Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Updates on my 4, day 3 12/12 no sex yet


it’s weird seeing something you worked on end up being grown all over, even outside the country.


Isn’t it amazing! I’m excited for your next work. Please tag me when you are ready to release and I’ll be all over it. My Blueberry Diesel is on 12/12 now but only 3 have survived my tests so far! Hopefully one of em is a male so I can pollinate my Shiskaberry female and see if this would bring out the Blueberry terps. The Shiskaberry is very sweet lip-smacking candy berry atm with narrow leaflets and I got multiple clones of her! It’s a S1 from a elite Shiskaberry from around 00.

Only problems ive had with these seeds, except that they doesn’t have the Blueberry terps, is that the main stem are floppy. The three I’ve been keeping have a stronger stem but still some of em have snapped abit but I’ve been able to save them with duct tape :grin:

Pz :v:t2:

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Do you have a fan on them? it helps.

Silica too.

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Yeah no fan, I know that i should but I cant fit one in my cabin. They get silica from the moment they get true leafs until they get harvested. Only a few of the plants I’ve grown have this problem. The Shiskaberry have a very strong stem so I hope that this will transfer onto the offspring.

Pz :v:t2:

Some people give their plants a shake daily or so, say that helps. I’ve never tried it

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Tag me as well.
It’s gotta be a awesome feeling watching people grow out your work with no one knowing what surprises wait.

Blueberry, peanut butter and chocolate. I would like to get a representation of each one this year. Clone would be best but I ain’t afraid to sow some seeds either.

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Nice, never thought of that, will try it and get back to ya and see if it worked :heart:

Pz :v:t2:

If you want Blueberry I’m all for sharing my Shiskaberry clone with you, just pm if your interested and we can figure how to ship it to you.

Pz :v:t2:

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Man that would be awesome. I have a super busy day today with my with but I will definitely be in touch and you got to let me give your something for her. :heart_eyes:

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Hey hey everyone! Sry it’s been a minute. The wife and I had Covid last week and been catching up on life thru this week. All is fine we are god to go! So over that time I’ve trimmed 16 plants and transplant the next round as well as moving the plants into flower for this run. The Blueberries are finishing the first week of flower and everything is looking really great.


Ps. The front three and the one in the middle in the second picture and bottom two in the next


Found 2 confirmed males today, the rest either weren’t showing or were too small and need to grow more before I am certain. Here is a couple pics of one of the males before chop. It was growing pretty even too it’s a shame. Down to 8.


Heres the bbd testers I have going one is showing female pre flowers, won’t be too long they’ll be in flower.


@MrMayhem1134 I love the rivets on your fabric pots. Look perfect for training. Did you put those on yourself or it came like that ?


They came that way and yes they are amazing, it definitely helps when the branches grow too close to the main stem and for when a plant just doesn’t wanna grow the way you would like. I highly recommend them to anyone who would like to get into training their plant or anyone who does already :man_dancing:.


Its been another week, here is my update.

Did a bit of light defoliating, mostly just lower branches. The auto-pot is definitely the larger of the three. However all of them are doing great. Super nice branching thats strong. Plant seems pretty easy to work with.

Ill be transplanting the two in AC Infinity bags into the auto-pot system and they will all be in the flower tent for my next run. (about 8-10 weeks from now)


Well I have some unfortunate news. Four of the five plants threw some big nuts over the night. I’m down to one definite female. Kinda disappointed but hey shit happens. Have a great day my dudes.



4/4 male

:cry: gonna pop the other 6 next run, probably 12/12 from seed in smallish(1-2gall) grow bags then take clones off the females to run in dwc


Well damn…what ever happened to 50/50 odds lol I would have been very upset. Completely understand why you want to go 12/12 from seed after that


I only popped 4, and like 15 other seeds of other stuff, 5 strains in the 4x4 rn, 7 female so far, I’d guess most of the rest of the pack is female