Testers: Blueberry Diesel




very nice, i’m loving the color. are the buds dense? how many weeks in?

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Added a 2nd one didn’t know I could link discord shots over here on the forum. Yeah she’s pretty hefty honestly. The others have a lot less appeal than this one. But the Lemon pheno still has the best smell in the tent but the colas are no where near as pretty or as deep purple as well as the others. I Think I may try to find a match in their progeny down the road do a hunt from each line see what I can come up with. This girl was so pretty though I had to get a little photo shoot on.

Day 57


Very pretty plants…with more N during bloom, I bet the green leaves would really make them “POP”!!


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Very nice @Rhai!

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I’m flushing right now. They’re on the fade.

thanks! yeah this one is very nice in the looks department.

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The runt is a female!


Update!! The only female I got. She’s looking good tho.


Great photos @Rhai88, can you talk about your camera set-up? And of course, as always, amazing plants @anonymous4289


Honestly I can pull very good photos from my S21+ in pro mode. Its really all about your lighting and a tripod… ISO 100 that doesn’t really move (but don’t be afraid to play with it). WB and shutter speed varies depending on the lights you’re shooting under. Those pics above were shot on an oldschool Nikon D3200 with a 50mm lens. Just shoot and shoot some more man and most importantly have fun with it!! I took a lesson from @RomulanGenetics Jake has some of the best shots in the game! Check out his IG for some inspiration.


Actually taking a bunch of photos right now… I think the Mrs. is officially taking over the end of chopping. I’m just documenting at this point lol We are currently finishing the chop!

So the smells have been defined well at this point because we got smells all over our gloves and have been able to get good smells.

largest and best appeal: Grapefruit without a doubt. This girl is thick and purple. Could beat some ass with these dense colas

Middle sized plant: Pure lemon🍋 and its retained its potency. This plant did zero fade like the others which is different for me never had a plant refuse to fade like this. some straight green bud coming from this girl.

Smaller back left: fruit loops in milk very strange but awesome I dig this one. Very sweet and Mrs. 88’s favorite so far.

Smaller back right: Smells like straight burnt rubber. It’s been the funky one since the begging. Small nugs but this is for those people who love strong stanky terps for damn sure.

Both smaller plants are pretty small on yield from what I’m seeing they just didn’t seem to keep up with the other two. we will see what’s up once we trim in the next couple weeks.

If I’m feeling froggy ill upload some pics later tonight or possibly next year :laughing: (tomorrow).

Seeds are all looking extremely good as well so I’m very happy about that. All and all its been a pretty good run.

Any way Happy New Year @anonymous4289 and big shout out to all the BBD testers!


loving the update. thanks man.


Kind of hard following that update… thanks a lot @Rhai88, making me look all unprofessional… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They are hardy plants for sure and you will be happy to know the two that are left are all girls. They are growing steady and have nice thick stocks. One is clearly bigger than the other so i have named her big blue, the smaller is smurfet. Shortly i will be defoliating just a tad here and there to make sure i have adequate airflow.

Now here are some pictures from my shitty iphone :face_vomiting:

Big Blue



looking good. nice strong stems

I’ve found this to be my favourite pheno out of the plants I grew. Rock hard buds when dry and the potency is off the charts. Vaped a couple of grams with my tinymight through a waterpipe last night. Hit like a train and I’ve got a seriously cloudy head this morning.
The tinymight is a cloud beast anyway but cooling it through the water massively enhances the taste and no coughing at all. :v:


What else did you end up with terpene wise with your other plants? Lemon is sounding prevalent so far. I’ll be curious to see if it comes through for others as they get into flower. My lemon plant stayed super green through fade how did yours look?


I don’t flush so very rarely see fade happening. Rely more on the trichomes than expected grow times but these started to show fade on their own after the 6 week point.
One of the plants has a lavender soapy smell to it and is quite fluffy compared to the lemon pheno.
Out of all 3 of my plants I’ve not noticed any blueberry smells coming through. Definitely had the diesel fuel smell in veg though.
Both my tastebuds and sense of smell aren’t what they used to be after years of abuse so any descriptions should be taken with a pinch of salt.
I often get told I smell of green by my workmates but as I’m around it 24/7 I’m basically “Nose Blind” :roll_eyes:


Yeah I usually do to but for testing/new tester round I decided to pull at day 59. I also started to get fade on the early side. I noticed it more around the start to week 7 but they’re sounding like early finishers.

Likewise to not having any blueberry smells coming through. Definitely a wide variety but nothing really blueberry. I also had fuel early on through veg though that did fade going into flower.

I think happens with most of us that grow lol I went into work the other day and a co-worker said I smelt wonderful haha she’s a big cannabis lover. I didn’t think i smelt like anything but my clean clothes. Likewise if someone comes over… I’ve had more than a few buddies “holy shit it smells like weed in here”. I think we just get used to it. :laughing:

You got me excited to sample them buds now man! Any way it was fun growing along with each other!


It certainly was. :v:
Im sure it won’t be the last time we grow the same plants at similar times to eachother. :+1: