Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Let’g GO! lol

Shamed into posting an update. :crazy_face:
My little runt is still chugging along. Not showing sex yet so I’m letting it hang in there.


Ill do an update just in case it was me. lol.

I have transplanted the two BBD that were in fabric pots and placed them into Autopots. These 3 will go with the white widow into the flower tent as soon as the current run is out of there.


Sorry for the lack of updates. Not so nice family stuff going on lately. Tiss the season to be jolly.
I took all 3 of mine last week. Could maybe have gone an extra week but I wanted some old school smoke for Xmas. Microscope showed plenty of amber so I chopped them down.
Looking around 4oz fully dried from the 3 small plants.


So here are my tall girls (hopefully). Two of them are for sure female, the last I just can’t tell yet. I am sure someone more experienced could tell me or maybe its just late to the show.

All three got a top dressing of Gia Green All purpose, worm castings, and a little more soil today. Don’t mind droopy “BBD B”, she got a drink after the top dressing and should perk back up soon.

“BBD A” is very tall, but really they all are. Considering cutting the top third off one or all three and letting them veg a while longer. Flower tent is currently busy. What do the experts think?


Very nice man! Its been a fun run I feel like you and I were on close to the same time frame! Those nugs look great! Solid work! Have you sampled any of the bud?


I had 3 totally different plants.
Had the first one I took that smelt like lemon pledge. Buds dried like rocks. Honestly if you drop one from a height you hear a thud from it. I’ve tried this one. Really heavy indica leaning. Hits really hard and put me to sleep within an hour. This is what I mainly look for for my personal use. Didn’t taste of lemon though but non of the plants have been cured.
The lavender soapy one (big one to the left in the picture) was a bit fluffy. More a heady buzz. For some reason she’s taking longer to dry out properly and is a pain to get through my grinder.
The 3rd plant I’ve not tried. It just doesn’t feel dry enough. Uk humidity is always stupid high though. Give it a few more days and I’ll have a better report. :+1:


Damn very nice! Love it! Job well done my friend!

I’m hoping the lemon plant I’ve got over here comes through in the taste. The smell is wonderful. The tallest and nicest plant is really smelling more like grapefruit. Overall the smells have been great. Citrus/pine are wins for me.


Yeah I love anything citrus like that. My all time favourite commercial strain is c99. My favourite of all time though is @ReikoX LRUV. Honestly you have to smell it to understand why.


LRUV? I’ll have to hop over to ReikoX’s thread and look it up. :eyes:


@firehead has made a few crosses using it. I don’t know if any straight LRUV is still available. I’m sure @firehead had thoughts of a seed run though?? :thinking:


I do have 8 LRUV beans left. I plan on doing a seed run later this winter. Because it’s one I don’t want to see go extinct


awesome man! which plant are these buds from? the lemon pledge?


@Esrgood4u is not wrong. You have to smell LRUV to understand why a couple of us are crazy for it. I don’t even like sweet/berry smelling plants, but LRUV is so over the top, it just doesn’t even make sense how insanely sweet blackberry it is.


Hey @anonymous4289, I want to apologize this last month has been… memorable, not in a good way.

Of The 3 that had going 1 was definitely a male and the other two I’m pretty sure are females. Right now they are going through some lighting testing(hanging out in isolation in my bathroom) while I continue to battle mites. The two girls are clean I just want to be sure they stay that way. They’re way beyond needing to be uppotted. I’ve got 2 (different strains) that are headed for the flower tent this weekend which will open up spots for them to get a good veg on over the next 5 ish weeks. No intersex traits observed this far. They’ve also had a long dry back to induce a drought stress reaction all they did was stretch a little. From what I’m seeing these are some Stout, stable, girls, nice work. I’ll get some pics up once their in their final homes. And I’m sorry for not keeping you in the loop.


no worries. glad to hear about your progress. i look forward to the pics. :+1:


No the lemon pledge smelling plant was much tighter. I think that plant had more trichome production as you can even squeeze the buds.


How many plants did you run?



4 in 2l fabric pots. Ended up with one male that I promptly killed off and 3 distictly different females.


How long was the flowering time for the 3?