Testers: Blueberry Diesel

The lemon pledge one I could have taken at 7 weeks as there was plenty of amber showing but I left it until the others were ready at 8 weeks (give or take a day or so) :+1:


I’m running one of your BlueBerry Diesel in that Loamy Sandy ground zero this Summer.

What else are looking for Cdn. Testers on Anon?

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They arrived a few weeks ago, but until I managed to get them, here they are, I’m germinating 5 at once, and let’s wait, start 2023 with this new cycle, very excited and anxious to see the result!

very vigorous looking seeds!
Seeds that look healthy and fresh!
Let’s see the beautiful flowers of these beauties

thank you so much for letting me be a part of it!


All still alive 4 roughly the same height and 1 shorter one.

Little damage, received thrips as a bonus, shout out the savage genetics on strainly. Having to treat the BBD as well😞.Going to repot them soon. I don’t really want to flower anything with any kind of bugs if it can be helped.

Here is the shorty

So yeah a trim, treatment and a up pot and hopefully we will be cleared for launch


:muscle:Im freaking pumped for this! this will be awesome to run same genetics with y’all in tandem!


Mines not doing so well right now or I would have uploaded more than I did, I left the watering to my brother a few weeks ago and he didn’t do it so it is what it is.

I still have more so I will post some pics once I get some more started.


They will bounce back fine don’t stress. A drought is a positive thing when growing cannabis. Helps toughen the plant up. Just don’t allow them to remain dry for too long. :v:


I still got it growin, I’ll post a pic when my lights come on. But I still wanna give it another go.


i know the feeling. i’m running some chem fuego F2s and i think i gave them way too much cal mag. hoping they recover.


In veg plants can take a lot of shit. You can open the tent any time you like during this period and nothing will happen. Sometimes when we mess up like this all you have to do is extend the veg period until they look healthy. Light leaks and stress won’t effect a vegging plant.
In flower is where stuff needs to remain stable and consistent.

@Rhai88 are you running the scorpion diablo? if so how do you go about increase the light intensity as plant grows? I have the Diablo and im running and i always seem to push a little to hard to early. my girls are almost done now and they can’t handle more then 60%

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Lift and lower the light until the plant is happy if you can’t dim the light.


it dims 10%-100%


In veg put it around 18 inch from the plant and use the dimmer on it to tune the light to how the plant reacts.

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yeah your 100% correct and i have been doing that (attempting) i just havent spoke with anyone that has my light and really wanted to see how he runs it


He’s about to comment :+1:


Thank yo very much @Esrgood4u i prob hit you up if i have any questions in the future. you seem like you know your stuff :metal:


I’ve been growing for a long time. My issue is I don’t use the collected advice I give on my personal grows. With growing there is always something new to learn no matter how much experience you’ve had. Good luck :+1:


Yessir it is an HLG SD… Honestly I haven’t had much issue with the SD doing much damage the best tip I can give you is to put your hand up to the light and if its to hot its too hot for the plant lol I know that sounds basic but sometimes it’s simpler that way. Now if you want to get really dialed you can pick up one of these nifty UNI-T meters. Make sure to pick up the Bluetooth one to pair it with your phone and the app! you can see from the pics how close the tallest pheno is… she’s happy!


might as well call it the spear pheno, lol.