Testers: Blueberry Diesel

3 days into flush. First BBD F2s thems are some pretty seeds.


that’s a beautiful plant. nice tiger striped seeds, i haven’t seen those since the first cross i made.



nice and uniform, i like it.


I don’t think I got any replies at all to my update. Still trying to decide if I should cut the top 1/3 off of each (pop in cloner) and then veg a while to get them to bush out and not be so freaking tall. Any thoughts?


I’ve been watching these, haven’t started mine yet but based on what I’m seeing I’m going to prune the hell out of it. Will definitely help its lower branches to grow. On big plants like these I like to top 3 days before the flip. Gives enough time for the plant to start the new growth but this will limit the height and basically instead of stretching you get normal growth at the top and your side branches will really take off in the meantime. Gets a really nice bushy/branch plant like this. I think this strain would respond well.


I see I’m not the only one who uses old milk cartons as a watering can :joy:. Comes in handy when you don’t have a resevoir or a reverse osmosis setup.


That main cola looks fantastic!! I hope one of mine end up like that. Looks like a keeper for sure.


She is amazing… structure/color! I wish she had the smell of the lemon pheno although the grapefruit smell she is giving off is pleasant! I wish I would have taken clones but I didn’t because I have a new tester run coming after this one so I’ll need the space. Maybe the progeny will hold the key to even better plants down the road.


Haven’t forgotten or gone MIA. Just being a lazy F when it comes to breaking down and setting my tents back up.

This will still be my next run. I am very excited after seeing the plants popping up in this thread.


the chem fuego seem to stretch so it’s probably worth a try. looking at your plants i would do it.


Let’s see a smoke report on it :grin::+1:!!!



Update for 12/26. I came home and at some point during the 4 days the heat stopped clicking on (pilot wouldn’t light most likely, we got snow over the weekend where I live) and the apartment was 45° when we returned. I put them all under the lights as quick as possible as some still were wet from the watering Thursday which means the root zone was cold and wasn’t uptaking water properly. After that I inspected the BBD and found 4 more males (1 I cut down without double checking so I’m not 100% if it was 5 or 6 males) . We are now 6/10 males for BBD and I’m just hoping for at least 3 females for some selection potential and to log a variety of phenotypes. All the males I cut down were incredibly uniform and bushyish. Not a lot of side branching but the few main branches were all even on all males. One was so frosty and good smelling it was a shame to cut it down but that’s how it goes in my garden :joy::sob:. The remaining plants have been transferred from the TS-600 to the TS-1000 dimmed to 75% and look quite happy. They will be watered today and left alone for now.


Damn none of my males had much frost factor to them… I’d have kept that stud!

All four males I had were pretty solid though I’ll say that. Very tall even growth. Lots of vigor! Hollow as hell stems! All the plants have had excellent root development and man did they drop a ton of pollen. I’m gonna spend an entire day cleaning out that tent for my next run! lol


Ya this little guy had super frosty stems and a smell I couldn’t believe. Just a dank skunkyish funk. I kept smelling it over and over wishing it was a female lmao. He’s the one to look for if your looking for a stud in the F1’s.


A little over a month since sprouting. Actually thought I only had four left and this morning found one hanging out with some other stuff I have going.

The rack with only 5 plants are the testers. They are feeding on Silica, Epsom, and 5ml per gal MaxiBloom. Next update will be after first trim and up pot.
There is a small runt one that’s turning up the growth, glad I didn’t axe it.
This is my temporary set up at my other crib. First grow here!


Found a male, and the other two have me suspicious, but i’m hopeful


For those who have interacted with me, please feel free to leave positive or negative feedback on my feedback page. If you leave negative feedback please let me know what i could do better. :+1:



@anonymous4289 are you on the OG discord ever?

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no, never.

Damn too bad I just posted a few high res photo’s of the “pretty pheno” let me see if I can link the shots from there to here.