Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Don’t know if anyone saw this but I thought it was pretty cool. This thread top fived in a couple categories.


cool. i think this thread will continue to perform well.


This pheno is the most delicious candy lemon. 100% Lemon Strawburst w/fuel on the backend. It has me excited. She is slower than her sister.

This one is more floral, maybe lavender, maybe im just high. The other flower stole my attention and I didn’t see much after her.

The 3rd is them both side by side if I chose the correct pic. Blueberry Diesel flipped 12/12 on 11/01 i believe. All had generic plant smell in veg, was not at all expecting the crazy intense candy lemon. It is the most distinct at this time.

This is my Solo-cup Blueberry Diesel plant that is living from the top of a beast of a plant I found in a pack of loudog420s beans-4-st.judes offerings.


I found it to be more of a lemon pledge smell. My lemon smelling pheno was my favourite. The Buds get really compact and tight as they get loaded with tricomes.

No your not just high. I had this pheno also. I thought it smelled like a lavander soap type of smell.
Your plants look amazing. I just wished I’d grown mine bigger but being reg seeds you have to expect a male plant at some point and here in the UK the power bills are stupid high so every plant has to count.
Way to grow brother :+1::v:


Whatever the specifics… lemon is really coming out in this cross and though the lemon wasn’t the looker of my group she certainly was the best smelling.


Vaped through my waterpipe using my tinymight it’s like sucking on lemonheads sweets/candy.
I’ve only just discovered I can use my vape with a waterpipe though so my mind keeps directing towards either the pineapple C99 pheno and @ReikoX LRUV. Got one of @firehead LRUVxMango smile auto flowering now.
I’ve smoked for around 30 years now and only now am Im starting to appreciate the taste more than the high.


All 3 of BBD were looking better but one is fantastic… however it turns out its a male so I composted it :frowning: never gets easier. But now I have more room and can focus my BBD care to just two females. It was tempting to follow through with the male and collect pollen but decided to scrap the idea as I just collected my first pollen recently.



Still doing battle with thrips. They have been hit with bti, some sticky traps, pyrethrin fogger. Really thought the fogger would get them all but still some survivors.

Going forward I am topdressing with diatomaceous earth food grade AFTER soaking them and the top of the soil down in deadbug ( spinosad). Lastly only going to bottom feed them with bti in the water and nutes to try to finish them off.

Up potted and topped them I’ll give them a few more days under the veg lights, then I’ll move them over to the big LEDs.


BIG THANKS TO THE MAN @anonymous4289

  1. Why do you want these seeds?
    I like growing and am excited about everything that has to do with it !
    Oh and I get to grow the same stuff with you all!
  2. When can you start them? (be honest)
    Going to dunk them now
  3. Where are you from, US or Canada or elsewhere?
    Dirty 3rd Coast usa

*Batch 1-ISH ?

30ish something US tester @DukeHale

(pic made by @Rhai88 )

01/05/2023 - 8PM CST - Dunked 3 seeds


those questions are more for people who are looking to get seeds not those that already have them, but that’s no problem. we’re glad to have you joining us. ignore the batch thing that’s just for my records.


sorry im still new and figuring out the boards. as long as im not making a mess of stuff haha



She’s looking real nice. Now don’t you go getting attached to her Clark!

Here’s a little flower pic. Ending week 3.


Hell yeah looking dude! you give the old lowers a rub at all? looks like she smells pretty.


Not yet man. I will come the end of the weekend. My nose is still fucked up. Also I forget. I’m pretty stoned most of the time. Unless there’s a post it hanging around I forget to breath most days. :sunglasses:


HA! Good one.

1 Like

So these girls are thick, I can digg it


nice bushes you have there. how many blueberry diesel are in there?


2 is all. :call_me_hand:


I know there isn’t any room left but I had to give the test questions a go!

Maybe I can be on the roster for next year!!

  1. They sound amazing and like a great addition to my genetic library that is slowly rebuilding into something special. Not to mention I want to cross my purple fuzz (locomotion (blue steel pheno)x purple fuzz)bx seeds to it and experiment with that… (locomotion (blue steel) is blue diesel x timewreck and purple fuzz is locomotion x qrazy train (timewreck or bloodwreck x querkle)

…Plus I don’t have any form of diesel so that’s another reason iid like to get my hands on some

  1. I can start them in February, possibly sooner! And would be excited as hell to show progress to errybody! <3

  2. Northern California born in Sacramento, raised in Redding, moved to Humboldt County and then was gone ten years… Came back and spent EDD unemployment on property here in the woods in Berry Creek, Butte county… Close to Chico State and right next to lake Oroville!

36 years old. Someday I feel like I’m 19 most like I’m 90… But I’d rather be this age than the one before it!

Love y’all! :peace_symbol:


Update Day: 3
Start Date: 1/5/2023
Seeds : 3
Day 1: dropped in cup Dasani Water 5:pm
Day 2: (2) seeds visibly popped in water cup within 8-10 hrs. (1) seed remained closed.
Placed in root plugs with conditioned wtr inside a gemmation dome with T5 bulbs - 24hr light.
watered rooting plugs with pH water to 6.0, used 1/4 strength Jacks 321 - Clone, Mycorrhizal by DYNOMYCO.
Day 3: Δ