maled out on me. I have one runt left. Have to give it a shot next grow but going to keep the runt and see if it’s a she.


no plans to work this line, i just have them tested or run others on my own and then move on from there unless it’s something special i would probably just grow out a bunch of F1s, no plans to f2 or anything like that. i already have my next project planned. i have a couple chem fuego f2s going but after that i have a special project. :wink:

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sorry to hear that.

There’s always next time. Plus I’ll see if that runt picks up steam as I go.


Thanks again for the testers…it IS a nice looking plant.


Just got back from work and gave the lemon lady a rub… Imma get creative and descriptive here… Imagine if you will a true lemon smell but with the fake ass lemon juice you would buy off the store shelves slapped a bit of artificial smell in there with maybe a slight scent of pledge and a shit load of lemon zest slapped in the mix with that almost dull lemon smell with the wetness of the lemon skin itself. You’ll have landed on what I’m smelling.

Hands down the most citrus plant I’ve ever grown… :lemon: :+1:


I will have more than plenty F2’s I can send if you want another shot. Let me know my friend…


that’s crazy. i never expected lemon/citrus.

i’m curious, about how many seeds did you harvest?

I will let you know once I’m to that point but from the looks… I’ll have more than likely thousands between all the girls. I got seeds all the way down in the lowers right now.


I would gladly take you up on that…thanks.

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'bout to bust out the solos and start this grow!!! Good times! :grin::lollipop:


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Yeah, same here. I’m a hard believer that some awesome blueberry phenos will be found in next generation :grin:

Pz :v:t2: