Testers: Blueberry Diesel

well that’s shitty… i hope it’s not just a high male ratio. i had a strain before ( my sour diesel x qrazy train) where i couldn’t find a damn male.


Your black snows had a lot of males, but once I found that female she was pure fire, I’m for sure gonna try these bbd’s again just got everything kinda full rn. The kinda fire you make you should be selling seeds cause id put the Apollo apes and black snow against any premium breeder pack


Day 48

Plan is to stop feeding at the start of week 8 (thursday) and let them cruise to the finish line from there.

I will be sure to get some good pictures of all the females at chop and some trichome shots.

On the norm I would pull after very heavy amber but for testing I will pull at 8 weeks and see how she smokes. I have plenty of friends (ginuea pigs) ready for samples to get a well rounded opinion. (They’ve been bugging me since the beginning :laughing:)

Here is a photo of the best females main cola. She really is pretty and smells amazing. Kind of a sweet citrus/pine smell. Nothing like the lemon plant but she is the best looking plant of the bunch.

Hope everyone is having an awesome day!


i appreciate that. only problem is that i barely have any seeds left of those two. maybe one day if i make f2s or f3s. i’m glad you enjoy my work.


Hehe, noticed today that all 4 are males so I’m very happy :grin: I’m excited to see how the cross with Shiskaberry will become!

Pz :v:t2:


I know these posts tend to go unnoticed, but I’m looking for testers specifically from Canada or other foreign countries. Not currently accepting any more US testers. Share this with your friends, shout it from the rooftops, foreign testers are needed, specifically Canadians.


Drop a link to them Canadian Boys!


i can’t wait to see more tester grows on here. unfortunately i know there are a bunch of people running off with the seeds and no plan to grow/update grows. it happens every time. i pay good money to get these seeds out to testers, the least you could do is test them. i’m not talking about delayed grows. some people say i’m lucky to have any testers at all, and i agree to some extent. i’m just sick of all these grab and dash “seed testers”. i think i’m done after this one. sorry i just had to rant. :angry:


I agree. Both with you, and the people saying you’re lucky to have any seed testers at all. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s scummy to sign up for testing and renege on the deal, but it’s not like seeds are difficult to come by around here. Seeds with strings attached should be less popular. That they’re not says people are willing to ignore the strings, I guess.


Sorry to hear this, people just see free and feel like they gotta jump on it. Looking forward to getting mine and getting them in the next run.


I could change my VPN server location to Denmark if that helps ? :rofl:LMFAO just kidding around. But if one of your US testers drops out or isn’t able to help I will gladly volunteer! An I would start the process day 1 of receiving :wink: Just bought 4 new lights and an 8x8 tent. already have a 4x4. :grinning: happy early merry Christmas


I thought the same thing :joy:

1 Like

well, i already had one person i let join late, so we might as well make it 2 since i’m going to the post office anyway. PM me your info.


You are the MAN bro!!! @anonymous4289 :metal:


yep, i know this, lol.


As bad as I wanted to test these I’m an honest guy and I’ll be damned if I didn’t already receive some testers in the mail the other day I promised to run. :cry: I just love diesel I hope it’s everything I think it will be :door::walking_man:‍♂


feel free to contact me if/when you have the space/time and i’d be happy to send you a tester pack, just because you were honest. :+1:


🫠 I will certainly take you up on that offer my good sir…will be in touch thanks


Call them out. I can make a shame thread of every run-away-bride from all the tester threads!

Pz :v:t2:


I haven’t posted an update in a while but I still have three going. They are all recovering from the abuse. All three are quite tall and branches are slow to grow. I am thinking about chopping the top third off of each plant to encourage them to bush out a bit. Saves me from a height problem and I should be able to root the tops. I will post photos later today.